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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Manual actions to be applied during Rosetta 5.0 installation to correct issue with derivative copies

  • Article Type: General
  • Product: Rosetta
  • Product Version: 5.0
  • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct,Direct,Local,Total Care



This procedure is relevant only for upgrading from SP 4.2.0.x directly to 5.0.


Rosetta version 5.0 requires a manual fix for derivative copies created since installing SP 4.2.0, if this procedure was not performed while installing SP 4.2.1. The fix corrects a discrepancy between the files' logical location as stored in the database and their physical storage location.


To apply the manual fix:

  1. Install Rosetta 5.0 on all servers. You may restart Rosetta after the installation is complete.
  2. On one server only (any server for all-in-one topologies, any PER server for distributed), go to the 5.0.0 SP Download directory (can be retrieved by running util sp 1 3; then cd 5.00).
  3. Execute: nohup csh -f build_dir_5.0.0.0/install_sp_dir/special_sp_dir/manual/4_2_1/DPS_14197.csh &

Execution time will vary, depending on the number and size of derivative copy files created since installing SP 4.2.0.

  1. In addition to the script fixing the actual file locations, after restarting Rosetta, a manual execution of the '4.2 Data Correction Process', created automatically by the service pack, is required for each institution. The process will create a new IE version and will remove the derivative representation from each relevant IE METS.