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    OPAC: Create External Search Form Widget

    Created By: Laura Guy
    Created on: 5/14/2019

    [This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]


    This relates to the "New" Tomcat WebVoyage user interface that is included in Voyager 7.0.1 and forward.

    I spent several hours figuring out this code. Yes, I know it is dumb, but I've put it up here anyways so I never have to fuss with it again. Besides, people keep asking me for it. You'll of course want to replace our URL with yours in the action parameter.

    External Search Form Code (Simple version)

    <form method="get" target="_blank" action="">

          <label for="searchArg">Search: </label><input id="searchArg" name="searchArg" class="inputStyle" size="36" type="text">

          <input id="quickSearchButton" value="Go" type="submit"><input value="GKEY^*" name="searchCode" type="hidden">

          <input value="0" name="searchType" type="hidden">


    External Search Form Code (More complex version; note hidden fields with preferred defaults)

    <form id="searchBasic" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="GET" action="">

    <input title="Please enter search term(s)." id="searchArg" name="searchArg" class="inputStyle" size="51" accesskey="s" type="text"> 

    <input type="hidden" title="Select the index to search." class="" name="searchCode" id="searchCode" value="GKEY^*" /> 

    <input type="hidden" title="Limit your search to these items." class="" name="limitTo" id="limitTo" value="none" /> 

    <input type="hidden" title="Select how many records to display per page." class="" name="recCount" id="recCount" value="10" /> 

    <input type="hidden" name="searchType" value="1" /> 

    <input title="Search the library" type="submit" name="" id="" value="Search" />



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