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Product DocumentationNo image available Access the latest documentation for Ex Libris products Best Practices and How-TosNo image available Access a library of valuable how-tos, workflow best practices, and learn how to get the most out of Alma Release NotesNo image available Stay informed about the features and capabilities included in each product release TrainingNo image available Learn new skills and get certified with our tutorials, recorded training and other materials LibGuideNo image available An index of our most popular training materials, organized by functionality area, all on the familiar LibGuide platform. Community KnowledgeNo image available Learn from other customers’ experience, access customer contributed articles and share your own expertise Activate field COUNTER Platform in electronic collection and portfolio editior Adding statement of responsibility to Title in Primo VE Analytics Evidence AGSA10.1 - Display Defaults - Results vs Criteria Tab Analytics Evidence AGSA10 - Display Defaults - Suppressed vs Repeat Columns Analytics Evidence AGSA11 (Alma) - Date Dimensions are inconsistent - (Resolved) Analytics Evidence AGSA13 - LC Call Numbers with prefixes are not being mapped correctly in Analytics Analytics Evidence AGSA14 - PO Line Notes must be mapped to Analytics anywhere PO Line mapped Analytics Evidence AGSA15 - Set data not consistent with analytic data Analytics Evidence AGSA16 - Dimensions often freeze instead of opening Analytics Evidence AGSA7 - Random Analytics Timeouts Analytics Evidence AGSA8 - Cannot be in Alma Dashboard and Design Analytics simultaneously Analytics Evidence AGSA9 - Display Name vs. Display ID Alma Analytics Evidence Contributors and Subject Areas Alma Digital : import errors and how to find them Alma link resolver: set it and forget it Alma link resolver setup Alma Resource Sharing Lending Workflow Alma Work Orders Defined Analytics- Creating a date filter or prompt that includes null values and filters the column. Analytics- How to create a button that redirects a presentation variable prompt search to Primo Analytics - Combine 2 or More Fields Analytics Evidence AGSA1 - SQL Access to Data (Closed) Analytics Evidence AGSA 12 - Ex Libris-Generated Templates and Analytics Evidence AGSA12 - Ex Libris-Generated Templates and-or Dashboards for Standardized Reports Analytics Evidence AGSA2 - Analytics star schema does not allow subject areas to be combined Analytics Evidence AGSA3 008 field (Planned resolution Q4 2020) Analytics Evidence AGSA3 - Entire MARC record including all holdings tags and subfields must be mapped to and reportable Analytics Evidence AGSA4 - Users are unable to upload files into Analytics to build their reports (Resolved) Analytics Evidence AGSA5 - Data Dictionary and Data Model Needed Analytics Evidence AGSA6 - Field naming consistency needed Analytics Evidence BESA1 - Institution Anonymization in Network or Community Zone Automatically Printing Alma Loan Receipt Letters to a Thermal Receipt Printer Automating the addition of subjects for use as Database categories Avoiding lost holdings data when moving items to a new permanent location A Few Helpful Alma Analytics Queries Analytics Evidence BRSA1 - Missing Field Detail in Borrowing Requests SA Analytics Evidence BRSA2 - Location and Physical Item Details Missing from Borrowing Requests SA Analytics Evidence BRSA3 - Missing Date Components in Borrowing Requests SA Cheat Sheet - Ask the Expert Advanced Analytics Sessions Clickable Link in the Public Note of a Holding record Analytics Evidence CN4 - IZ-Only Consortia are Unable to Report on All Institutions Analytics Evidence CN5 - No NZ-Level File Sharing Area in Alma Analytics for Consortia Analytics Evidence CN6 - IZ Institutions Need to Run NZ Reports Without NZ Login Analytics Evidence CN7 - Consortial Overlap Analysis Needed for All Types of Inventory Analytics Evidence CN8 - Consortial Collection Analysis Analytics Evidence CN9 - Copy Quantity Reporting Analytics Evidence CN10 - Last Copy Reporting Analytics Evidence CN1 - Complete Separation of IZ and NZ, But Some E-Resources in IZ and Some in NZ CN 2 - NZ Resource Sharing Reports Missing Process Status Date Analytics Evidence CN3 - Analysis of Data Across Campuses Often Fails Concatenate Date and Time Fields in ISO 8601 Format Converting metadata from Equella to Alma-Digital (a DC to MARC crosswalk) Analytics Evidence (Cross-Product) - Analytics Date Handling Analytics Evidence CRSA1 - Item and citation information is not available in the Course Reserves subject area Analytics Evidence CRSA2 - Usage Counts for electronic course reserve items missing from Course Reserves Analytics Evidence CRSA3 - Instructor and owner information missing from Course Reserves SA Analytics Evidence CUSA1 - Canned Reports for Cost per Use Package do not reflect correct information Analytics Evidence CUSA2 - Report Data From Non-Canned Reports Not Correct Analytics Evidence CUSA3 - Platform Information Missing from Cost Usage - (Resolved) Drools Normalization - Copy exact positions of a controlfield to a datafield Analytics Evidence EISA1 - Fund Information missing from e-inventory subject area at both portfolio and collection levels Expert Optimization Service for Alma at the Colorado School of Mines Analytics Evidence FESA1 - Only Active, Cancelled, and Closed PO Line status values mapped to Funds Expenditure Analytics Evidence FESA2 - Different Material Type Fields in Different Types of Records Analytics Evidence FESA3 - Report on PO Line Pct in Foreign Currency Incorrect Analytics Evidence FESA4 - PO Line Notes Missing from PO Line Dimension in Funds Expenditure Subject Area Analytics Evidence FESA5 - No Comprehensive List of Active Continuous POLs Without Associated Payments Analytics Evidence FFSA1 - Credits not being mapped to Fines and Fees Subject Area Analytics Evidence FUSA1 - Borrowing Details contain Statistical Category names but not Statistical Categories Generic Parser Example for Title Search using Alma Link Resolver Generic XML Normalization Rules and XPath Tips Generic XML Tips : Attribute Text as Condition Generic XML Tips : Concatenate to Build Source Field from Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages Generic XML Tips : Contains Used in a Condition Generic XML Tips : Copy All to Construct 3 Creators (AND in Exists Condition) Generic XML Tips : Element without Attribute + Local Discovery Field Generic XML Tips : Lower-Case Generic XML Tips : Starts-With Checks for Text at Beginning of Field Generic XML Tips : Substring to Extract Month from Date Field Getting UTF-8 records from Alma into OCLC Connexion via z39.50 How did you handle "Technical Migration" items? How to add requested chapter/article details to the Ful Digitization Notification Item Letter How to calculate in Analytics the % remaining of a fund considering both expenditures and encumbrances How to create a POL from Search External Resources How to find records with both physical and electronic inventory How to Load Patrons from Alma Sandbox to Alma Production in the Event of a Data Loss How to Modify the MailReason.xsl to Display Different Greetings for Different User Groups How to use a MARC Enrichment Service with Alma How to use local control number as unique identifier How to waive a Credit How to setup complex data enrichments via import profiles with Drools Introduction and Intermediate Alma Analytics Training Materials Analytics Evidence LRSA1 - Temporary Location Dimension Missing from Lending Requests SA Analytics Evidence LRSA2 - Critical Date Components Missing from Lending Requests Subject Area Analytics Evidence LRSA3 - Missing Field Detail in Lending Requests SA Migrating Content from a Digital Commons Repository to Alma Digital Moving to Alma-PrimoVE: Hindsight is 20-20 - Recordings from 2019 SUNYLA Midwinter Virtual Conference OBI 11 to OAS Migration Best Practices PG3 - Join Primo with Alma Analytics Evidence PISA1 - Intellectual Entity (IE) Number Missing from Physical Items SA Analytics Evidence PISA2 - Distinguishing Withdrawn Items and Withdrawn Reason in Analytics (Resolved) Analytics Evidence PISA3 - Mapping of Created On, Created By, Modified On, Modified By Undocumented Analytics Evidence PISA4 - No Bibliographic or Holdings Data If No Item Record Exists Analytics Evidence PISA5 - Make Entire MARC Record Available in Analytics Analytics Evidence PISA6 - Vendor Contact and Contact People Missing for P, E, and Funds Expenditure SAs Analytics Evidence PISA7 - Creator is Ex Libris When Importing Records, Not User Importing Analytics Evidence PISA8 - Number of Same Title Copies Held Not Available in Missing Items Report Print loans receipts directly via browser extension Publish Dublin Core records for digital inventory for Trove (National Library of Australia) using the OAI-PMH daily update Publish MARC records for digital inventory for the Australian National Bibliographic Database and Trove using the OAI-PMH daily update Python script to change missing UNIV items to the UNIV XM location, as determined by an Alma Analytics report Python script to delete expired patrons from Alma, as determined by an Alma Analytics report Python script to scan in items enroute to a department, as determined by an Alma Analytics report Analytics Evidence RQSA1 - Expired Patron Physical Item Requests Not Mapped Correctly Analytics Evidence RQSA2 - Request Details Dimension has Cancellation Note and Reason But Not Who Canceled Splitting a field into distinct subfields using a normalization rule, identifying instances of that field with indication rule Tips and Tricks in migrating to Alma-D More Tips for Contributing to the Community Knowledge Center Troubleshooting Tips to help get Alma Case Solved Quicker Analytics Evidence UDSA1 - Normalized Title in Usage Data SA Title Identifier Dimension Normalized Inconsistently Understanding normalized call numbers in Analytics Analytics Evidence USA1 - Deleted Historical User Notes or Blocks Disappear Using Alma Work Order to Manage Search and ReAcquisition of Missing or Claimed Returned Items סדנאות API Workshops (Advanced and Beginner) Content CornerNo image available Alma Community Zone Knowledge ArticlesNo image available Answers as provided by our product analysts, to commonly raised questions. "Change physical items" job changed too many records How to change set content type "Could not send message" in resource sharing lending request "Error 0021 Not defined in file xml open serial items" when opening predicted items "Error generating document" shows on an Analytics Scheduled Report (Excel) "Expand from template" - field is not replaced "Failed to register a new system job instance" error when attempting to run Job in Alma "Field Email Address must have a valid form" when updating a user "Field Phone Number must be Numeric" error when updating user "From Address" in "Send Query to Patron" in Resource Sharing Borrowing Request "Fund Allocation Transfer" and Fiscal Period Rollover - are there any known limits? "Get it" tab in Primo does not contain the current year "Identifier of type ... and value ... is already taken Across Institution in this feed" during SIS feed How to resolve an 'Invoice contains vendor account which differs from one or more linked PO-Lines' Alert for an Invoice Created through EDI' in Alma "Issue" material type isn't added automatically to the items during Recieve, how to fix "Item cannot be loaned from this circulation desk" - how to fix it? "Letter Send Format" functionality when configuring Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles "Mandatory field is missing" in SIS version 2 (more technical answer) "Mandatory field is missing" in SIS version 2 (less techy answer) "Merge Method should be defined" error for External Resources import/merge "More Info" to view Publishing Information - which Role does it require? "No content in prolog" error appears for SIS when file was zipped on a Mac "No overexpenditure is allowed" message when changing overexpenditure rule "No results were found" in Ebsco when Full-Text is Available "Num of Items" ("Physical Item" subject area) on analytics - which items are counted "OAI Repository is not active for this Institution" error when Publishing, e.g. to RapidILL via OAI-PMH "Plan B" for API request on Developer's Network "Replaces" / "Replaced by" relationship between records "Request a different issue" - how to change the label of this type of request? "Resend Printouts/Emails" job does not send any letter "Send" for Borrowing Request gives: "Could not send message: Failed to process message" "Skip location" button appearing although there is no other location "Skip location" button in the pick from shelf list is not appearing although there are other locations "Supplier agent was not found" EDI Alert duplicated in the Job Report "Synchronize changes" job fails every Saturday Why does the "The Invoice Total Amount entered is different than the calculated Total Net Invoiced" notification persist? "The loan due date cannot be changed" - how to override? "The subscription is not active" message when opening a new prediction pattern "Toggle Missing Status" button is not displayed in the Actions button "Update Inventory" skips portfolios - why? "User is not external" error in User Loader (SIS) - how to resolve it? "XML loaded is missing letter type Tag" when testing via "Notification Template" >Fulfillment >Physical Fulfillment >Overdue and lost loan profile does not allow a Status Update [Alma] - Publishing information not working (Sandbox) [Alma - Resource Sharing] - Search doesn't work in Notes-field 'EDI - Load File' job for invoice creation unexpectedly delivers error message under 'Alerts' tab: "Input file does not exist" 'From' address in resource sharing letters 'Generate' button functionality in the Physical Item Editor 'Manual Locate' Job 'Related Subject Terms' display in Primo new UI anniversary video 'Unable to update mapping table. A required parameter was not supplied: ill item creation lib code.' when editing Other Settings table in Fulfillment Configuration 12/31/1969" is due back date for items temporarily placed for Course Reserves - why? what does this date signify? 2 day delay in items publishing from Alma to Primo 852 subfield a - how to ensure it is populated? 856 Links in Alma BIB don't display in Primo Access denied for user in Analytics Access model has no mapping and is not displayed on portfolio Access Rights: viewing digital objects from Primo – who is allowed and who is restricted. Acquisitions: Item was received but PO line is still in status Sent or In Review Activating an Electronic Portfolio in Alma - Checklist Activating the "Recalculate PO line encumbrances based on current exchange rates" job Activation Wizard: 'Activate this package service' vs 'Make service available' Active portfolios are not published to Primo - how to resolve Adding and filtering ISBN in a report for Analytics Adding an Analytics Widget (e.g. Report) to the Home Page Adding a FAST heading through the "Authority Record Copy Cataloging" Adding a library logo to letters and notices in Alma Adding a Local Portfolio triggers error: “Failed to create New Portfolio” Adding a Persistent Title to an Analytics Report Adding a physical item to an existing journal title using Quick Cataloging results in error Adding a PO Line from a Community Zone Record Adding a Process Type in the Alma Physical Item Editor Adding fields to a letter in Alma Adding fiscal period gives: "Unable to update mapping table. Adding or deleting rows is not permitted." Adding IP Definitions for a Library - can this harm/adversely impact anything? Adding MARC21 Extension such as 019 Adding print journal holdings to the Primo A-Z list for Alma data Adding roles using Update/Notify Users Job Adding Totals and Subtotals to Analytics Report Tables Add an IP Address to Access Ex Libris Products Through Hosted Server Firewall Add a role to all users with a specific user group Adding a Total to Order List Letter Add bibliographic or holding fields to Alma Analytics Add Deleted Records to a Set in Alma Add Invoice Line can't find a known Fund Add local coverage to portfolios in a Collection in bulk Add or Modify an "End of Term" Event For a Fixed Due Date in Alma Add set for Items not working Add set of portfolios job has failed Add Statistical Categories via SIS Add top level collection: Internal error is returned Add Users (synchronize) using a Match ID different than the one used in SIS Advanced search "Starts with" doesn't work for 035 field Advanced Search and Boolean operator NOT Advanced Search where Electronic Collection Name is Empty returns results where Electronic Collection Name exists Alma: Barcode action on receiving continuous items is confusing Alma: Ebrary and EBL Collections Retirement Notification Alma "PO Line Owner" drop-down list - remove a library Alma - drools copyField doesn't work on multiple fields Alma Acquisitions: title search for PO line does not find the record although it is identically spelled ALMA ANALYTICS - Display Name instead of Owner ID number? Alma Analytics - Zero Loans Report Alma Analytics Agent - Scheduling causes errors Alma Analytics not opening and giving error message Alma doesn't assign lender due date from request when loaning the item to the patron Alma baseurl for PubMed Alma bX harvesting Alma Closed Orders - Can a closed order be reopened? Alma Compliance with COUNTER 5.1 Alma deleted bibs show up in Primo Alma Digital storage limits Alma displays an override message for only the first renewal item, instead of for each item Alma doesn't send Activity Reports Alma - EDI file export splits long descriptive fields Alma email inbound default - Alma error "Notification failed to be sent" when trying to resend notification Alma Fulfillment: Hold shelf period not behaving as expected Alma Homepage Customized Widgets Don't Display Properly Alma Item's Modification Date updated without item changes when linked to updated holdings record Alma Letters - some can't be edited or viewed Alma Loan blocked - Item not Loanable Alma MARC profile extension.xml won’t load with a large amount of data in one MARC field Alma menu > Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests > Send query to Patron > Where are the email addresses “From” and another, appearing in the bottom of the letter coming from? Missing in Extract error for Alma Migration File Validation Alma PO Lines without a status or BIB description can't be deleted or canceled Alma Premium Sandbox Post-Refresh Procedure: Shrinking the Rota, Checklist Alma Publishing files lack .xml extension when untarred Alma Purchase Order Lines (POLs) not displaying in the Packaging section Alma Release Notes Schedule What happens to Alma holdings when you run the Change Physical Items job Alma Resource Management: Creating custom sets from files using an identifier other than barcode Alma Resource Sharing: returning items without putting them into transit Alma Surveys Alma widgets don't display correctly Alma z39.50 character encoding - what is it? Amazon S3 Cloud Storage Service - is there a limit? Analytics, Course Reserves: Title field is blank Analytics: Does Not Contain filter returning unexpected results Analytics: filter for NULL values does not yield any results Analytics - Using the results from one report as input for another report Analytics - Bibliographic Details.Network Number is truncated Analytics - meaning of "Requested" as a value in "Process type" field of Physical Item Details dimension in the Physical Items Subject Area Analytics - Recalled Items Analytics - retrieving records based on criteria of "x days before today" Analytics - Total (sum) at Top of Table Analytics access denied to user with roles Analytics API returns error message "Path not found" Analytics error "Too many running queries. Server is too busy to process any more queries at this time" Analytics exporting text encoding Analytics Fulfillment report gives “Item Policy” as “unknown” for some item policies Analytics Fulfillment report on overdue items Analytics Journal Usage – Titles report gives error "Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records" Analytics LC Classification code shows Unknown even though a call number is present in Alma Analytics library filter not working correctly Analytics reports: sum incorrectly calculated Analytics Reports Failing to Open / Export Analytics report about loans shows sometimes an empty User Group field Analytics report based on a keyword repository search Analytics report combining Funds and number of Loans - how to create it? Analytics Report includes data that was deleted months ago Analytics report only retrieves one PO Line even though the bib record has two linked PO Lines in Alma Analytics report on Fines/Fees owed by patrons Analytics report on fines and fees Waiving comment Analytics report on Invoices and Funds - duplicates the expenditure Analytics report sorting items by LC Call Number Analytics report with null values Analytics Session Timeout Analytics shows multiple Secondary Reporting Codes for a single POL Analytics shows Physical Holdings Lifecycle = None Analytics Subjects field under Bibliographic Details cut off at 255 characters Analytics Union Report - How To report on portfolios with or without POLines Analytics Users report combining two different fields under the “Select only one of the below” section - how to? Analytics widgets with a prompt Analytics: E-inventory > Bib Details > Author field fields truncated at colon Anonymizing User Information in Network Zone Analytics Why is an Analytics Report placed in our Institution's Shared Folder is not visible, or missing? An API request can be retrieved by GET but returns an error “Request not found” upon PUT. An electronic collection activated for search only in CDI shows records as ‘Available online' in the filtered search An error has occurred while trying to load the Record list" in Metadata Editor, Save and Release An error is thrown when trying to delete an electronic collection "Can not delete this collection because it has an import profile". How can I delete it? An error occurs when we download the list from a Shelf Report An external process has changed the original record API call limitation Sandbox API permissions for Microsoft Azure (Graph) API query results in "Daily account plan limit exceeded" error Are EBSCO e-Books Included in Primo Search Results? Are encumbrances fully released when an expenditure is generated from an invoice that is created 'From PO' in Alma? Are Voucher Numbers required in order to close an invoice? Article from A-Z Database is not in Primo VE Associated PO Lines not appearing on Associated PO Lines tab on Purchase Order Line Details Auto-packaging job ignoring PO lines Automatic Delete or Suppress Brief Course Reserve Citations when a course ends Automatic Renewals and accruing fines Automatic renewal done 4 days too early Auto renewals for overnight loans Availability statement always display "May be full-text" when ALMA is a link resolver for MetaLib and EBSCO records Availability web service AVE and OWN fields missing from Primo publishing Avoid the "Edit Info" functionality in "Manage Patron Services" A canceled Lending Request won't update to Completed A letter is enabled but the notice does not send Backup copy of Alma template record -- *Don't* use this one Barcode image not displayed in letters Barcode information not transferred to Alma on RFID by Bibliotheca with new third party software staffConnect Barcode search "More Info" shows requests but "Resource Request Monitoring" finds none Bibliographic overlay of portfolio record causes parser not to link to journal level BIB records missing from Recent Entities list Bib record created from purchase request using Approve and Order is suppressed by default Bib record disappears after overlay Binary export file of MARC records is empty and gives an error on unzip "Bind Items" button does not always display in the list of items Blank item Process Status at bottom of list Blank Screen in Alma when connecting to Circulation Desk BLDSS - error "Failed to send Send Request message" BLDSS - 'Cannot send a request that was not located' error message BLDSS requests sent in "Copyright Fee Paid" (CFP) mode Block preferences: "Not Renewable - Item has Requests" is ignored Body for Invoice Service API Booking request: No items available for the request due to policy Booking Requests - how to avoid using Hold Shelf? Borrowing request gets status “Received – not for loan”, RS Loans can't be renewed with error "the Due Date of 1 out of 1 loan’s failed to be changed"; Receiving items get error: "Item cannot be loaned to patron - insufficient due date" Borrowing Request Metadata Changes (Including Title) BR3 Usage Data report: all identifiers are saved in the eISSN field Browse call numbers is not bringing up the expected results Browse shelf listing ends with wrong result Browse shelf listing results for Call Number Level = All Bursar and Invoice (Finance) output file name (structure) Bursar export of credits - is it possible? Calendar (Opening Hours) shows last day of month as closed Calendar configuration for Opening Hours not kicking in. Why? Calendar Import gives error for invalid data in a blank row Calendar Management - steps to reduce (or add) hours over the library Standard Opening Hours Call number with wildcards Call Number won't display in ILLiad Z39.50 client Can't Add Local Portfolio to Collection in Alma Can't close invoice: "Fund ... belongs to the previous fiscal period for which transactions are not allowed" can't delete a terms of use Can't Delete Empty Alma Holdings Can't delete preferred last name / preferred first name Can't edit contact info for some users Can't find PO Line from "Add Invoice Line" menu for a closed PO Line Can't log into Alma Can't return item from temporary location. Can't save a Default Fund to the PO Line information tab Can't save EDI information tab "EDI code for institution is mandatory" Can't see all portfolios in "View It" Can't select "Allow View" and "Allow Download" checkboxes for Alma-D Access Rights Creation Can't send an Overdue notification for a lost loan Cancelling a POL in status "Waiting for invoice" Cannot activate this portfolio since its electronic collection is localized more than once in institution zone Cannot Close or Remove Request Cannot customize Fines/Fees Behavior table, get 'The field VAT Percentage does not match its definition' error Cannot Disable/Enable Letters Cannot edit or add Process Type when creating an item - why? Cannot find a POL in the list when trying to associate an item/holdings to POL Overlay and Merge Fails for Records Locked in MD Editor Cannot Place Patron Requests by Scanning Barcode Cannot save changes Yes to No for “Display To Public” in Manage License Terms Cannot Update and Save 866/863 fields when there are multiple titles with the same accession number in the 852 Can Alma send the same loan receipt and return receipt to a user and to the printout queue? Can an Approved and Paid Alma invoice be edited? Can an item be received without an Invoice? Can a closed SalesForce case be re-opened? Can a Portfolio's Public Note be inherited from the Vendor's Interface record? Can a PO Line disencumbrance be re-encumbered after an invoice is deleted? Can a Rota template be arranged an ordered list? Can dropdown list of Library/Location be arranged in Alpha order? Can Ex Libris Support force close an invoice in Alma? Can I change the currency of a POL? Can I Disable the Publishing to PCI Job After Switching to CDI? Can I upload the same invoice file twice? Can lost items be recalled? Can migration from Voyager create only items and ignore all ‘issues’? Can more than one field/subfield be specified as e-provider in the migration form, P2E section? Can Network Zone Normalization Rules Be Selected In Institution Zones? Can't edit Allowed IPs when at Library level of OAI_Definition External System Integration profile Can physical items be moved in bulk without creating a transit status? Can purged users be viewed once deleted? Can same login be shared by multiple operators (e.g. circulation staff)? Can the 4th and 5th reporting codes be updated via the "Update PO Lines Information" job? Can we anonymize user information in our Alma Premium Sandbox? Can we bulk add/remove items from the e-activation task list? Can you activate the same CZ collection multiple times in the same institution zone? Can’t make 041 first indicator mandatory using local Alma MARC profile extension.xml CDI and Electronic Collections: What Does the “in CDI = Yes” Flag Mean and Why Is It Important? Certification Training for Alma - how to register? Change a PO Line Vendor Change default Acquisition Method for Purchase Order (PO) lines Change physical items job : There was a POL linked to a holding record > After the job, the POL link is broken and a new Holding that is created by the job is not linked to POL. Why? Change PO line owner with job "Update PO Lines Information - Advanced" not working Change Suppress setup in Alma - will it trigger publishing to Primo? How to change to "on hold shelf" letter Changing 'Check' to 'Cheque' in Payment Information at Circulation Desk Changing color and/or logo on ALMA doesn't work Changing status "Waiting for manual renewal" in bulk Changing the Library's Link Resolver Base URL in bX Hot Articles App Changing the process type (work order) in the item record Changing the subfield separator in the Alma Metadata Editor Changing TOUs - Is it retroactive? Character limit of Alma Primary Identifier Checking Failed Users in "Loans - Overdue and Lost Item" Job Checklist - Adding a New Loan Policy to Fulfillment Configuration Checklist for testing CDI (Central Discovery Index) in an Alma PSB (Premium Sandbox) Check should display as payment option in Circulation Desk Choosing which service will be displayed in ViewIt when using Direct Linking Chrome browser identifies connection as "Not Secure" Circle spins when trying to upload file of large MARC record set to import profile but no error is generated Claim sent to vendor for order even though item received in Alma Classification code of UNKNOWN is shown in Analytics even though there is an 852$$h Cleanup or ongoing maintenance of an Electronic Collection using Excel file Clicking Back after adding a brief citation to a reading list changes status to Being Prepared Clicking on Manage Fulfillment Options shows error message ‘Some of the existing physical inventory may not be used for fulfilling resource sharing requests due to library policies’ Closed day used as due date Combine sets: number of results in the combined set differs from the single set results Combine sets of different content types Common warnings / errors from offline circ Completing borrowing requests that were returned to partner Configuration for this: "Warning - Patron does not have resource sharing requesting privileges." Configuration menu for "Subscribers" is not available under "Acquisitions, General" Configure Alma circulation desk(s) so that personal delivery items not immediately loaned Configure Alma Item Circulation Status Label Configure FTP Server of Type MVS Configure Links from WorldCat to Alma/Primo Catalog Records Configure one-item requested titles to be "not available" for requesting Configuring Alma to Allow Multiple Requests on A Title Configuring and testing Tipasa for Alma Configuring Anonymization of fulfillment activities and Archiving historical information Configuring CCC Get It Now in Alma Configuring COUNTER Subscribers: no "Subscribers" code table available in Alma Acquisition configuration Configuring Loan Display in Patron Services Configuring loan limits to exclude Resource Sharing loans Configuring parser parameters for O'Reilly electronic collections How to Configure Quarterly Prediction Patterns Can auto recall be configured to only issue recalls for loans with holds Configuring specific Alma electronic collections to be used by Rialto or by New Order APIs for OASIS or GOBI Connexion export to Alma is slow Consortia cataloging privileges configuration not distributing to all members Contact Info in SIS profile Continuous POLs reappear in Claim tasklist - how to remove? Continuous POL is in status "Sent" instead of "Waiting for Renewal". How to move it along? Continuous PO Lines: release encumbances Control when ILLiad request appears in Primo's GetIt tab - guest users, item availability Convert a list of values into a filter in Alma Analytics Country display in letters Courses with no reading list Course Reserves / Reading List check-list for Alma-Primo Course reserve item call number missing Courtesy Notice and Auto Renewal Create a set to close lost loans Create list of user logins to distribute for the Alma Premium Sandbox Create new fiscal year - without rolling funds over Create physical item work orders, checkbox "Do not pick from shelf" Create set from Analytics - Users Create Summary field 866/867/868 Creating a Users set in Alma based on Analytics or the Advanced Search Create Work Order linked to the Circulation Desk Creating a new acquisitions department Creating a report in Alma Analytics with mathematical computation Creating duplicates when importing records Creating Invoice Approval Rules Creating POL with ZERO amount for price and no Fund - how to? Criteria for packaging PO Lines into one PO Customers can open new cases to report Alma CZ and SFX KB issues using new categories starting from December 2019! Customer ability to close Salesforce Cases Customized Letter Content is not included in "Update/Notify Users" Job Emails Customize Letters - Courtesy and Due Date Letter - Change XSL to reflect date and time Customize the 'item-in-place' Status Wording Customizing Letters - Example Reset Password Letter SIS and Date format with "Z" in User XSD Date of 2013 added to 008 field of incomplete records Date range for Alma Reminders cannot be customized Dawson customers switching to ProQuest Ebook Central (EBC) platfom - FAQ Deactivate portfolios and activate new ones based on spreadsheet loader provided by the vendor Debugging publishing from Alma to Primo for a specific record Default Item Location when creating PO Line manually Default item policy in Resource Sharing receiving item Default owner when creating an invoice Defective barcode image printed on request and transit slips Delay experienced when exporting bib records from OCLC Connexion to Alma Deleted items in Analytics reports Deleted item stuck in user account and prevents loaning items to patron, error: "General Error" DELETE BIB privilege Delete invoices in status Ready to be paid Delete loan option not available Delete Location which has items in temporary location Delete PO line template Deleting an electronic collection leaves a descriptive bibliographic record Deletion of patron physical item request when the item is updated Deprecating the 'Online User Update' integration profile in favor of Webhooks Determining Item Availability on a Reading List Difference between "User Group" and "Patron Group" Difference between Original Record and Marc Record tabs in Merge Preview (Resolving import issues) Different number of items in items and HOL list Different process type drop-down lists in the Scan In Items screen and the Physical Item Editor different types in the lost loan notification letter Digitizations requests that are 'stuck' and can't be deleted Direct link to A-Z list (Primo-Alma integration) Disable claim letters sent to vendors Disable renewals on requested item which is on loan (recalled) Disappearing MARC 003 Field Disencumbrance Fund Transactions do not have Reporting Code Display Logic Rules - select a range of platform specific packages in the ‘with value’ section Distributing Fulfillment Information from the Network Zone Does "Purge User Records" delete users with an empty purge date? Does Alma adjust for Daylight Savings changes? Does Alma Analytics store information about courses that are deleted in Alma? Does ALMA automatically create a PO for this POL once we have selected "Save & Continue" ? Does Alma have a "wildcard" that can be used in the display logic rules? Does authority control work for Community Zone records? Does everything in the “waiting for payment” list have to be cleared/closed before fiscal close is done? Does the "PDA-Alert PDA Threshold" job need to be activated to generate alert emails? Does the bursar export include expired patrons/users fines and fees? Does the POLine Receive or Activation Status impact inclusion in Rollover? Does the RSS Discovery URL need to be redefined for each additional RSS profile? Download Unimported Records and Reload or Rerun Do MD Editor and PO line templates in test PROD Alma environment remain after cutover? Do not show resource sharing link for records in discovery Do overencumbrance rules apply to new order imports? Draft Alma Records Due Back Date Results in Recall Due dates have to be entered for each item in reading list Due dates of resource sharing loans always moved by one day Due Date and Time Display in Primo VE GetIt Due date for borrowing resource sharing requests Due date in the past Why does the actual loan period of an item not match the "Due Date" policy that is set in the Terms of Use? due date should be unchanged even if it is a closing date Due time should not default to library's closing time Duplicate fulfillment units will not copy all fulfillment unit rules Duplicate item - inventory number missing E-materials appearing once in Alma (IZ), but twice in Primo; FRBR groups E-resource has Physical Version at Electronic Location after P2E process but needs to be removed EBL/ebrary migration to Ebook Central Ebsco Collections without the Ebsco API ECT code in Alma XML to Primo - what does it mean? Editing a portfolio and changing availability does not update Activation Date in the portfolio record Editing Opening Hours in Alma Calendar Management gives error: "Valid from cannot be in the past" Edit function for holding records missing when there is only one holding record EDI Invoice: Retrieve VAT amount from MOA+124 of the invoice level EDI Invoice in Alma: How to add Invoice-level (Header) additional charges amounts from MOA+8 (Overhead, Shipping costs) EDI Invoices: Why the Fund isn't being inherited from the PO Line? EDI invoices for content from ProQuest platform EDI Invoice fails to match Invoice Line with PO Line EDI Invoice Import fails with error java.lang.NullPointerException EDI ordering in Alma for different accounts at Baker and Taylor Enriched EDI Order Responses (ORDRSP) fail with: Rejection reason does not exist EDI Order Responses - how to load? EDI POL Sample File - how to create it? Effect of Changing Alma Acquisitions Reporting Codes ejournal statistics - report on active unique titles Electronic Collection's Public Note search produces incorrect results Electronic collections without a portfolio not found in Advanced Search by Creation Date Electronic collection is deactivated but cannot be activated Electronic Collection Lifecycle = None Electronic holding coverage results in No Full Text, why aren't physical holdings being considered? Electronic portfolio issues: Edit/Save and Remove Selected Emails from Alma such as letters, printouts are not received, checklist Email "From:" is not addressFrom Field in "Borrower Receive Email Letter" Email Notifications Stopped Printing (specifically: Hold Request Related Letters) Enable Citation Linker on the Primo Main Menu Enable Pop-up (block) for patron overdue limits during loan Enable request on multiple items of same bibliographic record Enabling Aggregate Lost/Overdue Notifications Enabling authentication in new premium sandboxes Enhancement Process - Common Q&A EOD: what user data should be used for mapping to POL Interested User? EOD import - inconsistent handling of duplicate records in import file EOD for multiple items. When two 949 fields in input file with item information and the same Fund in each field, items were created correctly, but the Fund appears twice in the POL, as if there are two funds. Error: "More than one request found for entered item, please enter request ID" during Scan In, how to proceed? Error "Failed to create work order to Acquisition Department" when adding a brief resource in Alma Error "Failed to send email to vendor" Cannot delete Alma user because they are assigned to an invoice Error "User is linked to a Mms Record" Error: "Unable to update mapping table. A required parameter was not supplied: ill_item_creation_lib_code" for Fulfillment Configuration Other Settings Error in the rollover “PO line is linked to more than one transaction” Error in To and From Date\Hour message in Calendar Management Error in To and From Date\Hour message in Calendar Management Error messages when scanning in an item to fulfill a resource sharing lending request Error message "Could not create request, default item location is not defined for the resource sharing library" when trying to process ILL Requests error message "Failed to find active Lending request by Barcode/Request Id" Error message 'A subfield separator character may not be used' Error message when trying to generate predicted items Error occurred while manually uploading COUNTER 5 reports in Alma Error occurred while retrieving the folder list from Analytics Error on Sandbox: "It is not possible to use this server, server name is not in FtpIncludeList mapping table" Error opening record Error sending message to user: "The email channel is disabled. Please contact your system administrator." Error trying to add portfolios from set to Local Electronic Collection Error trying to set up dashboard widget. On December 2022 the Analytics Events subject area will be deprecated and removed Exclude Acquisitions process status from publishing to OCLC (control when to publish to OCLC) Exclude Alma Items from Being Published to Primo Exclude or include deleted items in Analytics reports Exclude Prediction Pattern Items from display in Primo Alma support for ten digit OCLC number expansion? Expected Content of Community Zone Updates Task List tabs: "Review" and "All" Expected Receipt Date of a POL is in the past - how to fix it? Expiration Alert Period Explicit ratio not working as expected Exporting Reports as CSV changes the end of MMS ID to 0 if longer than 15 characters Export to ERP job failed (or not ran) - would the invoices be exported with the next its run? Export to OCLC job How to export users from Alma External resources Z39.50 error External Resource addition to the Alma Metadata Editor (MDE) Extra Invoice Line in Fund Transactions Ex Libris Identity Service password length Ex Libris Identity Service password reset forgot password if user does not have email or has generic email saved in Alma Ex Libris Identity Service password strength Ex Libris Offices' IP Addresses Ex Libris User Accounts F3 in field 650 7 not working when subfield 2 is missing Failed to connect to FTP server FTP1.EBSCO.COM ... : Name or service not known. ... " Feature "Can't edit restricted users" does not work Fields not suppressed in letters Fields that are not in Controlled Vocabulary produce terms in drop-down when cataloging in MD Editor Field 852 filled automatically when adding a HOL record Field Information URL is not working File name isn't changed after Import (no timestamp added) - why? How to avoid duplicates? Finding Vendor Accounts to Add to a PO Line in Alma Find an Excel Spreadsheet to update Portfolios in a Collection Find out how a POL was created Fine and Fee Behavior when a Bursar system is integrated into Alma First day of the week in Analytics Fiscal Period Closure Resources and FAQs in Alma Fiscal Period Rollover - one Library's POLines just won't rollover Fiscal Period Rollover - will Standing Order, Waiting for Invoice, be part of its population? Force choice of "Currently at" a desk or department - how to? format of xml files for patron upload FTP error "Failed to upload file" in Integration Profile job report FTP to Ex Libris Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration > Maximum Fine policy type > Value Type: None, Other. What is the difference? At what instance each type should be selected? Fulfillment activity attributed to wrong person in fulfillment network Fulfillment Unit Rules: changing rules order changes the update date FulItemChangeDueDateLetter Email version not found in Letter Emails Full-text links from NZ portfolios don't display in Primo View It Full Inventory Indexing" Job not progressing (stuck) - is this delaying other jobs? Full Inventory Indexing Job still Running? Fund is mapped in an Import Profile, exists in input file, but not added to the POL Gale newly activated database gives linking / OpenURL errors Error regarding Gender field when loading users via SIS General Electronic Service (GES) added in Alma does not display in Primo for resource type General error {DESCRIPTION=Failed to retrieve file sample" for Invoice ERP import General Error - Cannot Loan or Return the Item Generate authority number sequence: no bib target to select GES for Newsbank Article Linking GetIt tab in Primo shows only part of the Call Number, after Accession Placement setup changed Getting Started with Alma Resources Get “Corrupt installation detected” when attempting to install Offline Circulation Globally change the "is magnetic" field for all items GND Name Authorities Changes - June 2020 Google Scholar label of resolver links (bookmarklet) is redirecting to a wrong link Google Scholar no longer showing our institution in "Library Links" Google Scholar Profile is configured but institution holdings are still not appearing in Google Scholar Government Tax as separate Vendor for Use Tax/VAT Grace period of "1 Days" ignored by Alma? Harvester fails at 24% after applying SFX KB revision 20141000 Helpful Resources for Creating Alma Analytics Reports Hide the More(#) link within the Alma GetIt tab Holding 852 subfield $$i is missing - how to update in batch? Hold Shelf Period is defined in Request TOU but ignored Hourly Loans - How to Enable Due Hour after Midnight? How are Alma statistics anonymized when contributed to bX? How are discounts applied to invoices in Alma? How are email address and phone number validation settings configured How are encumbrances set during roll over? How are the Primo Get It tab messages configured when no full text is available? How can a database be added to Alma? How can a record locked by another user be unlocked in Alma? How can a space be automatically inserted for the enumeration/chronology fields? How can desk operators manage patrons without having User Manager privileges? How can passwords for internal users in the Premium Sandbox be managed so they don't reset after a PSB refresh? How can I bring back a withdrawn item in Alma? Can courses be bulk deleted in Alma? How can I change the PO Line Type of a PO Line? How can I remove the "Parser parameters (override)" field in a portfolio record in bulk? How can I configure the Resource Sharing Request form to use a default Pickup Location? How can I define the default location for purchase orders? How can I delete an Alma invoice that is "stuck" with no status? How can I delete a User Identifier Type? How can I determine how many collections are in my repository in Alma? How can I export the "Number of Loans" count from items in Alma? How can I have an empty label in Primo Get It / View It? How can I let patrons use Self-Check for In-Library Use only items but leave the RFID tag activated? How can I limit an analytics designer (a user who can create a new analytics report) from using only specific subject areas? How can I make an analytics consumer (a user who views an analytics report) see data from only specific libraries? How can I mark an item lost in Alma? How can I request new collections to be added to our Discovery Indexes, KnowledgeBases and the Alma Community Zone? How can I review Alma API calls via server logs? How can I schedule a job on the sandbox How can I tell why my proxy is being dropped from links in Alma Link Resolver? How can PDA license information be displayed in Primo? How can the 868 field be configured to display in the Primo Get It tab? How can we link a set of records from one of our Member Institutions to the Network Zone? How can we make a report of all of our electronic portfolios which exist in multiple electronic collections? How can we prevent our catalogers from deleting certain bibliographic records and certain physical items? How can you use Item Material Type? How can I configure physical location maps to display in Primo? How does Alma determine if enough money exists in a Fund to pay an Invoice? How Does Alma Decide Allowed Expenditure Transactions When Paying Invoices? Which MARC21 fields Identify the Bibliographic Material Type? How does the job "Export PO lines" work How do 'Available for' Groups work for Local and Electronic Collections not indexed in CDI? How do I access the Character Map? How do I batch release encumbrances in Alma? How do I change the subject of Alma Overdue and Lost Loan notification when I have multiple notification types How do I check when the Google Scholar index was last refreshed? How do I configure Alma to display a map to a physical item in Primo How do I configure Alma to integrate with ILLiad ? How do I configure Alma/Primo VE to display library and location names in multiple languages? How do I configure a connection to Alma in EndNote? How do I create a local field using Normalization Rule? How do I create a Pivot Table in Alma Analytics? How do I delete a User Identifier Type? How do I disable recalls for lending requests? Displaying the total number of rows at the top of an Analytics report How do I hide specific collections in ViewIt only from not logged in users ? How do I hide the fines/fees from view in My Account in Primo VE? How do I prevent automatically adding a call number to new holdings in the MDE? How do I request a Support Portal Login for a new staff member? How do I search for records that are not suppressed? How Do Primo Central Records Work? How do we activate the remaining unactivated portfolios in a partially activated collection? How do we get access to the EL Commons CodeShare? How do we publish bibliographic records to Primo more than once a day? How do you extend a library's Standard Opening Hours to the future? How is number of items determined in the advanced mapping option in New Order profiles? How is the "currently at" dropdown populated in Alma? How is the Expenditure Date Determined in Alma? How is the fee owner (Institution vs. Library) determined? How is the Primo Get It Tab “No Holdings were found” Message Configured? How long (approx.) does the AutoExtract process take during Aleph/Voyager to Alma migration? How long are MMS IDs? How long do items remain in the Alma Printouts Queue? How much disk space is required for the AutoExtract process during Ex Libris System to Alma migration? Using "OR" and "AND" operators together in advanced Alma searches How to activate an Electronic Collection from the Community Zone? How to Address Indexing Issues in Alma and Primo VE How to add "Report a Problem" link for the GetIt or ViewIt menu? How to add additional item to PO Line after order is sent How to add a course and reading list How to add a Fixed Due Date in Alma How to add a new staff user How to add a role to a group of users? How to add a URL to a letter in Alma How to modify Fine/Fee Type description? How to Add Folders in Analytics How to add Library sub-unit to a Fund or Ledger 'Available for' field? How to add multiple email addresses to the BCC on Alma letters How to add My Account and Contact Us links to a letter footer How to add new XML example letters in new Letter configuration? How to add Order without Inventory, or Assign Inventory Manually How to add the correct resource type in a Reading List citation? How to Add the User's First Name to the mailReason.xsl Letter How to allow requests for missing items How to associate POLines for Electronic Collections, if POL is not found in the editor How to associate PO Lines for donated or free items with a fund How to automatically deflect resource sharing requests for digitization How to batch update Holding records through Normalization Rules How to block users from placing resource requests with NCIP Partner? How to build an Alma Analytics report based the BIB's LDR pos. 5='d'? How to Bulk Change PO Line Status? How to add pop up notes to Alma items in bulk How to change (move) Holdings without items to another location How to change a POL in "Sent" back to "In Review" in bulk? How to change a work order time How to change date format in Analytics reports How to change normalization rule type from network zone to institution zone How to change Primo to display personal author names to inverted order (lastname, firstname) instead of direct order (firstname lastname) in the full record display? How to change the "code (description)" Alma controlled vocabulary drop-down display How to change the addressFrom e-mail in a letter How to change the Alma User Record Type from Public to Staff How to change the body template of the PO line communications How to change the date in a holding template in the Metadata Editor How to change the title of a report in an Analytics dashboard How to change in letter emails? How to change/fix dashboard with link to a new page How to Check an Item's Borrowing History in Alma How to check if Google Scholar has been updated How to check which Alma URL an API key is connected to How to claim a lost loan? How to Clean Up Electronic Resources How to clear bibliographic templates from the Shared folder in the MD Editor How to clear the browser cache How to close POLs from a previous fiscal year How to configure "Keep in Department" Next Step options for Receiving How to configure and troubleshoot Alma Work Order Department Printers How to Configure a CSS Skin for the Alma Services Page in Primo? How to configure a different date format for a specific letter How to configure a partner for ISO 18626 resource sharing How to configure a request status that appears in My Account in Primo How to configure mandatory fields for Users added manually? How to configure Short Loan Reminder and Overdue Block? How to configure the allowed characters in a user's e-mail address How to configure the display of allowed pickup locations in Primo for Resource Sharing How to Configure the Share With Network function in the MD Editor to find matches based upon the 035 field? How to confirm list of vendors to send services page URL when moving from SFX to Alma? How to control ability of Circulation Desk Operators to change user passwords? How to control the fields in a new MARC 21 Bibliographic record? How to copy Control field to a Data field using Normalization rule How to Correct Primo Central's/Google Scholar's Holdings File? How to create Analytics report on portfolios coverage? How to create a 'Physical Titles' itemized set using a list of MMS IDs How to create a GES that will send an email? How to create a new CSS skin for the Alma-Primo Mashup? How to create a report of patrons that owe more than $5 active How to create a user block (i.e. patron block)? How to create a user set in Alma How to create electronic inventory in append projects in Alma Change a network zone normalization rule to an institution zone rule How to create/import System Control Number from an Excel file into existing Alma records How to customize the "My Account" link in the E-mail/Letter? How to define a long term loan rule? How to define the call number type for a library location? How to define the due date for Resource Sharing Lending Requests? How to delete an extra local portfolio visible in Metadata Editor Show Inventory How to delete a Closed invoice? How to delete a Dashboard, Folder or Report, in the Analytics Community Folder? How to delete a record stuck in the MD Editor How to delete a Shared Community Report, or Folder? How to delete a specific record from Primo? How can I delete bibliographic records in bulk from an Excel file of MMS IDs? Deleting Bibliographic Records Linked to a Network Zone How to delete items in batch How to Delete POLs which are already Closed? Could this process be used for purpose of cleanup of bibliographic records too? How to delete public notes from Item records? How to design the GES Public Name display on ViewIt How to determine what codes to enter for the Vendor EDI Attributes? How to disable (have no longer appear) a line in an Alma email letter? How to disable a letter from being printed? How to display holdings in the WorldCat external search results list How to display maintenance and outages information on "View It" tab? How to Edit and Close a “Ready to be paid” Invoice How to edit Ready To Be Paid status invoices How to edit selection in the Material Type field in analytics report "Physical Item Usage for Weeding" How to enable the Merge Users functionality in Alma How to Enable the Unpaywall API Integration How to ensure correct display of diacritics in Connexion imports How to exlude In-house loans from "Loans" count in the Fulfillment SA How to Export Bibliographic Records to Excel from Alma? How to extend the Fiscal Period for a Ledger in Alma? How to extract OpenURL from Primo Central, Alma records and other sources How to filter a Report using Relative Date (non-fixed date Range) in Alma Analytics How to find Publishing information for a record in an Alma Network Environment? How to find the originating address of Alma notice emails? How to fix a blank PO search box in Alma when creating an Invoice from PO How to fix duplicate search results in Alma repository search? Link resolving to journals that changed title/ISSN How to fix Analytics report to export date correctly to Excel 2007+ How to generate a tracking ID in Alma How to get free e-resources lower in View It tab in Primo How to have an amendment inherit license terms from the parent license How to hide a column in an Analytics report How to hide the Resource Sharing Request general electronic service and display an alternative GES for articles How to implement a normalization rule in Alma Metadata Editor How to Import Inventory Price from the POL to the Item Inventory Price through the "Item Sequences" How to include the Request Note information on the transit letter How to install a SAML tracer in Firefox? How to limit access to Analytics Report based on User Role? How to link Alma local portfolios (standalones) to the Community Zone How to link a set of Alma standalone portfolios to a community zone collection? How to load portfolios with multiple or split coverage dates How to Load Representations to an existing Alma Digital record How to make a normalization rule appear on a publishing profile drop-down menu How to make a report of all ordered items that have not yet been received How to make blank/empty cells display zeros “0" in Analytics? How to make fields mandatory in Alma Resource Sharing book and article request forms How to manage Standalone portfolios in batch? How to manually create a Purchase Order Line (POL) How to mark an AcqWorkOrder as done in Alma How to Merge Network Zone Record with a local record How to merge Alma standalone portfolios with community zone collections? How to move a POL to another electronic collection How to move items between BIB records How to order a second copy of an e-book in Alma How to order a specific portfolio from within an ordered package in the institution level How to place a Work Order for Items with Process Type "Missing" How to populate the Vendor Account Code in an EDI Invoice How to Prevent Lost Items from Being Requested How to prevent printing specific slips and notifications at specific locations How to prevent recalls when the loan is created via the 'Create Item' button in Patron Services (on the fly items)? How to Prevent Table Drops in Analytics How to Prevent Table Drops in the License Subject-Area of Analytics How to print an individual MARC record? How to print multiple MARC records? How to publish a Database (electronic collection) to Primo? How to publish a set of records from Alma to OCLC/WorldCat, regardless of the current Management Tags (force publish)? How to query SRU server by material type How to reactivate closed or canceled resource sharing requests How to receive an item for a POL of type Standing Order Monograph How to receive email notification for completed jobs in Alma How to remove all but one of several similar subfields in the same field in MD Editor How to remove an entry in the ‚Contact People‘ tab of a vendor record? How to Remove a Public Note from Portfolios How to remove duplicate 035 subfield a when Importing OCLC records to Alma How to remove one-time PO Lines from Receiving Workbench? How to Remove Portfolios from an Alma Local Electronic Collection How to remove privilege(s) from a role How to Remove Unwanted Items from the Electronic Resource Activation List How to replace the Alma signing certificate expiring in the near future? How to replicate the original Primo page using the Viewit URL information? How to Report Alma Performance Issues How To Report Full Text Linking and Availability Problems to Support How to report or export a list of active Portfolios (e.g. ejournals) How to report translation issues? How to report VAT? How to Resend EDI purchase orders (PO/POLs?) How to resolve the issue when you can't purge user, due to error: "User deletion validation failed"- User is linked to an import file How to run the job “Change Physical Item” How to run the SIS loader manually How to Run the Update PO Line Transactions Job How Do Scheduled Jobs Work in Alma? How to display the pickup location or additional fields in the new UI Resource Sharing Request list? How to set-up publishing to PubMed from Alma? How to setup Alma to NOT send requests to ILLiad, if ISSN or ISBN fields are empty? How to setup fields in Alma to get the best result on Analytics How to set Group Settings if available to all campuses? How to set the display logic to hide a specific package if ANY other full text packages exist How to set the patron services initial screen "ID" choice How to set up a Hold Request option for an item that is in RS temporary location and on ILL process (item is lent to another library by Resource Sharing Lending Request)? How to set up Connexion so that only one 035 is in the exported Alma record How to set up Processing Departments for Courses How to set up renewal of a borrowing request automatically from the borrowing side How To Submit a New SUSHI Vendor to Alma How to Suppress an Alma Digital Collection from Primo Display How to suppress request link from Primo? How to Translate Alma Code Tables How to unlink a record from a Community Zone record? How to unsubscribe from Status Page notifications How to update an invoice number? How to Update a Linking Parser Parameter How to upload a list of Fund allocations from a file to Alma? How to Use a List of Values from a CSV File as a Filter in Alma Analytics How to Utilize the Unpaywall API for Open Access Content and Resources in Discovery How to view an Analytics report in a full screen mode How to view a merge routine Identifying Named Users in Alma If no invoice is expected in Alma for a one-time POL, how to mark as fully invoiced? ILLiad: How can the rfr_id element be retained in UResolver? Impact of the job "Change loan to claimed returned” on Lost loans fines/fees Creating portfolios from bib records with multiple 856 belonging to different electronic collections Importing bibs to create holdings - how is the 852 first indicator populated? Import is still running on schedule even when the profile is set to inactive Import job disappears - no email, not on Monitor Jobs Import job sends "completed with errors" notification email but job is not listed in profile's Job History Import Profile finds *.zip files in FTP even though File Name Patterns ends with *.mrc Import Profile error: "Failed in stage Loading" Import Profile fails for some files without reason or error message [Character Code] Import Profile fails with error "Failed during Parsing record" Import Profile / new Merge rule: Completed with Errors Impossible to link a PO Line of an item/holding. The PO line is not in the list of orders to select Inability to limit query to records modified by specific operators/staff Inactive Electronic Collection published to Primo Includes Last Published Record" not ticked for the newest processing date row Incoming EDI invoice lines not linking to PO lines indexes "location" and "current location" Initial Activation of Primo Central Resources When Working with Alma Input not an X.509 certificate" error when trying to import SAML certificate Input parameter "process type" in a fulfillment unit rule Install and run Alma Offline Circulation Institution's holdings have disappeared from Google ScholarAlma template record Institutional level calendar has an exception according to it all the libraries are closed in day X. One specific library appears in its own full calendar as open that day. Why? Institution icon grayed out in search results integrate Alma with Bibliotheca ExitWatch RFID SIP gates Intermittent failure of Electronic Upload fail with Status: Failed! Invalid request token for Social Login user identifier Inventory Indexing Issues in Alma Invoice's "Prepaid" box is greyed-out and can't be checked Invoices in Sent to ERP status Invoices with a creation date of 0/0/0 Invoice Closed although it was rejected by the ERP Invoice Export Job errors: Invoice Payment Process Failed. Failed to send letter. Reason: Channel was disabled Invoice export to Excel gives only first Fund, even if POL paid by multiple funds Invoice in status "Ready to be paid" - can it be set back for editing? In house loans via SIP2 ISBN (ISSN) Display Priority ISBN match method not applied Is deduplication of Physical and Electronic records required for Primo/Alma? Is Ex Libris impacted by the MoveIT Security Threat? Is invoice status "Sent to ERP" equivalent to "Waiting for Payment" when ERP is skipped? Is it possible to create a user record into ALMA without any role? Is it possible for the URL of an Analytics Object to change? Is it possible to change Fund and Ledger Fiscal Period 'Start date' or 'End date' in Alma? Is it Possible to Configure the Online Services Order For Network Zone Managed Electronic Services for Institutions in that Network Zone? Is it possible to delete funds and ledgers with associated transactions in Alma? Is it possible to edit Fund Codes? Is it possible to lend digital inventory like we do for physical items, for example have loans and requests for the digital files? Is it possible to prevent catalogers in our Member Institutions from editing specific fields in bibliographic records which are linked to the Network Zone? Is it possible to restore deleted vendors in Alma? Is it possible to use a Library-level Digitization Department to create requests via an API? Is it possible to use a template when manually creating physical items? Is PACKAGE_NAME required on TITLES tab of the Link Resolver (Local) spreadsheet ? Is Rollover required to run on the day the ledger expires? Is SUSHI harvesting available for Database Reports (DB1) in UStat? Is there a delay between the weekly publishing by LOC and availability of updated records in Alma? Is there a document showing the Alma Data Model (Schematic)? Is there a limit in the Analytics export to Excel Is there a limit in the number of versions retained behind the function MD Editor/Tools/View Versions? Alma Collection Limits Is there a maximum size or number of lines per MARC EOD, MARC update inventory and EDI file uploaded to Alma? Is there a need to re-register bX after the transition from SFX to Alma? Is there a place in Alma to store admin logins with vendors, user name, password, contact email and notes? Is there a way in Alma to make a report of all resources which have both physical and electronic inventory for the same title (overlap analysis)? Is there a way to put Voyager clients in read-only mode for Alma cutover? Limit length of Inventory number field Is the "Link to Dashboard Pages" Oracle Analytics Server Feature Supported by Alma or Primo Analytics? Items are stuck in the Receive tasklist although PO Line is fully received Items created during Receiving are autopopulated with barcode even if "Barcode Generation" is None Items get stuck in process "Transit item" after scan-in Items listed in Manage Fulfillment Options which aren't in reading list Items not going into exceptions bin Items not going in transit to defined circ desk if returned elsewhere in library Items stay in Transit status - when will it clear? Item has enum - error message for Withdraw Items job Item information in Analytics reports on requests Item in transit to new location will not scan in. Error: "Could not determine the next action for the item. Please contact the fulfillment administrator to check the configuration of the item." Item in Transit to Non-Existent Main Library "Item is not loanable" block at Alma checkout Item is on loan to a patron but shows as in place in Alma and Primo Item policy in import profile not considered Item sort options are different between Sandbox and Production I have email notifications configured for a scheduled job in the Sandbox, why am I still not receiving emails? JISC Library Cataloguing Hub job "Change vendor in order" fails KnowledgeBase Updates Frequency Labels for Saved Searches Letter Legal Deposit Without Letter Lending request: start and end page from borrowing request not overtaken Lending Request - automatic localization fails Letters for proxy and sponsor users Letter customization error: "The string "--" is not permitted within comments." Library Item Policies are not inheriting changes from the Institution-Level Library Links in Google Scholar Settings are grayed out (greyed out) Library Open Platform - Solr8 Infrastructure Upgrade [Progress Update] Limitations of "Days after status date" parameter Limited length of local parameters defined for Analytics Linking inventory to PO Line is impacted by Purchase Type Linking licenses to bib. records Linking new user group with Terms of Use Linking to Proquest HTTPS Gateway Links in Primo are going to Journal level instead of article level Link resolver matches an IZ record with ISSN in $y when it was expected to match a NZ record (Wall Street Journal) Link text is white when using Firefox List of Alma letters with corresponding filenames Loading EDI Invoices with individual Vendor Account information Loading portfolios - Multiple MMS records were found Load Excel file with Local Portfolios without identifiers Load files for Import and get: "No records were found" Load of Marcive records from NZ not progressing beyond 0% Load portfolios and "No MMS was found" message Loan's Borrower ID and Borrower Name info is masked; How to enable view of loan details information? Where is the Loan Policy defined in the Primo and Primo VE "GetIt" section for Alma? Loans list is empty although there are active loans Loans with no user group in Analytics Loan and Return Receipts are not printed or emailed from Alma - how to solve this? Loan Details missing from Fines and Fees subject area Loan doesn't renew as expected in Alma Loan of an item from another institution doesn't appear in the patron's loans Loan of several items for the same title for one patron should be blocked Loan Periods Loan return date of "1/1/1" in Analytics reports - why? Loan TOU > Grace Period: is it taken for consideration also when item was returned late after recall and there is Recalled Overdue Fine defined? Locally-defined field indicators in MARC profile extension.xml display in Alma as “Locally Defined” Local fields in CZ records disappeared "Locate failed" shows for a Borrowing Resource Sharing Request - but inventory exists! Locations (Holding) list in Primo's GetIt - how is it sorted? Locked after failed login attempts into Alma Lost Item Replacement Fee is not refunded when item is returned Mail Handling Integration Profile shows an error for Save and Test Make a "Shared" Normalization Rule "Private" Making a Proxy selective; disabling proxy Manage In Process Items: Patron and Library Requests filter doesn't work Manage Sets - creating itemized set causes Alma to freeze Managing Electronic Resources in the NZ: Customer Parameters and Proxy Set Up Rerunning failed scheduled job Map inexplicably showing {Microforms} MarcEdit integration with Alma via API Brief MARC record display in Alma despite successful export from OCLC MARC records not loading to import profile "failed during Parsing record" Match and merge not recognizing duplicates Match Points for EDI Invoice and the PO Line - are they mandatory? Material Supplier not populating in New Order import generated PO Lines Max. Number of Representations in View It - doesn't limit the number of electronic services Maximum Cash - is decimal number supported in the "Patron Limits" table? Maximum fine exceeded for renewals Maximum number of Aleph hold requests not enforced by Primo and/or Aleph Maximum renewal period ignored MD Editor, External Resources: Z39.50 gate error MD Editor: Release Assignment, record is still locked MD Editor > Tools > MARC Bibliographic > “Merge Records & Combine Inventory” option is greyed out (not active). Why? MD Editor Controlled Vocabulary - Subfield showing a Prepopulated List Merge Records and Combine Inventory functionality doesn't merge bib in some cases Merge Rules Logic Merge Rule used for import from OCLC Connexion Client Gateway - overwrite the LDR Where are expiration dates of user accounts and patron roles configured? Metadata Editor cannot be opened Metadata Editor errors, e.g. label not found (key:mdeditor.labels.title.error) Metadata Editor F8 shortcut key isn't always adding new field Metadata Editor View Versions: Question about "Created By" and date next to it Migrated items with Lost status not waiving replacement fee on return Migrating ebooks from Dawsonera to Ebook Central – updating electronic inventory in Alma Migration: POL price 1.00 More than one request found for entered item, please enter request ID Move expenditures from one fund to another Move set of portfolios and get: "Source service type cannot be chosen as a destination service type." Multi-volume bibs - how to enable resource sharing? Multiple Duplicate Electronic Collections or Databases were Activated in Alma Analytics timeout: report is using results of another report to filter and it will not load Need patron information facet when listing borrowing resource sharing request Alma Community Enhancement Requests and Voting (CERV) Newly created import profile not displayed on "Run Import" page New Books - suggested workflow New Books workflow causes loaned items to be recalled when the item due back date approaches New Order API for Electronic Portfolios that are Part of a Collection New Order OASIS and GOBI API how to turn off CZ Collection matching New Order Import Profile has Manual Handling Required and error "PO Line is not valid since it is linked to PO" New SSL certificate Alma February 2018 release New Staff User Does Not See “Receiving Items” Under “Resource Sharing” New TOUs not applying after adding fulfillment unit rule New TOU gives error: "General Error - Could not perform this action at the moment, please try again later" None of the cataloger administrators can add a holdings record Normalization routine to remove the 900 field Normalization rules: "The file cannot be saved due to a compilation error" normalization rules created by others cannot be deleted Normalization rules in publishing profiles Normalization rules in the "Enhance the record" menu Merge Rules work for Import Profiles but not Copy Cataloging (External Resources) Normalization rule to copy a subfield of a field to another field Normalization rule to delete a field unless it has a specific content normalization rule to remove field 003 Normalization task for Generate Control Number not working in Copy Cataloging (import from external source) Notes are overwritten by the SIS load Note on vendor communications not added to email sent to vendor Error Message: Not a Valid Input for Country Not possible to cancel a hold request in "Manage Patron Services" when it has "place in queue=0" No "Run" button for Publishing Profiles No Restore Jobs option under Resources > Advanced Tools no data displaying in the Community Zone Updates Task List No e-mail to vendor after renewing subscriptions no expenditure created for resource sharing request Error message: "No items available for the request due to policy" No library address in FulUserOverdueNoticeLetter. Is it possible to add it? No pop-up note during loan of a brief reading list item No requesting from available holding No request is possible: "Failed to save the request" No results when conducting a "Vendor name - Equals" or " Vendor code - Equals" search No results when I click on Go To Inventory after changing the Vendor on a POL No vendors found in licensor search Number of bib headings where no appropriate authorized term was found" in the report of "Authorities - Preferred Term Correction" - what does this label say? Number of loans including pre-migration loans in Alma Number of loans per circulation desk OCLC Connexion Client Gateway - Adding Rules OCLC Connexion doesn't export; no error message shows up OCLC Connexion error: Import failed. Reason: null One return receipt letter per patron Opening times in booking availability calendar Open Fiscal Period Open Letter from Non-Commercial Metadata Suppliers Supporting a More Collaborative and Transparent Approach When Working with Link Resolvers and System Vendors Orders missing from receiving workbench How to change orders submitted via API to not require manual review Order "Interested In" email is not sent for physical, one-time resources. Why? Order Interested In" email is not sent for electronic resources. Why? Organization Calendar has today as closed Originating System Codes for Metadata Editor Originating system in Analytics Our Users are Experiencing Issues with Alma Crashing or Disconnecting. How Should this be Reported? Overdue and Lost Loan Profile - Days After Due Date - Why is there a one-day delay in sending the letter? Overdue fee is created on top of Lost fines. Only Lost fines should be calculated Overdue Loan Not Getting Fines Overdue notices vs Overdue and lost loan notification Overencumbrance and Overexpenditure Rules - can be inherited from Summary Fund Override error message "Accession Number is not unique within this location" Override On Shelf Request Policy Ovid links resolve to a login page, how to enable journal and article linking? OvP: My account: Long lists of loans are not displayed pageBean.selectedRequestDepartment", or "pageBean.selectedSetStatus" display for certain Work Orders Page number is out of range - for Physical Items Itemized Set Download binary file for import jobs shows an error Resource Sharing Request is in completed status at borrowing library, not at lending library Can we implement the Touchnet Payment System in Alma? parameter days_password_change has apparently no effect Parameter for "Purchase Request Directly" on creating requests for citations parameter shortened due date notifications cannot be changed Particular portfolio has disappeared Partner Not Found Error when Sending Borrowing Request patron hold requests Patron identification displaying previous patrons Patron item requests not showing in Task widget Patron Role has expiry date in the past. Why and how to fix this? Payment Receipt Letter isn't being attached to User Account PCI Activated Titles not appearing in Primo PDA profile deletion PDF.js in the new Alma Viewer Perlego does not currently support WAYFless Deeplinking Persistent search for one barcode returns two titles Alma is sending "On Hold Shelf Letter" instead of "Ful Personal Delivery Letter" when item is available for personal delivery request Photos for user records in Alma Physical Items search in Alma with Item Material Type = ‘Other’ returns all kinds of material types for migrated Voyager data Physical Location change External Name, or Suppress flag, requires set of titles republishing Physical non-returnable: resource sharing library is the only pickup location Physical Title search for records without inventory - is it supported? Pickup Locations list for Requests: how to add/remove/manage the selection? PIN number letter sent to patron although PIN number was not changed Place in Queue is 0 (zero) - what does it mean? Place on Hold Shelf Letter not sent for resource sharing items POL: order sending failed, order stays In Review POLs stuck in review POL creation for electronic resource creates duplicate portfolios POL currency is set to institution default even when undefined for vendor POL for electronic resource not closed although activated and fully invoiced in Alma POL mandatory fields POL not going to review when Review Rule is set POL Owning Library assigned automatically to portfolios POL packaging required? POL search by vendor code with one letter and * (asterisk) is slow POL with interested users received but no request triggered Portfolios are suddenly deactivated in Alma despite no user intervention Portfolio "Test Access" button says: "Some error occurred while retrieving services" Portfolio activated without reason Portfolio displays Community Zone coverage instead of the Local threshold Portfolio doesn't display in Institutional zone; multiple IEE's Portfolio Loader - 3 columns for ISSN and 3 for ISBN on template in docportal Portfolio Loader Date Fields - will Threshold default to Global or Local Portfolio Loader fails with: "Internal error occurred" Portfolio was deleted and BIB record can't be found anymore Possible reasons for "ExternalSax Handler transform Record To Sip String index out of range: -6" POST-method for creating remote digital representation returns an error message Post migration clean-up of eResources in Alma PO is In Review but POL is already Closed. How to synchronize their status? PO lines not found in the Electronic Collection Editor PO line '' is not valid since resource type wasn't specified PO Line Alert: Price Limit Reached PO Line Assignment is Stuck in Alma PO line is not valid since organization unit is empty PO Line not found when linking to invoice line in Alma Acquisitions PO Line Rollover job : When, on what stage of the rollover the exchange rate is applied? PO numbers are not sequential PO Summary: nothing in Library Billing / Shipping Address dropdowns Prediction template with empty enumeration level Why is the Users Synchronize (SIS) job not successfully updating or clearing the Preferred Name fields? (How to use the "Restore" button to relink fields to the job.) Prepopulate proxy on electronic packages with default Previous Fiscal Period Ledger and Funds still appearing as active after Fiscal Period Rollover Primo Central Interaction with Uresolver or SFX Primo displays available, but item unavailable Primo Widget on Alma dashboard- search configuration When is a notification sent to interested users Print Slip Failed error Problems with 'PO Line - Send EDI' process Problems with the creation of Accession Number Sequences Problem with Preferred Term Correction report download Procedure to set SFTP key authentication in Alma Processing prepayments in Alma ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global - How to activate it? ProQuest Dissertation not linking correctly, atitle field not filled in What URL to provide for "ProQuest supported OpenURL metadata fields" at Proquest admin instance? Protecting fields from the SIS loader Proxy enabled questions Pseudo patrons for processing resource sharing lending requests Public Note for Portfolios display based on Collection or Service's notes - how to override? Public Note Not Displaying in Primo VE for Standalone Portfolio Publishing and import jobs fail; server issue Publishing Collections for Primo Classic customers where publishing is done in the Network Zone Publishing Dublin Core records to Primo Publishing electronic collections results in all members published as deleted Publishing local electronic holdings to CDI (Publish electronic records to Central Discovery Index) Publish an extract of bib records enhanced with items information Publish a random set from Alma Premium Sandbox to Primo - Tips Shared Publish LHR to OCLC - alternative, with Normalization Rules Publish records to OCLC - for Multiple Libraries Publish to RapidILL via OAI-PMH of holdings and electronic activations Purge users based on a set, carefully Purge User Records job doesn't work Purge user records job on NZ - does it delete records on IZ? Questions on the report of the job 'Authorities - Link BIB Headings ' Question on the Preferred Term Correction job report Range of IP Addresses Required for Link to Talis Aspire Reading List is not Sorted Reading room circulation desk - can it perform regular loans along with reading room loans? Recalled overdue fine disappears Received Items List" is unsorted, how to fix this? Receive New Material list and migrated orders Receiving Acquisition In Process items in order to avoid In Transit (Work Order at Circulation Desk) Receiving Items leads to error "Item cannot be loaned to patron - insufficient due date" Receiving Items via Alma Acquisitions Receiving Menu vs Item List Records marked as deleted in Primo publishing Record appears in the DB (analytics/Primo), but not available via the repository search or vice versa – requires Re-Indexing by Support Record Created By / Edited By Refining Result for an e-Book Title Search in Citation Linker Refresh of an Alma sandbox Refund for a lost loan (lost item) - configuration Register for a UStat Account Register New User does not assign Roles in Library scope Relais : In RS library, for loaned items the due date is always year 2999 at 23:59:59 in spite of TOU. Why? Related but not interchangeable titles are displayed in Getit Related record is found in the All Titles search but not other searches Relationship between Requested Item Due Date and Recall Period Relinking a PO line without MMS ID Relink Holdings when an inventory is on loan Reloading invoice fails Removal of Passwords from the Alma Database Remove all E-Activation tasks when deleting a package Remove all the E-Activation tasks when deleting a package Remove Community Zone Bibliographic Records without Portfolios from the Institution Zone Remove Control Field 008 Remove non-Alma Google Scholar Links Limiting Operator information exposed in User pop-ups (e.g. home address, telephone) remove some of the very many PO Line types which appear in the “Purchase Type” pull down box Renaming a Library Renewal job does not update subscription end date Reporting codes in Order List Letter Reports not displaying in Analytics Catalog for some users Report of users with role type expiring in a time range Report to Ex Libris (CRM Contact) gives error "User doesn't exist" Repository import profile did not create multiple physical items, why? Repository Import profile> Single Portfolio takes the portfolio information from the first 856 Repository Search - How are Results Sorted (Ranked)? Repository search facet gives an incorrect count for "Material Type" Repository search results sorted by call number are in the incorrect order Repository Search Thumbnails in List of Holdings Page Requesting/recalling books Requesting an item when you already have an item of the same BIB record on loan Requests are cancelled and items marked missing automatically Requests missing in Analytics Requests subject area Request button not appearing in Primo service for valid Fulfillment Network users Request ID in the Ful Resource Request Slip Letter Request only shows owning library despite "Pickup in any library in the campus of the resource" Request rules go to default even though rules exist for user group Request via API cannot be created when pickup location type is home delivery Resend "Notifications - Send Periodic Fulfillment Activity Report" - is this possible? Resolve error: "Item of the same title is already on loan for this patron. Parallel loan is prohibited." Resolving PDA import errors Resource Request Hold Shelf Slips are not printed, no error message Resource Sharing: Article Lending Request - why is the Issue value in the Volume field? Resource Sharing - Completed Requests disappear Resource Sharing - How to change the partner if the British Library tells they cannot supply Resource Sharing - receiving problem Resource Sharing borrowing request is on hold shelf until due date, rather than configured maximum time on hold shelf Resource Sharing Lending requests - Clicking on Manage Fulfillment Options shows no services Resource sharing library available as a pickup location Resource Sharing Partner records in IZ are missing the "Shared barcodes" field, although this field is present in the NZ Resource Sharing print slip external request ID barcode is not scannable Resource sharing requests resource sharing request form via primo allows option to deliver digital items to the library Resource Sharing request for multi volume (Broker-Managed Requests). After July 2016 Release, they are displayed in Primo My Library Card as one request. Is this by intention? Resource sharing request is not allowed for any format Restore accidentally purged patron records Restore Community Zone linking parameters (remove override of parser) Restore Deleted Records restore request slip is apparently printed too early Return of an an item which is requested for personal delivery Roles needed to update repository sets RSS Publishing Profile has "alma:" in the XML Running an "undelete" process for ebook records Alma Letters Salutation String Saved query built using Alma’s classic UI ... must be rebuilt using new advanced search logic Scan In to Receive a Borrowing Request - causes a loop Scheduled Analytics job fails with reason "At least one of the fields is empty. Both fields should have a value." How do non-Alma users subscribe to Alma Analytics Reports? Science Direct is not parsing to the article level Scopus results show OpenURL Alma links despite embargo Searching external resources returns "An error has occurred, please try again later and contact the system administrator." Searching Portfolios by Local Interface Name Searching the National Library of Medicine catalog via external search resources Searching with "a, an, the" in Alma returns different results Search for all items by item status: "in place" or "not in place" Search for a given range of call numbers search for content of tag 562 Search Results Counter is an Approximation Selecting Monitor Request and Item Processes leads to blank screen Self-Check communication fails for users whose name contains diacritics (Unicode characters) Selfcheck: Lost and claimed return items not included in list of charged items Selfcheck receipts show wrong titles for barcodes Self check unit not sending 'on hold' letter Sender address for scheduled job notifications Sending a resource sharing request using the BLDSS API Sending POL via EDI - PO is "In Review", POL is "Ready". How to enable "Sent"? Send button in Resource Sharing Borrowing Request Send e-mail message to user / patron within User Details screen Send Periodic Fulfillment Activity Report - expired and inactive users considered? Separate Alma Fulfillment messages are displaying as a single pop-up Sets do not save during cutover Adding LDR as Local Parameter in Alma Analytics Setting up an Accession Numbering for Items Setting up a new printer in Alma Setting Up OAI Integration Allowed IP Ranges Setup Email Preferences to Subscribe to Ex Libris Mailing Lists Setup of CrossRef (DOI) Set a "fixed due date" for loans other than "End of Term" functionality set containing all records Configure Alma to loan items until the end of the day Set fulfillment transit times between libraries Set Up RSS Feed for New Items Several Inventory Electronic Collections exist For This CKB Collection" error when trying to activate a CZ portfolio Should the "Ful Cancel Request Letter" be sent when converting a request to a resource sharing request? Should the Aleph/Voyager AutoExtract process be monitored on an ongoing basis? Should the Alma Link Resolver show links to ProQuest Theses and Dissertations Global documents? SIS error: "Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence" Primary identifier is already taken by another user in this feed SIS error SIS job fails with Failed to change working directory to directory or No such file SIS loader fails with "The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference" SIS loader gives: The reference to entity "M" must end with the ';' delimiter. Users Synchronize job report: "Total records processed" - what does the number mean? SIS upload completes successfully but zero user records handled Size allocated on screen for editing user notes Size of excel file for uploading local portfolios SLNP: Cancellation of borrowing resource sharing requests SOAP Alma Label Print web service responds with "HTTP Status 401 - Login Failure: all modules ignored" SOAP updateUser web service returns error code 401655: "The external system code and the user external system code are not the same" Record which is attached to an electronic collection gets published twice to Primo Some "Job Categories" don't display for a contact (e.g. Vendor) -- Why? Some error occured while retrieving services - when clicking "Test Access" for a Portfolio Some PCI articles are showing "no full text" even though the coverage for the journal should include them Some users can't be find in Analytics by their primary identifiers Sorting services displayed in the View It tab in Primo Source of Alma Community Zone bibliographic records Special characters and diacritics appear corrupted in records imported from OCLC Connexion into Alma Special characters and diacritics appear corrupted in records imported using Import Profile (Repository, New Order, Update Inventory) Owner in Invoice created from file (Excel or EDI), how is it determined? SpineOMatic - user roles SpineOmatic Java or Alma configuration error Split Screen function will not fully open in the MD Editor Springer Link is moving to HTTPS protocol SRU Server Staff role to see "Pick up from shelf" items on the dashboard? Statistical categories in user records and Analytics Statistical category type not added when creating user via API Statuses in Digitization department Status of the 2 "email_partner_configurable_line"s after April 14 Release (and new XSL for Ful Outgoing Email Letter) Steps to add Statistical Categories for Analytics Stop "Order Now Notifications" Strange entries in browse shelf listing Structure of the XML file for patron / user upload Subfield separator on the Metadata Editor in Consortia Environment Subscribing to Knowledge Center resources to get answers before questions arise Supported Functionality in NERS Top 25 Enhancement Request List – 2019 Support of SOAP APIs Support policy for writing and troubleshooting custom SQL queries Suppressing New Record in Network Member How to suppress electronic collection and all the contained portfolios from publishing? Suppress the column header in Analytics SUSHI files are fully harvested but data is missing SUSHI harvesting from JUSP Synchronize Changes from CZ job is both pending and completed System Maintenance Job failed or completed with errors System marking requested items missing System Status for Hosted Environments Template properties cannot be edited text from "Letter emails" not found in the messages There is no option to delete an item from the inventory The "if" condition in my normalization rule does not work The "Policy" column of the Primo GetIt tab - where is this info coming from, for authenticated users? The "Reporting Code" field displays "-1" or other incorrect values when using the Fund Expenditure report in Analytics The Claim workbench shows Continuous PO Lines though items have been received The Difference between "Recall Period" and "Requested Item Due Date" The effects adding an item description has on requesting. The number entered for quantity in an invoice line is not considered in any calculations The number of requests per item in the "Pick Up Requested Resources" list is always "1" The rules of PO lines in review Secondary and tertiary reporting codes get populated in the POL even if removed from the import profile The Sushi Harvesting Job is stuck at 0.0% and is running for longer than 24 hours. Is this an issue? Timeout a user accessing a digital representation with a concurrent user restriction Timeout in Alma Timeout in Alma - Circulation Desk Times between 24:00 and 24:59 Tips for Advanced Document Searching in the Customer Knowledge Center Title-level patron physical item request: conditions for choosing a copy Top-Level Collection - how to publish its "constituents" to Primo? Top-Level Collection - why does the Title appear to be duplicated in Primo? To what extent is Alma historical data made available in Alma Analytics? Fund transaction has a future date. How to correct it? Trial Emails are sent regardless of "Notification Period" Trial shows as Draft status but should be Active Troubleshooting Tips for COUNTER 5 SUSHI Harvesting Troubleshooting Tips for Linking: Using the Context Object (CTO) Trying to disable a Letter but unable to remove the checkmark Two selfcheck machines for one circulation desk U9KP7Q94 error in Analytics Dashboard Un-receive function - please elaborate Unable to add an Alma Service Unit to user Role Unable to change due date of charged / loaned items Unable to click the "Unassigned" tab of the E-Resource Activation Task List (ERATL) Unable to create an itemized title set of bibliographic record matches for an import Error message "No items available for the request due to policy" When trying to create a Patron physical item request Unable to delete bib record, error: "cannot be deleted as it has associated resources" Unable to Delete IZ Bib Record. "Delete Record" is grayed out Unable to download 2GB Export file Unable to edit and save patron records while SIS job is running Unable to relink POL Unable to retrieve loan and request info from My Account error 403 Unable to save or edit Holdings records, error is: "Problem while saving record at [TIME]" Understanding invoice alert "Some Invoice lines are not ready" When adding a Service Availabilty Rule to a GES, why are undocumented OpenURL Attribute Categories listed as options when creating input parameters? Universal Viewer does not display a file Update Bib records in bulk without making a change to force a reindex or publish Update end of activity for work orders "Update Inventory" doesn't update item barcodes, proxy information, etc. Update Inventory job does not create multiple items – why? Update item's Alternative Call Number in batch Update Order record load fails to find matches Update/Notify Users job did not create passwords for all users Updating other information in Primo give error message "field Phone number must be numeric" Updating suffix field in holdings via import Uploading of Elsevier Electronic Holdings fails Useful Custom Formulas for Alma Analytics Users get: "No items available for the request due to policy" for items in another library Users prompted to download saw.dll file Users without primary identifiers Users with overdue items: allow renewals but do not allow loans Is it possible to change an item due date past the user expiration date in Alma? User Expiry Date - how to update or remove in bulk (via job)? User group filter in Overdue and Lost Loan profiles User Group list misses values in add "Purge User Records" job User ID Generation does not work for new users created via SIS User information for identifier for social logins is not displayed User roles and their numbers User Set from File gives Validation Failure User SIS Loader version 2 and "premature end of file" error User Statistical Categories - how to upload information using a file? Use different "On shelf request policies" for the same location Using Bins to group values together in Alma Analytics Using Campuses to Designate Pickup and Non-Pickup Locations Using COUNT in Analytics Using the Fulfillment Configuration Utility to adjust Fulfillment Rules and Terms of Use in Alma Using the pipe character in a normalization rule Using the Portfolio Loader to Prevent Local Portfolios from Activation Validating e-mail addresses with underscores Vendor Analytics tab ViewIt Code Table fields cannot be customized View It is limited for 25 resources Visibility of internal notes Voyager to Alma Migration Form - if "Item.Price as replacement cost" = no, then how does Alma get price? Waiving a credit Warning - Patron has exceeded number of allowed active resources sharing requests" when creating a manual borrowing request WB Change Backward / Forward - Analytics Browser forgets SAML authentication credentials We cannot see an option "Purchase Request" from Reading List citation. Why? We would want to use Database – Subscription (to be deprecated). What do we do in these cases What's the difference between Selective and Aggregator Packages with regards to automatic activation? What and where is the License ID? What are these Population jobs? What are the benefits of associating a local collection with a Community Zone collection? What Are the Common Causes of Full Text Linking Problems, and How Can Linking Be Improved? What are the merge criteria for community edited community zone records? What are the options for printing out patron borrower activity after checkout? What are the possible statuses for an item? What are the relations between Institution Languages and Preferred Languages? What are the required fields to batch delete portfolios, using the Portfolio Loader? What causes bibliographic records to be suppressed What causes the "Request for an Analytics path with the API returns a non-subordinate path” error with the Analytics API? What character encoding format does Alma bib/holding data use? What determines if "Book" or "Article" radio button appears in the "Primo Resource Sharing Form"? What determines if a record is published to OCLC as deleted? What determines Material Type in Titles repository search results list? What does "ETD" stand for? What does "Integrated with Vendor System as false" mean in PO Line History What does a value of -1 stand for in Fine Fee Transaction ID in Alma Analytics? What does Current Status = In Library mean in the Request Queue? What does the call number configuration affect? What does the course enrichment information option do? What does the job “Requests – Handle Expiration Step” do? What does the message "Item has not been received by the Acquisitions Department" mean when scanning in items? What does the Report option in Analytics do? What does value "-1" mean for PO Line Reference in Analytics? What do I need to do to prepare for Alma Analytics OBI upgrade from OBI11/OBI12 to OAS? What do the categories on the OCLC Publishing job report mean? What do the fields in the Security Events dimension refer to? What fields are migrated as Local Extensions? What happens to closed Trials? What happens when toggling a user from External to Internal? What information can the Change Physical Items job update? What information is needed by NRE for NCIP configuration? What interfaces are available in Alma? what is &exception=noDOI in object portfolio parse param? What is a short loan? What is causing record mismatches with our Borrowing/Lending Locates? What is expected behavior when turning off auto-renewal What is the Alma equivalent of Aleph's H77 or LKR fields? What is the Bibliographic Rank which appears with our Alma records in the repository search results and how can we use it? What is the browser support for Alma? What is the difference between "Request Other Issue" and "Request Issue" buttons in Primo VE? What is the difference between "Time Loaned" and "Times Loaned - not sum" What is the difference between a Lost Item Fine and a Lost Item Process Fee? What is the difference between LOST and MISSING? What is the difference between patron purging and Fulfillment anonymization ? What is the difference between Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing, Broker-based Resource Sharing, Fulfillment Networks, and Automated Fulfillment Networks? What is the difference between Remove and Delete for portfolios in the Electronic Service Editor? What is the difference between User Manager and User Administrator Roles ? What is the exact reason why the IP address of their EZProxy server is needed when adding the Proxy to Alma in the Integration Profiles area? What is the EXLIBRIS DEFAULT COURSE? What is the expiry date of physical item requests? What is the limit of a Ledger or Fund's Grace Period in Alma? What is the potential fine column in the My Account area ? What is the preferred record for merge rules for Connexion export into Alma? What is the Provider Package Code? What is the RSS discovery URL template? What is the URL for Customized Library logo OR Header logo in Alma What is the URL to Provide Vendors for Alma ViewIt Window Link and Resolver Icon? What kinds of notification letters are available in Alma? What kinds of recommendations can the Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant (DARA) make in Alma? What kind of sets can the Change Holdings Information job be run on? What notices and letters are sent (and when) to patrons from Alma? What options should be available to users in the Analytics Menu? What procedure should be followed to alert Ex Libris of a system down? What purpose is the "Request Anyway" option for in Primo? What role is needed to edit a vendor contact? What to check in Alma when an item is/is not requestable in Primo What type of orders do percentage based increases apply to in roll over? What type of user records will be deleted/remigrated at cutover? What versions of OpenURL protocol does Alma support? Why is there a discrepancy between the number of portfolios in the IZ and CZ records after activating an electronic collection? When adding an invoice the VAT% field was greyed out When changing a user's primary identifier, will the user still have access to "private" records, sets, etc? How to Create a Filter on the 'Inventory Price Column' in the 'Physical Items' Subject Area of Analytics to Return Results within Specific Price Ranges When creating a local portfolio, a publication date (2013) is automatically created. How this date is created? When delivery fails because of user blocks, item is put on non-existing hold shelf When does normalization really happen on Repository import of electronic porfolios? When duplicating an item, it is instantly saved even if you click "Cancel" When is a General Hold Request created? When in the "In Process Items" list, clicking on the "requests" link takes the user to the information for the item above in the list When is Ex Libris Hosted "Maintenance Window" When is the hold created for an item when hold request for interested user is added via the POL and when is the Interested In letter sent? When loading invoices via EDI some segments map to the Notes field When multiple items can fulfill a lending request but only one is available, why is the available item not automatically marked as requested? When placing a request from a reading list an error is thrown "Bulk requesting is not supported for serial records" When POLs are attached to CKB IDs as a result of ordering from the Community Zone or at the collection level, is it possible to replace the CKB ID with an MMS ID? When scanning in an item, the move request for the resource sharing department is not found When scanning in an item, what does the alert symbol mean When trying to create a new report in Analytics I am asked to log in When trying to run a fiscal year rollover the "From Year" drop down is blank When using prediction patterns to create issues, do these take into account description template rules? When using the Resend Printouts/Emails page, can the printouts be sent to any printer? When will Alma statistics begin being contributed to bX? When Windows is defined as Hebrew in the Firefox browser, the shortcut Ctrl Alt E or Ctrl Alt W adds nikud signs Kamatz and Holam instead of Enhance the Record. Where are results in Alma analytics that I know were published in a specific year? Where does Alma publish local records and Primo harvests records from? Where does replacement cost come from for patron billing? Where does the information in the note field of an EDI invoice come from? Where does the P2E process pull the field/subfields that contain electronic link information from? Where do the widgets come from? Where is shipping method displayed in Alma? Where is the Created on and Created by in the Physical Item Editor that was on the Summary tab? Where is the “Export Portfolio List" button? Where to find Z39.50 targets? Where to is the ResourceSharingShippingSlipLetter being sent? Where to Proxy: on the Collection or Service (or both)? Which electronic portfolio values are overwritten by auto-holdings jobs? Which MARC fields are indexed in each searchable index Which recall is cancelled when there are multiple requests and the first request is cancelled? Which roles can access the "Monitor jobs" page Which roles can use the new Shelf Report feature? Which role is required for the “Publishing information for physical inventory” function to be visible / selectable? Which template relates to the Ful Item Change Due Date Letter? Which Temporary Item Fields are populated automatically (if any)? Who do I contact about additional Alma training? Who is "BackOfficeUser"? Short loan sends two courtesy reminders Why am I seeing a "Failed to connect to FTP. Please check connection details." error when a job tries to import from my FTP? Why aren't Alma Description Templates updating the format of the Description field of an item record for predicted serial issues? Why aren't my Network Zone records in my SRU or Z39.50 results? Why are all funds not displaying when creating a PO Line? Why are all my e-mails from Alma sent with empty text? Why are BIBs rejected due to unique constraint during migration? Why are certain reports in Analytics not providing expected results after anonymizing user data? Why are changes to fund codes in PO Lines not reflected in Invoices? Why are circulation statistics inconsistent between the criteria and results screen in analytics? Why are credits and invoices posted in a new fiscal year not associated with that year? Why are different results returned in an advanced Physical Items search within Alma than in Analytics? Why are emails in vendor and user records SCRUBBED? Why are IP login restrictions being ignored? Why are Lending Requests in SHAREit/AutoGraphics for Alma not created Why are my overdue and lost items not receiving the correct status? Why are OpenURL links from EBSCOhost failing? Why are Resource Sharing renewals rejected? Why are there ISBN numbers in Analytics that are not part of the MARC record in the Alma UI? Why are some dates not the same in Analytics as Alma? Why are users rejected with error identifier is already taken across Institution, even though the identifier belongs to the same patron? Why are vendor cancellation notices not being received? Why a package is not active after P2E? Why a request created in Primo is placed on a different Title? Why Call Slips don't contain the Item Barcode? Why Can't I Delete Entries in the Advanced Policy Management Menu? Why can't I find any patrons when I search by user ID? Why can't I generate a performance tracking file? Failed to move item error message Why can't I see the “Resource Sharing” sub-menu options like “Borrowing Requests” or “Lending Requests” in the Fulfillment menu? Why can't standalone portfolios be added by set to a local electronic collection? Why can't we find Users by barcode in the Persistent Search Box? Why can't I add a specific fund to a PO Line? Why can expired patrons place requests? Why didn't an Alma resource sharing request with a Conditional Status automatically move on to the next library in the ROTA? Why didn't the automatic renewal succeed? Why did a patron receive two hold notification letters? Why did process applying a normalization rule to a set of titles fail? Why did the Ebook Central job fail? Why did the Fulfillment Proxy not receive an On Hold Shelf Letter for an AFN request? Why doesn't DARA show in the Alma menu? Why doesn't Primo show a link to an EBSCO database when I can find the article directly in EBSCO? Why doesn't SIS User XSD v2 schema update fields? Why does "No Campus" appear in the pickup location list for patron requests? Why does "PO Line - Claiming" job report always say 0 records processed? Why does adding a subfield result in two spaces between the sub-field and the content? Why does Alma add portfolios when loading a file of portfolios to be deleted? Why does an electronic resource display as a physical resource in Primo Why does a closed order have a renewal date? Why does a PDA delete profile multi-match on the PDA record and a Community Zone record? Why does a Simple Search for an exact item Barcode return multiple matches? Why does e-resource say "not activated" in cancelled POL, though resource is active? Opening the Members of an Itemized Set from the "More Actions" drop down takes a long time Why does override on-shelf request policy not allow requesting of non-requestable items? Why does the actual due date and the due date projected in the Alma Fulfillment Configuration Utility differ? Why does the Add members to Set job fail immediately? Why does the auto-renewal rule apply incorrectly? Why does the counter in the batch process report not accurately reflect the number of records? Why does the due date not change when an item is recalled? Why does the item editor show two different values for Process Type? Why does the metadata editor not allow save and release? Why does the Overlap and Collection Analysis job fail to initiate Why does the Public Name of an Electronic Collection appear twice in Discovery? Why don't password changes for Internal users distribute from the Network Zone using the Distribute function? Why don't requested items appear in the Pick from Shelf list? Why do all of the users that migrated from Voyager have a status of Active even though they are expired? Why do Alma Serial Title searches return less than Voyager Journal Title search? Why Do CDI Records for Book Series Titles Appear Incorrectly as "Full Text Available"? How Can I Correct This? Why do email links in an Alma Preview Letter result in http error messages? How can I create a fund report by fiscal year in Analytics? Why do invoices show "Expended from fund = yes" when "VAT expended from fund" is unchecked in the Vendor record? Why do I get an error in Anlaytics "Users" when adding 2 fields? Why do I see different pickup locations in Primo and in Alma? Why do I see the outstanding encumbrances whereas no PO lines are open? Why do keyword-searches for "All Titles" produce results in the Institution Zone that cannot be found in the Network? Why do Library Code (Active) and Name (Active) return a null value when combined with deleted Location? Why Do One-Time PO Lines Remain in Receiving Workbench Post-Receipt? Why do our overdue fines not accrue? Why do searches for "Electronic Titles", "Physical Titles" or "Digital Titles" produce no results in the Network Zone? Why do the encumbrance and disencumbrance timestamp appear to be identical? Why do Usage Statistics not Show Up under More Info in a Repository Search? Why has the Manage Patron Services link disappeared from the Fulfillment menu in Alma Why isn't an imported record matching an existing record? Why isn't the Export job file showing in the "Exported Files" page? Why isn't the option to place a resource sharing request showing up in Alma Why is "Request a different issue" appearing for some records when "General hold request" is hidden? Why is a Bib record showing in Primo if it has no holdings or is in a suppressed location? Why is a new 035 created when I save or import a record? Why is a new MARC record only placed according to its number upon save? "Please select a value" error is thrown when relinking to another bibliographic record Why is a PO not closing? Why is a recently added general electronic service not displaying? Why is a user blocked from checking out items still able to make requests? Why is Gale eBook providing two full text links after migration to Alma? Why is Internal Copy option not on invoice? Why is Invoice Line 999995, Type "Adjustment" appearing? Why is LDR pos 5 not changed to "u" after the holding record is updated? Why is loan being allowed in Alma when TOU has "Not For Loan" = True? Why is my default proxy appearing twice in the "proxy selected" drop-down (once as the Default)? Why is my new library not showing up as a pickup location in Alma? Why is my purchase request released from its assigned user after approval? Why is A New "End of Term" Event Not in Effect for Renewals? Why is there a difference between the brief levels in the Community Zone and my Institution Why is there a difference in the search results when searching with "&" or "and" Why is there a discrepancy between the two audit trails in Alma? Why is there a process type called WORK ORDER DEPARTMENT showing for a record? Why is the date in MARC 008 pos. 00-05 not updated? Why is the expected delivery of a PO Line equal to its sent date? Why is the first predicted issue generating with the second combined month twice? Why is the fund and pricing information missing from a PO Line? Why is the job taking so much longer than normal? Why is the Users Synchronize job still overriding user account fields that were updated manually? Why is Trial still in Draft status after I have Activated it? Why item has a Material Type of “ELEC (not listed)." Why serial "available" in Alma, is displayed in Primo with yellow dot "Check holdings"? Why the "Activate" button is not shown in the requests list for the items on loan? Why is the request allowed on the item level? Why the Restore Request Job Fails? Why was the "Synchronize Changes from CZ" job skipped? Widgets for Analytics Reports Will changing a holding record during fiscal rollover affect the associated POL? How Do I Withdraw an Item with an Attached Purchase Order Line? Words are truncated in MD Editor when viewing field in Firefox Workflow Step Status for Work Order Requests as "undefined" Work Order: Transaction Marked as Rollback Only WorldCat as an external resource Wrong book cover thumbnail displayed in Alma Alma won't allow due date change to desired date Wrong indication 'No Requests' in Items in Department list? XSL Indication Rules or Brief Rules Community Folder in MD Editor Disappears or is Inaccessible Yearly Resource Sharing Requests Limit Year in record's brief view after quick cataloging Z39.50 gate error for OCLC WorldCat external search, or AMICUS, in Alma Z39.50 gate error when attempting an external connection to BDZ (BDS) Z39.50 search (e.g. from ILLiad) - is XML supported? Z39.50 setup - what information to share so Alma be searchable via z39.50 ? Z39.50 username/password - is it mandatory? “Could not process request, please try again later” error message when Scan In > Change item information tab > change type = temporary AND Location = Course Reserve. Why? “Invalid TITLE” error when activating with the Portfolio Loader “No items can fulfill the submitted request" for a Resource Sharing Lending Request where item is available and requestable “Test Access” for a portfolio in Alma opens a blank tab Product MaterialsNo image available Learn more about our product offerings, and how they can serve your needs Implementation and MigrationNo image available Understand methodology and requirements to facilitate successful implementations