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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    When copying PO, receive fund warning/block "Expired End Date"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.2.5

    Problem Symptoms:
    ? Copying a PO with multiple line items, each linked to a different fund on a now-expired ledger (that does have a successor ledger in a current fiscal period) results in a Fund Warnings box with "Expired End Date" for all funds except the first one checked.
    ? Copying a PO that has one line item with multiple copies, each linked to a different fund on a now-expired ledger results in a Fund Warnings box with "Expired End Date" for all funds except the first one checked.

    Issue 16384-13233

    Fixed in Acquisitions server for Voyager 8.1.0.

    Additional Information

    If there?s a lone line item linked to one of the above funds, the copy will succeed. If there are multiple line items but they?re all linked to the same fund from above, the copy will succeed.

    Workaround -- Copy PO does still work with expired funds if the price of the line item is zero; as a workaround you could edit the line item prices to be 0, copy the PO, then re-edit all the line items to have a price and a current fund ? but this is fairly labor intensive.

    Category: Acquisitions

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013