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    The Facets Section

    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. Only the Display, Facets, and Search sections are configurable in Primo VE. For more details, see Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.

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    The Facets section in the PNX is used to create faceted browsing in the UI. Facets are intended to help the user refine the results list. A single record can have many types of facets, as well as multiple values for a single facet type. Sites can decide which facets they want to include in the UI.

    For each facet, a maximum of 20 facet links are presented for results returned from CDI (Central Discovery Index) and all records in the results set participate in facet count calculation for the top 20 values displayed.

    The following table describes the fields in the Facets section. In addition to these fields, Primo sites can define up to fifty local facet fields.

    Facets Section Fields
    Field Description





    Classification (LCC/DDC/UDC/RVK). The classification facet can be used to create a subject browse list based on the main subject classes of the classification scheme. The classification code is translated into a description in the enrichment phase. The field is updated by the system.


    The collection (physical, digital, electronic, or logical) to which the resource belongs. The collection facet is a code that is translated in the UI.

    Examples of source data:

    • MARC21: 852 $b $c.


    The creation date normalized to four digits. The following formats are supported: YYYY, YYYYMM, and YYYYMMDD. BCE dates are not supported. If the creation date cannot be normalized, the field will not be created.

    Examples of source data:

    • MARC21: 008/07-10; 260 $$c.

    The Creation Date facet is created dynamically based on the results set. Note that it is created from all results, not just the top 200 results as done for dynamic facets. The system creates this facet as follows:

    1. During normalization, creation dates are normalized as follows for each PNX record:

      • Dates before 1899 are normalized as their century. For example, 1826 is normalized to 1800.

      • Dates between 1900 and 1949 are normalized by decade. For example, 1945 is normalized to 1940.

      • Dates after 1950 are not changed.

    2. During a search, the system counts the number of different creation dates found in the search results and split the dates into five groups. For example, if the following 10 dates were found during a search:

      1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2008

      The system will display the following facets groups and the total number of records for each group:

      • Before 1998 (500)

      • 1998 To 2001 (300)

      • 2001 To 2004 (250)

      • 2004 To 2007 (1,020)

      • After 2007 (8234)

    If the system finds less than five dates during a search, the Creation Date facet will not display.


    The following notes apply to the date slider:

    • The initial date ranges that display in the date slider are based on the ranges in this field, not the dates from the search/creationdate field (see search section).

    • Out of the box, the Creation Date facet ranges are hidden. If you want to display the facet ranges, change display:none to display:block in the following line of your local CSS file:

    .EXLFacetContainer ol li.EXLHiddenFacetCreationDate {display:none;}}


    Creator/Contributor. This facet attempts to normalize personal names so that the field contains the last name and the first letter of first name (since this is common in many databases).

    Example of source data:

    • MARC21: 100/110/111 and 700/710/711 fields.

    If the author is a person, the field contains the last name and the first letter of each of the first names:

    • The second and third characters of the tag are 00.

    • The first indicator is 1 (for example, 1001).

    • Use subfield $$a only.

    • The first name is each word after the comma.

    If the author is a conference, the field contains only the conference name, and not particulars on time or place:

    • The second and third characters of the tag are 11 (for example, 711).

    • Use subfield $$a only.

    In all other cases, the entire field is used.

    In blended searches with CDI, the author names displayed in the Author facet are determined by the institution's local content. Only author names that are present in the clients local material are represented. The Author facet's counts represent a combination of local results and CDI records. CDI is queried with the list of author names returned, and the facet counts are updated dynamically. Local and CDI records may be returned when the facet is requested.


    The course department.


    The course ID.


    The course instructor.


    The course name.


    The size of the file for digital objects.


    Physical format. The physical format or file type.

    Examples of source data:

    • MARC21: Can be based on the 007 control field.


    The genre of the resource.

    Examples of source data:

    • MARC21: 655 and subfield v from all 6XX.


    The journal title. The journal title facet values are populated from relevant articles in the central index.

    Sample source data: MARC21: 773 $$t

    This facet displays only when searching in CDI search scopes and returns a maximum of 10 titles.


    The language of the resource. The language is stored in coded form (ISO 639-2) and translated in the UI.

    If the language is not coded, the normalization process attempts to convert it to coded form. If this is not possible, a language facet is not created.

    Examples of source data:

    • MARC21: 008/35-37; if blank, use 041 subfield $$a.


    The facet for physical libraries, which can be used instead of or in addition to the collection facet. The Library facet has a special feature intended for multi-institution sites. It allows you to configure the facet so that it is split between libraries that belong to the user's institution and libraries that belong to all other institutions.

    In addition to the number of hits and alphabetical sort, the library facet allows the following sort options:

    • By user institution and then by size

    • By user institution and then alphanumerically

    • By user institution only

    If any of the sort options are selected, two 'Library' facets will display. The first includes libraries that belong to the user's institution, and the second includes all libraries from other institutions.


    The New Records facet displays records for which a bibliographic record has been added during the following intervals:

    • New from Last Week - displays only records that have been added in the last seven days.

    • New from Last Month - displays only records that have been added in the last 30 days.

    • New from Last 3 Month - displays only records that have been added in the last 90 days.

    The system will not consider the following types of records to be new:

    • Records that were not added to a PC group first.

    • Records that were added to a dedup-merged group.

    • Records that were updated.

    • Records that were deleted and then reloaded using a Delete Data Source and Reload pipe.

    • Records that were re-indexed.

    • Records from Summons collections that replaced existing PC collections. 

    This field cannot be mapped and normalized from the source records, but you can customize and translate the labels associated with this facet using the following code tables:

    • New Records Type – This table defines the following static facet values that display for the New Records facet:

      • default.facets.facet.facet_newrecords.07 days back > New from Last Week

      • default.facets.facet.facet_newrecords.30 days back > New from Last Month

      • default.facets.facet.facet_newrecords.90 days back > New from Last 3 Month

    • Facets Code Fields – The following code configures the display of the new facet in the Primo Back Office: facet_newrecords > New Records.

    • Facet Labels – The following codes configure the display of the new facet in the Primo Front End:

      • default.facets.facet.facet_newrecords > New Records

      • > New Records

    For CDI records this facet displays in the results, but it does not appear in the PNX record.


    The search pre-filter that is available in the Primo UI and must be mapped as a facet. The default list of pre-filters is based on the Resource Type field in the display:

    • Book -> Books (books)

    • Journal -> Journals (journals)

    • Article -> Articles (articles)

    • Text Resource -> Books (books)

    • Image -> Images (images)

    • Video -> Audio-Video (audio-video)

    • Audio -> Audio-Video (audio-video)

    • Maps -> Maps (maps)

    • Score -> Scores (scores)


    Related records—not in use.


    The nature or genre of the resource. This field is based on the type field in the Display section:

    • Book -> books

    • Journal -> journals

    • Article -> articles

    • Text Resource -> text resources

    • Image -> images

    • Audio -> media

    • Video -> media

    • Score -> scores

    • Map -> maps

    • Other -> others


    Enables the display of topics (subjects) on three levels. Every level is separate by a hyphen with a 3-byte Unicode representation. In the UI, only three levels are used.

    Examples of source data:

    • MARC21: 6XX (all fields which begin with the digit 6) fields:

      First facet level (topic 1) is all data up to the first occurrence of subfield $$v, x, y, or z. Each subfield division (v, x, y, or z) constitutes the next level. The string is truncated after three levels.

    For CDI records, topics consist of a single level. Multi-level/nested topics are not supported.


    The facet that displays on top of the results set, which is shown only in the Primo UI. The top-level facet includes the following values:

    • Online Resources—assigned if the delivery category is Online Resource.

    • Available in library—assigned if the availability_pnx field from the Display section is available.

    Multiple top-level facet values may be assigned to a single PNX record.

    lfc01 - lfc50

    Local facet fields.

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