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    Overview of User Management in Alma

    Users are an integral part of management in Alma. Anyone accessing Alma (or Leganto) requires a user account. Alma users include librarians, instructors, and patrons.
    Alma users can be internal, which means completely defined in Alma, or external, which means controlled primarily on another system, such as a Student Information System. Users have a unique ID. In a collaborative network, such as a fulfillment network, user IDs may be unique across all institutions or only within each institution.
    Alma presents different pages and options to different users based on their user roles.
    Users may be public, staff, or contact users. The management and structure of these users is the same, but the roles assigned to them may be different. Contact users are users for which only contact information and notes are managed. These users do not contain access or role information.
    The following diagram depicts the Alma user data model:
    Alma User Data Model
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