What is the MFT address for uploading the library's catalog to Summon?
- Product: Summon
What is the MFT address for uploading library content to Summon?
Summon now supports the MFT (Managed File Transfer) platform for transferring local data. Ex Libris MFT only supports access by username and RSA key. Visit the Ex Libris Cloud MFT User Guide for Summon and 360 Services article for more information on this process.
MFT Requirements:
An SFTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP. Connecting to SFTP via Bash Shell or Integrated Library System is also supported
Username, Hostname, RSA key, and Port Number (please contact us via the Support Portal to have this information resent if you do not have it)
A file named properly per Summon: Catalog File Naming Convention
Note: Updates and deletes process automatically. In case of a full load, please follow the instructions detailed in this article.
Additional Information
Summon: Exporting Catalog Holdings - Uploading to Summon
Note that Summon over Alma customers follow a different process described in this article: Publishing Records to Summon
- Article last edited: 08-Aug-2024