Esploro Activities from Alma Courses Cloud App
Getting Started
Welcome to the Esploro Activities from Alma Courses CloudApp. This application gives you the ability to generate Researcher Activities in Esploro using the metadata from your Alma and Leganto Courses. It's implemented as a Cloud App, which means you can install it and use it directly in your Esploro instance.
You first need to ensure that Cloud Apps are active for your institution. Then you can open the Cloud Apps pane and search for Esploro in the search box. Click the install button to install the app, then click the Open button.
For more information on using Cloud Apps in Esploro, see the online help.
The CloudApp retrieves all active Alma Courses and sorts them by Start date. Inactive courses are not mapped to Esploro. Active courses where one of the instructors is included in the Set of Esploro Researchers will be mapped to Esploro as a Researcher Activity using the configuration settings for the app.
To run the CloudApp you will need to have the role Activities Manager.
In order for the CloudApp to work, you will need to provide mapping between your Alma/Leganto Academic Department and your Esploro Organizational Unit. This is done in the Mapping table Configuration>>Research Administration >>Organizations >> Platform Processing Unit to Organizational Unit. Note that even though the table is named Platform processing unit, the mapping is from Alma Academic unit to Esploro Organizational Unit.
The first time you enter the app, you will need to navigate to the settings menu by clicking on the gear icon that displays on the upper right and then create a mapping profile.
General Settings
There are three General Settings that apply to all data mapping profiles,
Activities visible in public profile – this can be set to true or false. If true the activities will be created with the visibility in public profiles set to display.
Activities visible in researcher profile – this can be set to true or false and if true the activities will be created with the visibility in researcher profile set to true.
Language – this should be set to match your default language., it is the language that will be assigned to the activities that are created using this application.
Adding, Renaming, and Removing Data Mappings
To add a new data mapping click on “+ Add New Mapping”. To delete a mapping click on the trash icon, to edit click on the downward facing arrow.
Data Mapping Profiles
To edit a Data mapping click on the downward facing arrow that displays next to the profile name. Each mapping profile contains seven fields for configuration
Name – this is the name of the mapping profile
Course-Selection Criteria
These are the filters that will be applied to narrow down which Alma courses will be used to generate teaching activities
Esploro Organization Unit – choose all or a single Organizational Unit from the menu note that the values that display in the menu are taken from the Mapping table “Platform Processing Unit to Organizational Unit “
Course Term choose all or a single term. Alma terms are mapped to Esploro terms by adding a prefix "term." to the term code. To see a list of Esploro teaching terms go to "Configuration >>Research Administration >>Activities >> Teaching Terms".
Activity Defaults
These are default values that are used when creating the Esploro Researcher Activities.
Activity type – select an activity type and this type will be assigned to all activities generated by this profile. The types that display in this list are taken from your local configuration.
Activity Researcher Role – select which role should be assigned to Researchers.
When you finish editing the Mapping profiles remember to save.
Creating Activities
To run the application to create activities from courses, fill in the fields described below and select “Create Activities”.
Set – select a set of Esploro Researchers.
Select a mapping table – the pull down menu will show the mapping profiles you created. There are no default profiles.
Offset – number of courses that will be retrieved – go through all sets.
After selecting “Create Activities” the app runs and if Activity records are created a message will display with the MMS_ID of the Asset, the Title and Researcher. If none of the assets selected met the criterion of the Data mapping settings then no message will display.