Top-Level Collection - why does the Title appear to be duplicated in Primo?
- Product: Alma
The MARC record for a collection only has a 245a field, but when it is published to Primo a 245b is seen and it appears to be a duplicate of the 245a. Can this 245b be removed?
The 245b cannot be removed from the publishing process.
When a user creates a collection, they populate the collection name and collection title.
The collection title is saved in the corresponding bib record of the collection, in field 245, sub-field a.
The collection name is saved on the collection level.
When publishing to Primo, the collection name is added in the published Marc record, in the 245, sub-field b.
So if the user puts the same values in collection name and title - then sub field a and b will be the same.
However, it is possible to exclude 245b from the Primo record by the means of Normalization Rules on the Primo side.
If the field should only be excluded from Top-Level Collection records specify a condition that uses a unique identifier for this type of record.
Make sure that this rule is first on the list for Display/Title and uses OR Action to prevent these records from going through the rest of the rules for this field.
- Article last edited: 20-Jul-2018