How to confirm SFX A-Z list URL in MetaLib 4.
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
How to confirm SFX A-Z list URL in MetaLib 4.
The SFX A-Z list link is configured in the same place (within the Management interface) as the standard SFX link location.
How to configure the SFX link, as well as the SFX A-Z list link for an institution?
1) Access the Management interface with a /M staff account that has privileges to edit the /M Institutional Settings option.
Note: If the current /M login you use shows the Institutional Settings link as grayed out (to indicate inactive or not available), then a different /M user needs to be used (or your account needs to be allowed a higher privilege within the relevant server configuration file, specifically dat01/tab/tab_management).
2) Once logged in with a /M user that can access the Institutional Settings options, select the correct Institution and SFX link. Within the SFX options, select the "E" button (hover text of button = Update).
3) Within the Update or edit mode, there will be three options to set or change:
-- OpenURL, as in OpenURL version: options include 0.1 or 1.0
-- Base URL, free text field that should confirm the appropriate SFX instance link to use with this MetaLib institution
-- A-Z List, free text field that should confirm the appropriate SFX instance A-Z list link to use with this MetaLib institution
There is also a Notes field available to confirm changes, history or any locally relevant detail regarding the options above.
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013