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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Fix 228: Dynamically setting user's expiry date

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib
    • Product Version: 3

    How can a user’s expiry date be set dynamically when logging in?

    Using PDS attribute mapping, it is possible to set an expiry date that will be assigned to every user when logging in. This is done by adding a definition in the file named INSTITUTE.tags (where INSTITUTE stands for the institute code) under the directory ./pds/conf_table.
    In this file, add the following lines to set the dynamic expiry date. The expiry date can be any combination of years, months and days from the time of login.

    Following is an example of such a definition that can be added to the /pds/conf_table/INSTITUTE.tags file:
    expiry-date,today +1y+6m

    Format is as follows:
    expiry-date,today +Xy +Xm +Xd
    Where X is any number and y signifies years , m signifies months and d signifies days.

    For example:

    expiry-date,today +17d

    expiry-date,today +1m+20d

    Documentation regarding Attribute Mapping in PDS is available in the Patron Directory Services Guide.

    Additional Information

    PDS, expiry date

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013