Can Patron Update be used to blank out Title field in patron record?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: All
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
Is there a way to use Patron Update to clear any data present in the Title field in a patron record and leave it blank?
No - Patron Update is only capable of removing the information in required fields from a patron record, and only under certain circumstances.
Additional Information
By design, Patron Update looks at the Title field as a string; if the SIF file contains any information for this segment, Patron Update will add it to the patron record. However, since that field is not required, leaving that section blank will cause the program to take no action on this patron's title, rather than remove data. The field in the patron record should be modified manually in Circulation, and the source of the information for the patron SIF should be corrected for future use.
Category: Batch jobs
- Article last edited: 12/13/2013