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    Determine if Apache software used by an Ex Libris Product Includes a Certain Module

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Know if the Apache software used by an Ex Libris product includes the module which implements a certain feature.

    (1) Log on to the server as the UNIX user who owns the Ex Libris software (e.g. user aleph).

    (2) Verify that an Apache software package provided by Ex Libris is installed.
    Aleph Example:
    $ which httpd

    $ ls -l /exlibris/aleph/a22_1/product/bin/httpd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 aleph exlibris [...]/exlibris/aleph/a22_1/product/bin/httpd -> /exlibris/product/httpd-2.2.25/bin/httpd

    The executable file httpd needs to be found within the directory tree /exlibris/product.

    (3) There are w types of modules in Apache:
    -- static modules: modules that are compiled into the Apache httpd binary
    -- dynamic modules: modules that are stored in separate files and can be optionally loaded at run-time

    (3.1) In order to check if a certain module is included in Apache as a static module, enter the following command:
    $ httpd -l | grep <module_name>
    $ httpd -l | grep mod_rewrite

    (3.2) In order to check if a certain module is included in Apache as a dynamic module, enter the following command:
    Aleph Example:
    $ ls -l $aleph_product/local/apache/modules | grep mod_ssl
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 aleph exlibris 717241 [...]

    For the other Ex Libris products please specify the appropriate path to the dynamic Apache modules:

    $ ls -l $arc_product/local/apache/modules | grep <module_name>

    $ ls -l $dtl_product/local/apache/modules | grep <module_name>

    $ ls -l $product/local/apache/modules | grep <module_name>

    $ ls -l $primo_product/local/apache/modules | grep <module_name>

    $ ls -l $dps_product/local/apache/modules | grep <module_name>

    Category: Installation & Upgrades

    Subject: Installation

    • Article last edited: 4/4/2014