Go VE: Getting Started with Collaborative Networks
Go VE for Collaborative Networks
Primo VE supports discovery for Alma networks that may or may not share metadata records with an Alma Network Zone (NZ). In both types of networks, indexing is performed centrally to allow the discovery of records from all member institutions in the network, receive availability of print and electronic resources that are held by all institutions, and request applicable print services for resources that are held by all institutions.
Go VE supports both topologies and allows consortia with or without an Alma NZ to move from Primo to Primo VE.
Collaborative Network with an Alma Network Zone
Go VE process starts with the Enablement process. For consortia with an Alma NZ, there are some additions:
At first, the Go VE option appears only in the Alma NZ. After Go VE is activated in the NZ, the Go VE option is made available in all the member institutions.
The Enablement process in the NZ may contain copy of central customization package (if it existed in Primo), provide the ability to select views to create in Primo VE (if views in Primo are linked to the Alma network), and index the full consortia data.
The Enablement process in the member institutions is similar to the enablement of single institution except that the indexing is invoked in the NZ only. For more information regarding the Enablement process, see Step 1: Enablement Phase.
After Primo VE is enabled, consortia can begin the authentication step, which should be completed at the institution level, and the configuration of Primo VE features may be handled at both the NZ and institution levels.
For specific instructions on how to configure consortia-related functionality in Primo VE, see Go VE: Converting Collaborative Network Features to Primo VE.
Collaborative Network without an Alma Network Zone
The Enablement process for consortia without an Alma NZ is similar to the Enablement process for a single institution and must be invoked by every institution.
If you want your institutions to be able to search other institutions' data, open a Support ticket to build a unified index for your consortium.
After Primo VE is enabled, each institution can begin the authentication and configuration steps based on the instructions in the Go VE documentation. For collaborative network features, please refer to the Go VE: Collaborative Network Features to Primo VE page, which contains the following functionality:
Search scopes - ability to search on another institutions/ entire network
Display functionality – special facets and ability to see physical and electronic services of other institutions.