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    BULK: Cat Location (-l) not written to bib/mfhd/item history

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.2

    Bug Report Issue 16384-18209

    Module: Bulkimport
    Release replicated in: 8.1.0 – 8.1.1
    Last version without bug: 8.0.0

    Expected results: When bulk import is run with a cataloging location specified (-l), the location would be written to the record’s bib_history, mfhd_history and item create_location_id on import.

    Actual results: When bulk import is run with a cataloging location specified (-l), bib_history records BIB_HISTORY.LOCATION_ID=0 and the field is blank in the History tab for the bib in the Cataloging client.
    Also happens for mfhd records, MFHD_HISTORY.LOCATION_ID=0 as well as item records, ITEM.CREATE_LOCATION_ID=0.

    Workflow implications: If sites use the cataloging location to track bulk import activity, this data is not recorded for the import.

    Replication steps:
    1. In SysAdmin, create a bulk import rule that will add records to the database.
    2. Use this rule to import any file of bib records using the following command:
    Pbulkimport –iRULE –f/m1/incoming/import.bib –lCAT
    Where RULE is the import rule code, /m1/incoming/import.bib your file of records and CAT the location code for a cataloging location in SysAdmin.
    3. Check the import log in /rpt and note the bib ID of one or more bibs imported by the process.
    4. In Cataloging, open one of these bib records and look at the History tab.
    5. Note that the Cataloging location for the import’s CREATE action is blank.
    6. If you look at the table BIB_HISTORY for the bib ID, you’ll see that BIB_HISTORY.LOCATION_ID=0.
    * This also happens using Replace duplicate handling to update a record.

    Fixed in Voyager 8.1.2 and above.

    • Article last edited: 3/3/2015