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    How to delete patron records in Voyager that are affiliated with proxy patrons

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Instructions to delete patron records that are affiliated with proxy patrons.


    1. Retrieve the patron record.
    2. Right click on the patron record and choose Edit Patron.
    3. Click on each of the patron's barcodes in the right-side menu and then click the Delete button for each.
    4. When you receive a warning that says, "Patron required to have at least one patron group for circulation purposes. Barcode will be deleted, but patron group will be retained," click OK.
    5. Click back to the Name Tab of the Edit Patron Record window, and then click the Delete button to delete the patron record.
    6. If the patron record was added and updated by SYSTEM, confirm with your registrar/campus patron management system that the patron is removed from their system as well.
    7. If the patron record was unable to be deleted by the steps above:
      1. Add a new barcode to the patron record with the same patron group as the patron's previous patron group.
        • For the new barcode number, you can use something generic, such as "TEST" or "DELETE".
        • If the previous barcode had a status of "Active" you may be prompted to select a new status when saving the new barcode; select any of the offered statuses.
      2. Delete the patron's previous barcode.
      3. You should now be able to delete the patron record.



    • Article last edited: 11-Jan-2021
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