Intota: Providing Consortium-Inherited Resources to Library Patrons
- Product: Intota
How do we provide end users with databases that have been added to our Intota profile via Intota's Interlibrary Shared Resources feature set?
Once your Intota profile has inherited resources from a "manager" library, by default those resources become available in the patron-facing services your library subscribes to, including the two services that are not included as part of Intota: 360 MARC Updates and/or 360 Search. The Display In settings on a resource's Database Details page will be set to ON.
- If the manager library shared a resource that has a Display In setting turned OFF in their profile, then by default your library will inherit the OFF setting for that resource.
- If the manager library does not subscribe to 360 MARC Updates or 360 Search but your library does, the Display In settings for these services will by default be set to ON.
If your library does not want an inherited resource to display in a particular patron-facing service, you can edit the Display In setting on the Database Details page if the "manager" library has configured your sharing settings as Unlocked; if your Resource Inheritance page states the Locked setting is ON, the Display In settings cannot be changed.
Note that the Display In values for inherited titles within a database are set at the same as those of the database itself; title-level Display In settings cannot be changed.
- Date Created: 22-Sep-2015
- Last Edited Date: 26-Sep-2015
- Old Article Number: 13164