Primo links to DigiTool using the standard DigiTool link-to syntax. The DigiTool base URL is the server IP address and the DigiTool Web server port and Web client:
Add the base URL to digitool_base.
Typically the following links are used:
Link to Resource
The GetIt! link is typically a link to the digital stream, for which the following URL is used:
For example:
http://il-dtldev02:1801/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid= DTL02000000003000002}&custom_att_2=simple_viewer
This template (digitool_linktorscr) is located in the default table of templates.
Back Link to DigiTool
From the full results page in the Front End, Primo displays a link to the same record in DigiTool. The following URL is used:
For example:
http://il-dtldev02:1801/webclient/MetadataManager?pid= DTL02000000003000002&descriptive_only=true
This template (digitool_backlink) is located in the default table of templates.
Link to Thumbnail
In the brief results in the Front End, Primo displays a thumbnail from DigiTool. The following URL is used:
The PID in the case of a thumbnail must be derived from the Relations section of the digital entity. It is added to $$1 of the thumbnail link in the PNX record.
For example: