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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    During pipe GatherSchemaStatisticsAfterNEP takes a lot of time

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: 2

    Questions about GatherSchemaStatisticsAfterNEP process are answered below.

    Q: What kind of statistics are gathered in this process?
    A: Oracle samples DB statistics in this process. Samples like: number of rows in the table, row length, number of CPU etc.

    Q: Does primo really need them?
    A: Yes, it may take time for primo to do this process, but it is absolutely necessary

    Q: If not, could this stage be disabled
    A: This stage is mandatory and can not be disabled

    Q: If so, could its performance be improved by making adjustments to the oracle table setup
    A: This is an internal Oracle process, which was not developed by Ex Libris. As such we cannot recommend doing any changes or adjustments to this process. The process was checked and approved by our Development Team, and any change can do damage on other tasks.

    The amount of time that this process takes depends on when last samples were done, amount of tables in DB, and other more statistical consideration.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013