Code Table Inheritance Levels
As mentioned previously, you can configure many of the code tables for a specific institution. However, it is possible to share codes from the installation level via inheritance. This means that if an institution has not configured specific codes, the system will use the codes defined at the installation level or OTB level.
Depending on the code table, inheritance is provided at the following levels:
Row – Indicates that only rows added or modified by the institution are specific to that institution, and all other rows are inherited from a higher level (such as the installation or OTB levels). All code tables in the Front End, Delivery, and OPAC via Primo subsystems are of this type.
Table – Indicates that the entire table (when configured at the institution level) applies to the specific institution, and no rows are inherited from a higher level. All code tables that are not in the Front End, Delivery, and OPAC via Primo subsystems are of this type.