CAT: Cannot open a locally saved record in Cataloging
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.2
Problem Symptoms:
* A record saved locally using the Cataloging module cannot be reopened in Cataloging.
* Attempting to open the record produces the error: "The record character encoding does not match the import format: record skipped."
The setting for "Expected Character Set of Imported Records" in Cataloging must be set to "MARC-21 UTF-8" for records previously saved in Cataloging to be successfully opened.
1. Open Cataloging > Options > Preferences > Mapping tab
2. Change the setting for "Expected Character Set of Imported Records" to "MARC-21 UTF-8."
3. Attempt to open the previously saved record.
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 4/21/2014