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    Brief overview of record relationships in Voyager cataloging

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Overview of record relationships (the record hierarchy) in Voyager cataloging.


    Voyager uses MARC standard Authority, Bibliographic, and Holdings records, and a Voyager defined (non-MARC) Item record.

    1. The Bibliographic Record contains all of the bibliographic information about the item: Title, Author, Subject Headings, etc.
    2. The Holdings Record, also known as a MFHD, contains location, call number, copy number, and any specific holdings information. A separate holding record exists for every unique combination of location, copy, and call number.
    3. The Item Record contains information to the unique piece in hand: the barcode number, item type, copy number, copy price, temporary location/item type, Enumeration/Chronology information, item status, etc.
    4. The Authority Record contains the standardized forms of names for people, corporate bodies, meetings, titles and subjects. They provide authority control and establish a recognized form for an entity name.

    Bibliographic, holdings and item records contain information about a book, serial, etc.  Authority records contain standardized forms for information used in bibliographic records.



    For a number of helpful examples of record relationships, see: Record Relationships in Cataloging.pdf

    Additional Information

    See also:


    • Article last edited: 05-Feb-2021