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    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. For more details on Primo VE configuration, see Primo VE.
    To display the calculated availability status for remote search results, Primo uses the SFX API to check availability using the SFX Rapid Service Indicator (RSI) index. As of the October 2009 SFX Revision, this index replaces the Journal Subscription Index (JSI) and contains a list of all full-text journals in the local instance. To keep the full-text availability status up to date in Primo, you must run the RSI indexing process regularly in SFX.
    The RSI Index is used to determine availability when performing remote searches in MetaLib or when performing searches with the EBSCO API adaptor.

    Configuring SFX and Primo

    In order for Primo to interoperate with SFX, perform the following preliminary steps within SFX and Primo:
    1. Since every Primo institution interoperates with a specific SFX instance, determine which SFX instance each Primo institution uses.
    2. Log on to the relevant SFX instance (using sfxlcl3 for example) and enter the following commands to access the Server Admin utility:
    3. Enter option 15 to access the Build RSI Index menu.
      The following menu displays:
      15 build RSI index
      RSI Tools
      1 (Re) build the RSI index
      2 Show scheduled RSI index builds
      3 Schedule an RSI index build
      Please select [1-3,q,m]:
    4. Enter option 1 to build the RSI index.
      The following message displays:
      Running the index builder may take a long time, possibly hours
      depending on the amount of active portfolios.
      Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n] y
    5. Enter y to continue.
      The following message displays:
      beginning preparation:creating tables,checking consortia
      Checking for consortia records... Consortia check done.
      build RAPID_SERVICE_INDICATOR table.
      build RSI_IDENTIFIERS table. Preparation done.
      fetching active portfolios.
      uploading identifiers active portfolios to RSI_IDENTIFIERS
      Done uploading records to RSI_IDENTIFIERS
      receiving active portfolios from RAPID_SERVICE_INDICATOR_TEMP.
      Done uploading records to RAPID_SERVICE_INDICATOR_TEMP.
      uploading active portfolios to RAPID_SERVICE_INDICATOR.
      Done uploading records to RAPID_SERVICE_INDICATOR Preparation done
    6. Enter option q to exit the Server Admin utility.
    7. If this is the first time you have built the RSI index, enter the following commands to modify the config/sfxctrl.config file to use RSI index:
      vi sfxctrl.config
    8. Add the following line to the extra section if it is not there:
      use_RSI "Y"
    9. Exit and save the changes to the file.
    10. Enter the following commands to access the Server Admin utility:
    11. Enter option 15 to access the Build RSI Index menu.
      The following menu displays:
      15 build RSI index
      RSI Tools
      1 (Re) build the RSI index
      2 Show scheduled RSI index builds
      3 Schedule an RSI index build
      Please select [1-3,q,m]:
    12. Enter option 3 to schedule an RSI index build.
      The following prompts display to allow you to schedule the build:
      Please enter scheduling parameters
      Time must be in the form HH:MM where HH can be: 00-23for midnight-11PM
      or for every hour MM can be: 00-59
      or for every minute
      Enter the time to run [00:00]:00:00
      Would you like to schedule for a certain weekday? [Y/n] N
      Please enter month (1-12 for January-December respectively or '*' for every month) [*]: *
      Please enter day of the month (1-31 or '*' for every day) [1]: 1
      Successfully added the refresh task to your crontab.
    13. Return to the main menu of the Server Admin utility.
    14. Enter option 12 to access the Journal Subscription Index menu.
      The following menu displays:
      12 Journal Subscription Index
      1 (Re)build the Journal Subscription index
      2 Show scheduled Journal Subscription index builds
      3 Schedule a Journal Subscription index build
      Please select [1-3,q,m]:
    15. Enter option 2 to view and remove the cron job for JSI.
    16. Enter option q to exit the Server Admin utility.
    17. Repeat Steps 2 through 16 for each relevant SFX instance.
    18. In the Primo Back Office Institution wizard, define each of the SFX institutions using the SFX institution code and the Primo institution name.
    19. Log on to the Primo Back Office user interface.
    20. For every Primo institution, use the Institution wizard to define the SFX Base URL.
      For more information on the Institution wizard, refer to the Primo Back Office Guide.
    21. On the Primo General Configuration Wizard (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > General Configuration Wizard) page, select Delivery from the drop-down list.
    22. Set the Use SFX RSI field to Y.
    23. Save and deploy the change to the Front End user interface.
      For full instructions on how to set up RSI and to schedule RSI indexing to take place automatically, refer to the Rapid Service Indicator section in the SFX System Administration Guide. You can also find instructions for RSI on the following page in EL Commons:
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