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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Acquisitions loader hangs or fails to complete successfully

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Verde
    • Product Version: 2

    When using an input file that contains sorting format for the acquisition loader, the loading process fails but nothing is written in the genericAcquisitionLoader.log. In the UI it displays that the "process is in progress..." for many hours and only then it's changed to say that it failed. During this no report summary is generated and the report file is empty, so in the end, the Acquisitions loader fails without issuing to the appropriate log or to the interface an error message or indication that it is no longer processing the file in question.
    This file format is not supported by any other loader, but as opposed to the acquisition loader, the other loaders produce all required logs and error messages immediately and therefore the customer can understand what the problem is and correct it.
    The acquisition loader should be improved so it will behave like the other loaders in this case.

    From issue resolution:
    Resolved as part of the October SP (by rep change 684)[10/8/2009 1:46:41 PM Zvi Finkin]
    Final Status: Closed [10/8/2009 1:46:45 PM Zvi Finkin]

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013