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    7.8 Hands-On: Collections


    Scenario 1: Collection Management

    1. Enter the Back Office area.
    2. Select Data Management > Collection Management > Collection Management
    3. Click on ‘Add Collection’ (Plus sign on the left)
    4. Choose Add to First Level, and give a Name. Click Save
    5. See that your new Collection has been created.
    6. Click Right on that collection, and click Add Collection
      1. You see that you can now create a Sub Collection. Create a Sub-Collection
      2. Note that once your Collection is highlighted, you can also use the Plus Sign to create a Sub-Collection
    7. Move now your Sub-Collection to the top level (drag and drop)
    8. Move your first collection to be a Sub-Collection
    9. Use the Search box and type part of the name of your collection, Click Enter to see the search result
    10. On your Collection, see the Metadata and Content Tabs
      1. You can Edit the DC Metadata
      2. You can Add metadata
      3. If you click on View Collection it will be empty since the Collection is Empty.



    Scenario 2: Assign IE to Collection

    1. Access the Search by clicking ‘Go’ on the home page next to Search Permanent.
    2. Look for an IE you deposited, or just find any IE, by searching SIP > 0
    3. Click Editor on the IE you wish to Edit
    4. Choose ‘Lock Object’ in the Actions drop down.

    Note: if the IE is already locked by someone else, you should choose another one, or override lock it, if you know the person has forgotten to unlock it after leaving work.

    1. In the Collections Tab, choose ‘Assign to Collection by Name’
    2. Pick the collection or sub-collection you wish to assign your IE to and Click Submit.
    3. You should see now: Locked By: USER user/[number].

    This means that a process of that number, is running on this IE, and that once it will be done, it will still be locked by the user.


    Click Refresh

    1. Choose ‘Commit Changes in the drop down and click Go
    2. After refreshing, you can go back to the Collections Tab and see a new line for the new collection.
    3. Click on View, to View the Collection
    4. Click on the IE to view the IE
    5. See on the right upper side, there is a Folder Sign, which gives you the list of collections this IE belongs to, and from there, go back to the collection viewer.
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