Headings Search Results Count in Voyager Global Data Change do not Match the Number of Bib Records in New Record Set
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
When I do a Staff Subject Headings Search in GDC (Global Data Change) for a subject heading I am interested in, I get "547 Headings Found" in the Headings List. I choose them all, and my record count is "1751 Records Found" in the Titles Index. BUT when I try to save those records to a "New Set", all I get in that set is 987 bib records. I expected 1751 bib records. What happened?
Some bib records have multiple headings.
In a different example, you might get 4 subjects to match your search in your Headings List, but when you export the records, you only see two bib records. That is because (in this example) one of the records has 1 heading, while the other has 3. Thus: four headings but only two bib records.
Additional Information
In the workflow when producing a Titles Index from a Headings List, it can be deceptive in the Titles Index display where it states "X Records Found" for the Search -- as that figure will count duplicate titles as discrete records.
- Article last edited: 03-Mar-2021