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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    WebV: search redirect followed by browser "back" button confuses session

    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.1


    Use browser “back” button after redirect search and WebVoyage behaves as if the record is from the redirect search: click “next” and “previous” shows results from the redirect search

    Defect Status

    Issue 16384-2641 is resolved for Voyager 8.1.1 and higher.

    Replication Steps

    1. Conduct a basic search for “blue”
    2. Select the 2nd result
    3. From the record page, click on a search redirect (subject, author—whatever conducts a new search)
    4. Note the results on that page, then click the browser’s “back” button to return to the record
    5. Click the “Next” and “Prev” buttons (upper right of the window) to navigate to other results.

    At this point you’ll be navigating through the results of the redirected search. The expected behavior would be to navigate through the results of the original search.

    • Article last edited: 07-Mar-2015