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    How to extract SFX holdings to load into Primo

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: SFX
    • Product Version: 4

    Desired outcome / Goal
    To prepare SFX extracts to load into Primo


    Generate initial extract in SFX

    1. Log into SFX Admin
    2. Go to Data Management > KBTools > Export Tool > Advanced Export Profiles
    3. Click on the 'Manage Profiles' link
    4. Click on the 'Add Profile' button
    5. Name the profile
    6. Select institute if needed
    7. Select output format 'XML'
    8. Select object type 'Serials'
    9. Select services 'getFullTxt', 'getSelectedFullText' and 'getHolding'
    10. Select 'Simplified Chinese Title' (selected by default)
    11. Select Fresh export
    12. Save profile
    13. On the SFX server, log on as the instance user
    14. Type da
    15. Type ./server_admin_util
    16. Select 10 Primo Export
    17. Select 1 (Re)Export Primo file
    18. When the extract is finished running it will be located here: /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/<instance>/export/sfx4primo_export/

    Configure ongoing updates in SFX
    1. Repeat steps 1 - 3 above.
    2. Edit the existing export profile
    3. Select 'Compare with previous export file'
    4. Check the 'Exclude objects that were not changed' box
    5. Save profile
    6. In the Query Selection screen, go to 'Compare with previous export file' and select the previous export file in the dropdown.
    7. On the SFX server, log on as the instance user
    8. Type da
    9. Type ./server_admin_util
    10. Select 10 Primo Export
    11. Select 3 Schedule Primo export file
    12. Schedule the export to run on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis depending on how frequently changes are made in SFX.
    13. Extracts will be in this directory: /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/<instance>/export/sfx4primo_export/

    Additional Information

    See the SFX General User's Guide and the SFX Systems Administrator Guides for additional information regarding Advanced Export Profiles.

    See the Primo Back Office Guide for information regarding loading data sources into Primo

    Subject: Configuration