campusM 2021 Release Notes
User Management Enhancements
January 2021
User Roles was moved from App Settings > App Settings to App Settings > User Management. In addition, the new Registered Users and Force Login options were added under User Management.
Registered Users
We added the ability to view, search, and filter by date range for groups or specific app users to view the date and time they registered in the app. The interface also enables you to download a CSV file with the data for external use.
Force Login
We added the ability to force a user or group of users to reauthenticate their credentials each time they log in to the app. You can apply this feature to all users, users with specific roles, or specific user email addresses.
campusM URL Scheme Enhancements
January 2021
By customer request, we added the ability to link directly to the Search and Feedback areas of the app using the following campusM URLs:
- campusm://search – loads the home page and opens the search tab to allow you to perform a search
- campusm://feedback – grants the ability to leave feedback without selecting the Send Feedback option from the Settings menu
These URLs can be used on the home page as well as in content pages and in notifications to encourage user interaction with these sections of your app.
For further information on the campusM URL Scheme, see Working with App URLs.
Leganto Product Integration
January 2021
We added a new product integration that enables users to benefit from having Leganto built into campusM. This configurable product integration provides users with a seamless experience of their Leganto reading list and collections through campusM.
For further information on Leganto product integrations, see Leganto.
Generic Live Tile
January 2021
We added the ability to deploy a Generic Live Tile that enables customers to display a configurable tile displaying labels and live counters driven by a defined Restful API. Using the product integration configuration, administrators can define what numerical data displays from the Restful service, along with the icons and labels. Use this feature to create your own live tiles from API data sources without the need for coding.
For further information on the Generic Live Tile product integration, see Generic Live Tile.
Badge View |
List View (1 width x 1 height with just one item configured in the list) |
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List View (1 width x 1 height with more than one item configured in the list) | List View (2 width x 1 height with more than one item configured in the list) |
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Gmail Product Integration Live Tile
January 2021
We added a new product integration for Gmail. The product integration provides a Live Tile with a dynamic badge that displays the number of unread emails in your inbox. Selecting the tile opens your Gmail inbox.
A future release will contain a fully-fledged email client as part of this product integration (similar to the Outlook365 product integration).
For further information, see Email.
Events Product Integration – Remove Mandatory Requirement for a Unique ID Field for RSS Vendor
January 2021
We removed the mandatory requirement to provide a unique identifier for each event when using an RSS feed as the vendor for the data. campusM now creates a unique internal reference to manage the integration, though customers can still add their own ID if desired. We also now allow usage of the / character in the customer identifier.
For further information on the Events product integration, see Events.
Canvas Product Integration – Configure Enrollment Type
January 2021
We added the ability to define the enrollment type as part of the Canvas product integration. The following enrollment types are available:
- Student
- Teacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Observer
- Designer
This selection defines the courses visible for each user based on their enrollments in Canvas. You can create additional instances of the Canvas product integration for each of the enrollment types.
For further information on the Canvas product integration, see Canvas.
LMS/VLE Product Integrations – Custom Live Tile Icons for Canvas and D2L
January 2021
We added the ability to upload custom icons to be used for elements within the Live Tile for Canvas and D2L. Image URLs can be added to the product integration configuration. To add custom images, administrators must first select Use Custom Icons in the Live Tile configuration. If Use Custom Icons is not selected, the default icon appears.
For further information on the LMS/ VLE product integrations, see LMS/VLE.
LMS/VLE Product Integration – Live Tile Icons for Blackboard
January 2021
We added a Live Tile for the Blackboard product integration that provides dynamic information and prompts the user to take action regarding the user's Blackboard courses. Within the product integration configuration, you can select the Announcements, Courses, Assignments, Grades, and Events elements to have them displayed as well as define their order and labels.
For further information on the Blackboard product integration, see Blackboard.
ID Card Product Integration – Enlarged User Image and Dynamic Date/Time Field
January 2021
We added the following enhancements to improve the ID Card usability and security:
- We enabled users to enlarge the image on the card. This is useful in socially distanced environments when displaying your ID to security. You can select the enlarge button to scale the image and improve visibility.
- We added the ability to display the current date and time, including seconds to provide a dynamic element to the ID card and prevent using a screenshot. When enabled, security staff can confirm the validity of the ID Card by referring to the date and time.
For further information on the ID Card product integration, see ID Card.
Timetable Product Integration – Banner – Enhanced Location Display Configuration
January 2021
We enhanced the Timetable product integration for Banner to enable configuration of location information for events. Customers can configure whether to display the Location, Campus, and Room Description for the events.
For further information on the Timetable product integrations, see Timetable.
Library Product Integration – Configurable Icon for Fines and Fees
January 2021
You can now add custom icons for Fines and Fees found on the landing page and in the Library Card, reflecting the symbol of the local currency.
For further information on the Library product integration, see Library.
Directory Search Product Integration – Enhanced User Experience
January 2021
We made the following enhancements to the Directory Search product integration:
- If a search term provides more results than can be displayed on one page, clicking Show More adds the results to the bottom of the existing page rather than replacing the current list.
- The Directory entries now support displaying special characters within the returned data field.
For further information on the Directory Search product integrations, see Directory Search.
Holds Product Integration – Live Tile Displays Number of Holds
January 2021
We added the ability to enable a Live Tile for the Holds product integration that displays a live badge showing the count of hold rows returned for the end-user. This prompts the user to take action on the homepage.
Holds Product Integration – BannerXE - Additional Configurable Fields Added for Each Hold
January 2021
We added the ability to provide additional data fields against each hold listing, using code/label pairs from the product integration configuration. This enables customers to define their own fields to display based on field keys returned from the service.
For further information on the Holds product integrations, see Holds.
Product Integrations – General Resiliency
January 2021
After receiving reports that optional/unexpected data fields were causing product integrations to fail, we improved our handling to enhance resiliency for optional/unexpected data items being returned by services generally across our integrations range.
Migration of Attendance Transaction Product Integration to Attendance Configuration
January 2021
By customer request, we moved the Attendance Transaction view from product integrations to the Attendance configuration area, bringing attendance deployment/configuration and transaction viewer configuration into one area of App Manager.
Timetable Code Restructure (Requires iOS and Android Release)
February 2021
We have restructured the Calendar/Timetable code to improve both performance and resilience, as well as providing consistent behavior across all platforms.
The restructuring includes the following benefits:
- Reduced number of service calls to retrieve timetable data
- Enhanced handling of cached timetable data and refresh mechanisms
- Improved handling of week/month transitions
- Consistency across platforms – includes bringing Blended Calendar to the Web App
Due to the nature of this code restructure, we can only enable the new enhanced behavior for native apps with the February 2021 release and onwards. Therefore, as part of a customer’s next release of the native app (iOS and Android) from February 2021, we will implement a mechanism to force end-users to update their apps from the app store to get the latest version. This will ensure alignment with the new timetable mechanisms.
Web App Blended Calendar View
February 2021
As part of the Timetable restructuring enhancement, we are aligning the Calendar/Timetable across all the platforms, which means we are bringing Blended Calendar to the Web App.
This Blended Calendar view provides a single, color-coded view of multiple calendar feeds on one screen, providing students with a holistic view of their scheduled events.
We have retained the ability for Web App users to access either a monthly or weekly view of their calendar. Each event has a defined color identifying the source calendar from where the event is fed. Update this view using the refresh icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. The time when the screen was updated also appears here. Selecting an event directs the user to the Event Detail screen.
Click Calendar to view the available Calendar feeds (and the color coding associated with each feed) and select which events to display in their blended view. This view also provides details about when each Calendar view has been updated.
Quick Polls – Enhanced Visual Cue Regarding Multiple or Single-Selection Responses
February 2021
We improved the visual cues to make a clear distinction between a single selection (using radio buttons) and a multi-selection (using checkboxes) multiple-choice question type.
For further information, see Quick Polls.
Creating App Roles API
February 2021
Following last month's ability to add App Roles to end-users using the addRole API, we have now added the ability to create or remove App Roles programmatically using the createAppRole API.
For further information on how to use this API, see App Roles API.
Product Integration Enhancements
February 2021
Leganto Product Integration – Configurable Live Tile
Following the initial release of the Leganto Product Integration in the January 2021 release, we added a configurable Live Tile to the integration, providing a range of data elements to display on the app home screen, including:
- number of lists
- unread notifications
- due dates
As with other product integration Live Tiles, you can configure the labels and order of the element on the tile, as well as the tile size in App builder.
For further information on configurable live tiles, see Leganto.
ID Card Product Integration – Enlarged Dynamic Date/Time Display
February 2021
We enlarged and increased the prominence of the dynamic date/time field shown on the ID card to improve visibility when validating a user’s credentials.
For further information, see ID Card.
Contact Tracing Product Integration – Manual Code Entry and Improved Feedback when Removing a Transaction
February 2021
We added the ability for a student to enter a manual location code rather than scanning a QR code. This is specifically targeted at students using the Web App for devices without working cameras. This can be selectively enabled within the product integration configuration screen. We also added clear notifications when canceling scanned/entered locations:
For further information on the Contact Tracing product integration, see Contact Tracing.
Events Product Integration – Disable Date as a Filter (SF: 00897476)
February 2021
We added the ability to enable or disable Dates as a filter for events' lists. This is useful if you have many single date events. Disable the Initial Date Filter to make these events easier to navigate.
For further information on the Events product integration, see Events.
Blackboard LMS/VLE Product Integration – Deep Linking from the Live Tile to the Relevant Integration Page
February 2021
We have enhanced the action of the Blackboard Live Tile to enable deep linking into the relevant area of the product integration pages when clicking an icon on a tile. For example, if you click Courses on the Live Tile, you are directed to the Courses page.
For further information on the Blackboard product integration, see Blackboard.
List Product Integration – Checklists and Favorites
February 2021
We added the ability to configure Lists as Checklists, providing end-users with the ability to mark items as complete. These checked items can be configured to be stored on the local device (and potentially lost when the users log out or changes devices) or stored in the Ex Libris cloud where they can be retrieved and synced on any device. Enabling this also saves a user's favorites to the cloud so that they are available going forward.
For further information, see List.
List Product Integration – Live Tile Enhancements
February 2021
By customer request, we have added a number of interface enhancements to the List product integration Live Tile:
- Enabled the ability to control the text size using the App Builder Font Size (min), Font Size (max) properties
- Added padding to the left and right of the Live Tile
- Added the ability to add or remove dividers between the items under a category on the Live Tile
- Added the ability to configure the Category and URL link text color to a different value
For further information, see List.
Managing Key Contract Email Address in App Manager
March 2021
To ensure we maintain a key contact address for customers, we have added the ability to add and maintain an email address for ongoing communications from the campusM team to your key app contact. You can update this in App Manager, within the App Settings > General settings. We suggest that you add a contact list email address to this field to ensure we can maintain interactions.
Populate Notification Group Subscriptions Using CSV File
March 2021
We added the ability to upload a CSV file or email addresses to bulk populate Notification Groups. This removes the need to manually search and select users for subscriptions.
Clicking Upload File displays the file upload selector, along with the ability to either add (appending the list of users to the existing Notification Group subscriptions) or Replace (replacing all existing Notification Group subscribers with the users in the file) for the group.
Once the import is complete, you can download results for users who were added successfully and those that were not (either because they do not exist within the system or had an invalid email format).
View Notification History for API, BCC, and Polls Sent Through App Manager (SF: 00787742)
March 2021
We added the ability to view the notification history from all of the available routes to send – App Manager, BCC, API, and Polls. We also include these notifications in the Overall totals for notifications sent and notification engagement statistics.
Modifying App Manager Login Screen
March 2021
We made a minor UI enhancement to the login screen to enhance the look and feel on entry into App Manager.
CMAuth Authentication SAML Token Authentication – Self Configuration
March 2021
We have enabled customers to configure SAML authentication using CMAuth for themselves, removing the need for campusM Professional Services involvement.
For more information on how to configure Token-Based Authentication, see Managing Token Based Authentication.
Quick Polls – Anonymous Polls
March 2021
We have enabled the ability to undertake Anonymous Polls with your users. This can be enabled on a per Poll basis when creating a new Poll and the user's identity is not stored with the transaction.
When retrieving the data from the getPollResults API, the personID and personEmail objects will be empty. You cannot query the API using an email address for an anonymous Poll.
For more information on Quick Polls, see Quick Polls.
Product Integration Changes Enhancements
March 2021
ID Card Product Integration – Data Caching Configuration
By customer request, we added the ability to configure how long the ID card data is cached for on the user's device before fetching an update. Caching is enabled by default to reduce load on the configured API server; however, this configuration enables customers to define the time period before the data is considered stale.
The configuration enables customers to specify caching duration (the Time to Live) before the data is refreshed.
For more information on ID Card product integration, see ID Card.
List Product Integration – Enhanced Live Tile
March 2021
We added the ability to configure how list items are configured as URL links are displayed on the live tile. The configuration enables you to underline the links and to include or exclude a chevron at the end.
For more information on List product integration, see List.
List Product Integration – Enable Searchable Lists
March 2021
We added the ability to enable search within the list, enabling end-users to search for text and numbers within the listed items. The search queries the following fields: Category Title, Item Title, Item Description, and URL.
For more information on List product integration, see List.
Library Product Integration (Primo and PrimoVE) – Live Tile Enhancements
March 2021
We aligned the configuration of our Library product integration Live Tile with that of our LMS/VLE Live tiles. This enables customers to configure the icons used and their ordering on the tile. This is all managed through the Product Integration Configuration screen.
For customers who have already deployed the Library Product Integration Live Tile, the tile does not change until enabled within the product Integration screen. For customers with the legacy tile, the new form can be enabled by selecting the Enable Latest Live Tile Design in the Design dropdown in the Live Tile section and save to make this available to end-users.
For more information on Library product integration, see Library.
Contact Tracing Product Integration – Visual Indicator for Scanned and Manual Entries and Manual Entry Validation
March 2021
We added improved visual cues to indicate when a contact tracing entry was made by scanning a QR code or by manually entering a code.
We have also restricted the Manual Entry code to ONLY contain alphanumerical characters and the following special characters -./_"
For more information on Contact Tracing product integration, see Contact Tracing.
Directory Search Product Integration – Enabling Multiple Contact Filters (SF: 00878259)
March 2021
By customer request, we enabled the ability to add a comma-delimited list to the filter codes and descriptions for the Directory Search product integration. This helps customers refine the experience.
For more information on Directory Search product integration, see Directory Search.
LMS/VLE Product Integration for Moodle – Configure Assessment Visibility on Live Tile (SF: 00859059)
March 2021
We added the ability to suppress Assessments that do not have due dates configured from showing on the Moodle Live Tile. This can be enabled or disabled based on the customer’s preference within the product integration configuration.
For more information on LMS/VLE product integration for Moodle, see LMS/VLE – Moodle.
Student Attendance Dashboard Widget
April 2021
To enhance the visibility of attendance data to aid the student to understand their general levels of attendance and engagement in class, we added the ability to display a summary of the student’s check-in transactions at the top of their Check-in History. This optional component displays the current proportion of attendance in class, with a graphical breakdown of the check-in outcomes for the selected period.
As part of this development, we have also increased the viewable Check-in History period from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, to provide improved longer-term visibility of attendance trends for the student and lecturers.
For more information campusM Attendance, see Managing campusM Attendance.
App Center Download QR Code in App Manager
April 2021
To improve ease of access to the App Center to download the Release Candidate, Sandbox, and Preview Apps, we have incorporated a QR code on your App Manager home screen that, when scanned, directs you to the appropriate areas of App Center to download the app.
There are separate QR codes for iOS and Android.
Copy Asset URL to Clipboard from Asset Manager
April 2021
By customer request, we have added a button against assets within the Asset Manager to copy the full URL address to the clipboard for the selected asset. This helps to link and use the asset in features like Creative Studio or App Builder.
Add the campusM Logo to the Favicon for App Manager
April 2021
We have added the campusM logo to the favicon for browsers, to assist with identifying the App Manager when multiple tabs are open.
Ability to Disable a Menu Option from the Web App
April 2021
We added the ability to selectively disable Menu Options (tiles) exclusively for the Web App, rather than requiring the use of the Override property. This enables users to exclude menu options so that the value is no longer searchable and streamlines the option with existing options to disable Menu Options for iOS and Android.
From April 2021, we will no longer actively support Internet Explorer 11. This means that we will no longer use Internet Explorer as part of our QA suite and if a customer finds an issue in this legacy browser, we will advise customers to use Microsoft Edge or an alternative browser rather than correcting the product for use in Internet Explorer. This is in line with Microsoft's guidance and their migration to Edge as their supported browser. See Microsoft: Lifecycle FAQ - Internet Explorer and Edge
Contact Tracing Product Integration – Enabling Validation on Manual Location Code Entry
April 2021
We added the ability to enable input validation on the Location Codes entered through the Contact Tracing Product Integration. When enabled, the user must enter a valid location code to complete the contact tracing check-in. The valid set of Location Codes can be entered manually into the product integration configuration.
For more information on the Contact Tracing product integration, see Contact Tracing.
Events Product Integration – Saving Event Favorites to the Ex Libris Cloud
April 2021
We added the ability to configure where your users' event favorites are saved – either locally on the users' device (which means they are lost if the user logs out or removed the app) or to the Ex Libris Cloud, where they are managed regardless of where the user added the event or logged out.
To enable cloud storage, select ‘Database’ from the ‘Selection Storage’ drop down in the Vendor/Data Source configuration within the Events Product Integration.
For more information on the Events product integration, see Events.
Bulk Import and Update App Roles and Customer Roles Using a Spreadsheet
May 2021
To accelerate customer implementations generally and the deployment of RoleSync and the use of roles more specifically in campusM apps, we added the ability to upload an Excel spreadsheet with your Customer and/or App Roles through the App Manager.
Customers can export an Excel template that contains all current Customer and App Roles, modify and append to the template, and import the template apply bulk changes.
Apply App Role Changes to All App Users Using the addAppRole API
May 2021
We modified the addAppRole API to include an optional Boolean that, when true, applies the selected Role changes to all App Users. This removes the need to define individual users in the request.
For example, when an App Role was applied as part of a Quick poll, use this API to remove these roles for the users.
For more information, see addAppRole.
Prompt a User to Initiate a Call to a Defined Telephone Number (Requires iOS and Android Release) (SF: 00929669)
May 2021
We added the ability to define an ActionURL for a Menu Option (tile) that initiates a prompt to a user to make a call to a defined telephone number on a mobile device. Use this to speed up calls to support services or security services where a phone call is required. The ActionURL is taken from tel:
Additional Menu Option Types Available when Adding Menu Options to Your App
May 2021
To simplify deployment of Attendance and Calendar features to your apps, we added the ability to directly select these options when selecting a Menu Option Type to add to your homescreen in App Builder. Selecting the +Add in the Menu Option pane in app builder displays the Menu Option Type Selector.
We added the following Menu Option Types:
- Calendar Tile – Used to deploy a menu option (tile) that links to the campusM Calendar/Timetable function.
- Attendance Student Tile – Available from the Product Features Tiles and is used to deploy the student check-in attendance tile to your homescreen.
- Attendance Lecturer Tile – Available from the Product Features Tiles and is used to deploy the Lecturer check-in attendance tile to your homescreen.
- Attendance Transaction Viewer Tile – Available from the Product Features Tiles and is used to deploy the Transaction Viewer for attendance administrators.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
New Responsive Live Tile Widget for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, Leganto, Primo, and Primo VE Product Integrations
May 2021
To improve how the Product Integrating Live Tiles are displayed at various tiles dimensions and screen sizes, we created a new Live Tile Widget used to deliver the tiles for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, Leganto, Primo, and Primo VE if enabled. While the functionality offered is largely the same, migration to the new widget will enhance performance and provide a better response to tile dimensions.
Customers may note some minor user experience changes, with subtle differences in font sizes and icon sizes because of this enhancement.
For more information on configuring live tiles, see Product Integrations.
Quick Polls – Extract Quick Poll Results Through App Manager as CSV File
June 2021
We added the ability to extract the results for individual responses through App Manager as a CSV file that can then be manipulated in external reporting tools such as Excel.
The export process can be triggered within the ‘View Results’ screen for a specific Quick Poll. Within this screen, we have added the ‘Export Poll Results’ button that displays the Export popup where you can define filtering parameters for the export. You can define a date range for the results (using the date selection wizard available on selection) or filter by defining a single email address for the user of interest. If you leave these optional parameters blank, all results are extracted.
The data is exported as a CSV file and downloaded through your browser. You can then open and review/edit the data within your own reporting toolset.
For more information on extracting quick poll results, see Viewing and Extracting Quick Poll Data.
Quick Polls – Monthly Recurrence Pattern
June 2021
We added the ability to define a monthly recurrence pattern for your Quick Polls. This enables you to poll your students on longer intervals than the current weekly recurrence, while still grouping the occurrences under one Quick Poll configuration. This has the additional benefit of enabling roles to be changed from one Poll occurrence to another.
To enable Monthly Recurrence, select Enable re-occurrence in the Quick Poll configuration and then select Monthly > Recurrence Pattern. You can choose to select either a specific day of each month or a day of a week within the month.
For more information on Quick Polls configuration, see Deploying and Configuring.
Attendance – Configurable Behavior for the Exclude Flag (preview available in Mid-June 2021)
June 2021
We added the ability to define how the Attendance Exclude Flag operates. Currently, a timetabled event with the Exclude Flag marked as True is visible in the check-in screen but does not trigger a reminder notification. Students can check in to the event if they choose to since it is optional.
To enable customers to change this behavior and to exclude the selected events completely from the check-in process and screens, we added the ‘Suppress Attendance Excluded Events’ checkbox to the General setting in the attendance configuration screen.
When the ‘Suppress Attendance Excluded Events’ is checked, the behavior changes so that the excluded events are not displayed in the check-in screens and do not trigger a notification. Flagged events are completely excluded from the check-in process.
For more information on configuring attendance, see Managing campusM Attendance.
Security Enhancement – Remove Visibility of Application Server Password in App Manager
June 2021
To enhance the overall security of the platform for customers with Connect Layers, we have obscured the password for the Application Server in the App Manager > App Settings > Application Servers. Customer admins can change the password by selecting Reset Password but cannot see its current configuration.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
Library Product Integration - Summon
June 2021
The Summon Product Integration grants users the ability to search for a wealth of academic content by directly integrating with the Summon Discovery solution. Users can search for a variety of resources, using either simple or advanced search mechanisms. The integration interface also enables administrators to configure a range of useful links within the Product Integrations screens, to signpost additional services and information.
For more information on the Library Summon product integration, see Summon.
Student Engagement and Retention Product Integration – UniWellBeing Vendor Support
June 2021
We added a live tile for UniWellBeing support that displays a carousel of the Call to Actions (CTA) set for the end-user. Use this to get your end-users to engage with UniWellBeing and prompt them to access this service on a regular basis.
Users can scroll through the CTAs if enabled in the configuration. When a user selects the Live Tile, they are directed directly to the UniWellBeing App, or prompted to install the app if they have not yet done so (on the campusM Native App). When selecting the Live Tile in the campusM Web App, they are directed to a webpage with information about how to get the app on their mobile device.
For more information on UniWellBeing, see Student Engagement and Retention.
List Product Integration – Add Images to Your List Live Tile Items
June 2021
To enhance the live tile for the List product integration, we added the ability to configure an image to be displayed against the list items.
For more information, see List.
Direct Access to Asset Manager to Add Assets to Product Integrations
June 2021
We added direct access to the Asset Manager within a range of Product Integrations (Greetings, ID Card, Laundry, LMS/VLE product integrations) when adding icons or default images to the configuration. It is now easier to configure the product integrations.
For more information, see Product Integrations.
Resource Book Product Integration Enhancement
June 2021
We modified the resource booking cancellation screen so that the cancel button is no longer visible for bookings that have expired (the date of the booking has passed). This ensures that the booking data remains accurate.
We have also modified the message for cancelling a booking to confirm the successful outcome of the cancellation.
For more information, see Resource Booking.
LMS/VLE Product Integration – Support for Terms in Blackboard to Define Visible Courses
June 2021
We have enabled the ability to define Term IDs within the Blackboard product integration that determine the visibility of courses.
To enable, check Filter Courses By Term and then add the Term ID that will be used to filter your courses.
For more information, see LMS/VLE – Blackboard.
Retrieve Attendees – Vendor Support for PeopleSoft
June 2021
We now provide support for the Retrieve Attendees product integration for Peoplesoft. This enables support for campusM attendance, in combination with the existing PeopleSoft Timetable product integration.
For more information, see Retrieve Attendees.
Creative Studio – Academic Template Gallery
July 2021
The Academic Template Gallery is a new content template type that enables the quick creation of configurable landing pages that aggregate links to key app services, content, and integrations. Using the new Create Page template guide, a content owner can quickly author an attractive landing page that brings together relevant areas of the app, making it easier for the user to engage and consume content.
Our first Academic Template is Welcome Week. To add a new Welcome Week landing page, when adding a new page, select the Academic template from the template gallery. You are directed to the Welcome Week page.
The template guide walks you through the population of the page, with a suggested structure. Select each section link to access the campusM URL Wizard and search for content, product integrations, or other services to link to.
Upon selecting Create, a new page generates using the configuration provided. You can now configure the page similar to any other Creative Studio page – editing images, removing any unused sections, etc. Save and publish the page to make it available to your end-users.
We will be adding more academic templates in future releases.
For more information, see Creative Studio.
Support Link Options Added to the LDAP Login Page
July 2021
To support students who have forgotten their username or password, and/or link to further information about the app on the login screen, we have introduced the ability to add a URL and text to the LDAP login page. Additionally, you can configure the placeholder text that is displayed in the username and password field to help a student format their entry.
The configuration of these elements can be found in App Settings > Profile Registration Authentication, within LDAP authenticated profile.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
List Product Integration – Add and Filter by Due Dates Against Items
July 2021
Following requests from customers, we have added the ability to define Due Dates against checkable List Items, to encourage action by the end-user. This can be enabled in the configuration, with labels, timing for Due Soon, and colors all configurable (note that this option is only visible if the Enable Checklist option has been enabled for the list).
To enable and configure, check the Enable Due Date options in the Product Integration Configuration screen.
On entry into the List Product Integration in the app, the user will be presented with an in-app notification if they have any outstanding items due soon or overdue. A filter option had been provided to enable the end-user to filter their list by items Done, Due, Due Soon, or Overdue. As the student checks items off, a visual indicator is shown against the due date indicating completion.
List Product Integration – Progress Bars for Categories and Items
July 2021
We added the ability to enable and configure progress bars against item categories and category lists. This provides an easy-to-read visual and numerical indication of progress against items. Note that this option is only visible if the Enable Checklist option has been enabled for the list.
To enable and configure, check the Enable Due Date options in the product integration Configuration screen. Progress bars can be added against each category, showing progress as items are checked, and against the overall categories progress, show progress against completing all items within categories.
For more information, see List.
LMS/VLE Blackboard Product Integration – Course List Sort Ordering Configuration
July 2021
We added the ability to configure the user's Course List to be sorted alphabetically by Course Name rather than the default behavior which is by Course Number.
For more information, see Blackboard.
Weather Product Integration – Custom Icons for Weather Status
July 2021
We added the ability to configure custom icons for each of the available weather statuses. Customers can configure images from the asset manager or URLs to substitute for the default icons used.
To enable this option, check Use Custom Icons and then browse or enter the URL for which icons to substitute.
For more information, see Weather.
All Product Integrations – Integration Type Prefixed to Description when Adding Product Integration Menu Option
July 2021
We prefixed the product integration type to the Description when adding a product integration Menu Option type. This makes it easier to identify which product integration instance you are assigning to a tile when adding it App Builder.
App Store Rating – User Prompt and Workflow for App Rating (Native Release Required)
August 2021
To encourage users to rate the app if they are enjoying their experience, we added a proactive prompt and a direct rating interface in-app for submission in the App Store or Google Play store (device dependent).
This prompt appears between two and five days following an initial successful login, to ensure the user has had enough time to experience and evaluate the app. Once triggered, the App rating overlay appears asking if the student is enjoying the app. They can dismiss this screen or select to rate the app. They can also provide constructive feedback using the in-app feedback form if not satisfied, enabling you to review feedback in the App Settings > Feedback section.
You can enable or disable this rating functionality with the App Settings > Feedback Configuration in App Manager.
campusM Attendance – Improved Check-in Validation Outcome Display
August 2021
We improved the feedback on the validation status of the current check-in directly on the check-in homepage, rather than requiring the user to view their check-in history. The colors and terms used to reflect the check-in status are configured as per the Check-in History colors and labels.
You can also configure the image and text on the check-in card when the check-in transaction is triggered.
For more information, see Managing campusM Attendance.
Mobile Accessibility Android Improvements (Android Release Required)
August 2021
In line with WCAG Guidelines (1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence Level A and 2.4.6 Headings and Labels Level AA), we improved how heading elements are identified to screen readers in our Android apps.
For more information about campusM Accessibility, see Accessibility Statement.
Mobile Accessibility – iOS Recents Menu Improvements (iOS Release Required)
August 2021
The Recents menu control is announced to screen readers on the iOS app.
For more information, see Accessibility Statement.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
Primo VE Product Integration – Live Tile Badge Color Opacity Configuration and Padding Enhancement (SF: 00953994)
August 2021
We added the ability to configure the color opacity on the Legacy Live tile for the Primo VE Product Integration. We also modified the padding of the Live Tile elements to equalize the padding of the margins on the left and right of the tile.
For more information, see Primo VE.
ID Card Product Integration – Support for Additional Barcode Schemas
August 2021
We added encoding for a number of additional barcode schema’s (including Code39) within the ID Card screens. Supported schemas now include:
- Codabar
- CODE128
- EAN13
- EAN8
- CODE39
- ITF14
- Pharmacode
This provides broader support for additional barcode schemas in operation across the customer base. The encoding is selected from within the product integration configuration.
For more information, see ID Card.
Generic Live Tile Product Integration – Hiding Badge Items Based on Age
August 2021
We provided the ability to define an age in hours for items after which they will no longer be included in the count shown in the badge on the Live Tile. This enables customers to show the count of new items within a timeframe based on an identified source date field.
Events Product Integration – New campusM UX Design System
September 2021
We are excited to share a sneak peek of our first deliverable of the new campusM User Experience initiative, being implemented as part of a completely new Events Product Integration look. The design system used here will be utilized in other features as we modernize our interface as part of our UX Roadmap.
In our Events product integration, we focused on making the experience much more delightful and engaging, using intuitive interface cues and design elements to guide students through browsing and discovering events. We also made the experience adapt to the available screen space, with a different but connected experience for the web app vs the native apps.
We are releasing this functionality to your Preview Environment in the second half of August (August 15, 2021). Several features, such as reminder notifications, event recommendations, and coming next will follow in the October 2021 release, but we want you to have access to review the new look as soon as we can.
The Event product integration documentation will be updated to reflect the changes in time for the August 15 release to Preview.
Look out for more enhancements to the app features and user experience through the second half of the year.
Notification Expiration
September 2021
We modified the Notification Expiration behavior to remove expired notifications from the user’s inbox rather than labeling them as expired alongside their expiry date.
Expiry dates are set in the Notification Center when sending individual or group notifications.
For more information about the Notification Center, see our new training video Sending Notifications to Users.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
Student Engagement and Retention Product Integration – StREAM from SolutionPath
September 2021
As a growing number of our customers now have or are deploying the Student Engagement Analytics Software StREAM from Solutionpath, we created a call-to-action Live Tile product integration that displays a number of key metrics from a user’s StREAM dashboard elements: Their Engagement Rating, the current Trajectory of their Engagement Rating, and the number of outstanding Interventions they have.
You can configure user's clicks to direct a user to their StREAM dashboard.
For more information, see StREAM Student Engagement and Retention.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
Library Product Integration – Primo VE Live Tile Links (Hotfix for August 2021)
September 2021
We enhanced the Primo VE product integration Live Tile to link to the Library Card screens when selecting the relevant elements on the tile itself.
Enable this option by selecting Enable Integration Deep Linking within the product integration Configuration when the Latest Live Tile Design is also selected.
Once checked, the Charges, To Pick Up, Due Soon, and Overdue tile elements, if enabled, direct the user to the Library Card screen within the product integration:
Selecting the header image/label directs the user to the search screen.
For more information, see Library Mobile Primo VE.
Generic Live Tile – Shorter Update Rate Available (Hotfix for August 2021)
September 2021
We enabled the configuration for shorter refresh periods for the Generic Live Tile (from 30 minutes down to once per minute) to ensure the latest data is available while accounting for request volumes.
For more information, see Generic Live Tile.
Events Product Integration – Enhanced Functionality and Transformational User Experience
October 2021
Following our announcement last month of the new look for the Event product integration, we are leaving this in Preview for another month as we finalize the experience. We will therefore make this feature available in Product for the October 2021 release. This also includes the ability for students to set reminders for events, so they can receive push notifications to remind them of upcoming events they have selected.
Creative Studio – New Commencement/Graduation Academic Template
October 2021
Adding to our new, longer form landing page templates for key academic milestones in Creative Studio, we added a Commencement/Graduation as a new template. This provides a simple but attractive landing page pointing to key services and information that a student may need as part of their commencement ceremony. Similar to the Welcome Week template, customers can complete the predefined fields when setting up the template to create a landing page linking to critical information, such as maps, checklists, dress code content, and more.
To use this new template, add a new page through Creative Studio and select the Academic Templates tab to view the new Commencement template. Select this template to show the configuration screen for setting up your own commencement page.
For more information about Creative Studio and templates, see Creating Content Pages.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
Surveys EvaSys Product Integration — Configurable Base URL (Hotfix for September 2021)
October 2021
As part of a strategic realignment by Evasys this summer, the vendor is renaming and rebranding EvaMetrics to evasys+ with associated domain changes for access to the survey data. We are therefore enabling the configuration of the endpoint within the product integration to enable customers to define the domain used by their EvaSys implementation within the product integration configuration screen.
Your Evasys rep can provide you with the Base URL and customer ID for your implementation.
For more information, see Surveys.
Library Product Integration – Primo VE interface Enhancements
October 2021
We enhanced the Primo VE interface experience for end-users as follows:
- Removal of white space below the links navigation bar (highlighted below):
- Ability to configure the On Hold Shelf live tile badge to count only items that are available and ready for pick up (Status: On Hold items only) rather than items that are also being processed or are in transit.
- Ability to display the number of total resources currently on loan on the live tile as a new widget. This shows the total count, including resources that are overdue. As with the other items on the live tile, the icons and labeling can be enabled/disabled and configured.
- Ability to configure the link Navigation Bar text to truncate (the default action) or let the text-overflow the margins of the navigation boxes. Note we recommend using this option carefully as removing the truncation may cause the text to overflow into adjacent navigation boxes.
For more information on the Library product integration, see Library.
Registration Status Product Integration – Peoplesoft Vendor Support Added
October 2021
We added support for Peoplesoft as a vendor to supply registration information through the product integration. This includes additional course information that is available through Peoplesoft.
For more information on the Registration Status product integration, see Registration Status.
Holds Product Integration – Ellucian Colleague Vendor Support Added
October 2021
We added support for Ellucian Colleague as a vendor to supply Holds information through the product integration.
For more information on the Holds product integration, see Holds.
iOS 15 Review and Preparations
November 2021
We have undertaken the necessary due diligence testing and regression examinations to ensure your apps are compatible with the latest iOS release made available on 20th September 2021. As in previous years, our structured approach to reviewing beta releases and the gold master took place and the app has passed testing. As a result of the preparation for the iOS, this month’s release has been kept to a minimum.

We will continue to monitor support calls to ensure we identify any edge cases that may be a result of the operating system update. See Preparing for iOS Updates.
campusM Attendance — Android Performance Enhancements for Geolocation Validation
November 2021
To improve the user experience and speed up the collection of validation data for the Android app when enabling Geolocation as a capture/validation mechanism, we have improved the mechanism used to resolve the location coordinates for the device. This results in a much quicker submission of the check-in from a user’s perspective. To improve performance, we reduced the sampling rate of the location when checking in. This may have a small impact on the overall accuracy of the captured location for Android but will significantly improve the user experience.
For more information, see campusM Attendance.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
Grades Product Integration — PeopleSoft Vendor Support
November 2021
We developed a PeopleSoft vendor connect for our Grades product integration enabling campusM to list a user's grades per course and per term, driven by Peoplesoft.
For more information, see Grades.
Android Whitelisting Requirement from Android 11
December 2021
Beginning with Android 11, Google considers the apps installed on a user's device to be sensitive information. Therefore, they have stipulated that when looking to deep link out to other apps requires those apps to be added to the build manifest, effectively creating a whitelist for saving deep links.
If you have issues linking to other apps from Android 11, you need to request a new build through Salesforce with permission changes to allow whitelisting.
RoleSync – Configurable Refresh Period to Trigger RoleSync
December 2021
With the RoleSync product integration now available, we added the ability to configure set days/times in the week to flag all users for RoleSync. When flagged, a user entering the app triggers a RoleSync call and updates their roles. This enables customers to determine when RoleSync happens without the need to call the setRolesUpdated API.
The new configuration can be found within App Manager > App Settings in the Enterprise Roles panel:
Once enabled, the configuration enables you to select the refresh days and times (HH) for to flag all users for RoleSync. You also can configure the time zone (default is UTC):
Configuring the Timetable Refresh Period
December 2021
In February 2021 release, we modified the timetable refresh behavior to reduce the number of unnecessary calls. We also introduced the concept of a ‘stale’ period that determined how the timetable would be refreshed automatically on entry into the app if said stale period had expired (i.e. the time between the last update and the next entry into the app exceeds the stale period).
We enabled the Timetable Refresh Stale Period to be configured within the CAL web service endpoint (App Manager > App Settings > Web Service Endpoints).
The minimum time that can be confirmed is one hour, meaning that after one hour, the next entry into the app updates the timetable data.
For more information about the timetable refresh mechanisms, see Timetable Data Refresh Mechanisms.
Product Integration Changes and Enhancements
LMS/VLE Product Integration – Blackboard
December 2021
We added direct support from URLs being returned in resource lists. Where a lecturer adds links in their resource content, this will now be active, taking the user to the linked item. By default, the native apps attempt to deep link to the Blackboard app installed. However, we enabled the option to change the default behavior to link straight to the web app rather than attempting to deep link.
LMS/VLE Product Integration – Blackboard
December 2021
We added links to the Blackboard Application across more resources. These resources include:
- All Grades
- All Courses
- Course Overview
- Course Grades user profile
For more information about the Blackboard product integration, see Blackboard.
Events Product Integration – Allow for All Day and Multiple Day Events
December 2021
We removed the mandatory need for a start time and End Time for events and added in a Start Date and End Date to enable multiple day events as well.
Where no start time and or end time is provided, the respective attributes are shown. The template Excel sheet is updated to reflect the new attributes. For more information about the Events product integration, see Events.
Events Product Integration – RSS Support for Dynamic Data
December 2021
To provide dynamic events data, we added support for RSS feeds to drive the experience.
For more information on how to configure your Events product integration to consume an RSS feed, see Events.
Events Directory Product Integration – Sunsetting Creation of Legacy Events Directory
December 2021
With the release of the new Events product integration, we are sunsetting the legacy Events Directory. As of the December 2021 release, customers will no longer be able to create new instances of this older Events directory. Existing instances will continue to operate and be configurable.
For more information about the new Events product integration, see Events.
Resolved Issues
- January 2021 Platform SF: 00884803 00893002 00899757
Login Method: Resolved the login servlet to use POST rather GET requests to enhance security and logging on the Connect Layer. HOTFIX FOR DECEMBER 2020. - January 2021 Platform
Quick Polls: Resolved an issue where the Answer text was not being returned in the getPollResults API response. The API now returns the Answer ID as the Answer Text. - January 2021 Platform
Language Packs: Resolved an issue that prevented the Home label in the left navigation element in the portal view from being configured through language packs. - January 2021 iOS
Live Tiles: Resolved behavior regarding Live Tile refreshing on iOS when the app is moved from the background to the foreground. The iOS app will now refresh all live tiles when moved into the foreground, consistent with the Android app. - January 2021 Platform SF: 00895424
App Manager User Permissions: Resolved an issue with the user permissions that allowed users to access the asset manager event though they did not have permission to create/edit content. - January 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Events RSS Vendor: Resolved an issue where an undefined label was added to the date subtitle when looking at all events AND where only one campus has been defined for the events. - January 2021 iOS App Android App
Product Integration – Email Outlook 365: Resolved an issue that prevented the cached access token for Outlook 365 from being removed when logged out of the native app. - January 2021 iOS App Android App
Product Integration – Lists: Resolved an issue that prevented linking to other product integrations from the List product integration when using the campusM URL scheme (campusm://menu?menucode=123) or Pocket Guides (campusm://pocketguide?pg_code=[static content service ID]). - January 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Registration Status: Resolved an issue where unexpected/optional data elements in the response caused an error and resulted in registration data not being shown. As a result, we have improved our handling to enhance resiliency for optional/ unexpected data items being returned by services. - January 2021 Android App SF: 00891526
Product Integrations – Moodle: Resolved an issue where the Android app was unable to open links to external apps from Moodle. The app now opens the link as expected if the app is installed; otherwise, the user is notified that the link cannot open. - January 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Directory Search: Resolved an issue where the Test API Connection wizard did not return an accurate connection status when testing the Directory Search API configuration. - January 2021 Android App SF: 00895434
Product Integrations – General: Resolved an issue on the Android App that prevented Recent icons from populating the swipe from the left Recents menu. - January 2021 Platform SF: 00894662
Product Integrations – Timetable Live Tile: Resolved an issue where the language pack translations were not being used within the live tile when displaying coming class events. - January 2021 Platform SF: 00865113
Product Integration – Primo with Alma/Voyager: Resolved an issue where the Author field was not displayed on the Item in Search page. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00908728 00909584
App Manager: Resolved an issue when using App Manager in Chrome that displayed the message 'The information that you’re about to submit is not secure'. Resolved by modification of redirect location headers to ensure that the URL protocol (http/https) is the same as the originating request. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00887716
Attendance: Resolved an issue that prevented the Attendee list in the lecturer check-in screens from being sorted according to check-in ‘Status’. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00904203
addPoll API: Resolved an issue where the addPoll API was not returning the ID of the Poll created. The PollID is now returned in the ‘desc’ field of the API response if successful. HOTFIXED TO JANUARY 2021. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00902459
Product Integration – Primo: Resolved a spelling mistake in the My Request date field. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Events: Resolved an issue where the ‘Continue’ button is active even if an initial filter option is not selected. HOTFIXED TO JANUARY 2021. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Events: Resolved an issue where once the initial filter is selected then the subsequent filter options disappear. HOTFIXED TO JANUARY 2021. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Events: Resolved an issue where the Export File options failed to operate on the following fields were left with their default value: Date Format, Time Format, or Time Zone. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Canvas and D2L LMS: Resolved an issue where the Menu Options for these Live Tile Product Integrations were not displaying in the Portal view Left Hand Side navigation. Customers can now use the Action URL for the Menu Option to configure the action when clicking on the entry in the navigation bar. HOTFIXED TO JANUARY 2021. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – ID Card: Resolved an issue when using custom fields and selecting to "Display if empty" that entries that were empty were removed from the view. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – ID Card – IdP Vendor: Resolved an issue when the Product Integration fails to get the token details for the IdP vendor, a blank screen is shown. An error message is now shown providing an explanation. HOTFIXED TO JANUARY 2021. - February 2021 Android App
Product Integration – ID Card: Resolved an issue on the Android that prevented the user’s image and the barcode from being cached effectively and displayed if the user had no connectivity. - February 2021 Platform
Product Integration – Weather: Resolved an issue that prevented you from entering zeros after decimal points in the Latitude and Longitude fields. - February 2021 Android App SF: 00891629
Product Integration – Contact Tracing: Resolved an issue with the Android App where the QR failed to scan when using HTML white space characters in the JSON encoded. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00895607
Notification Center: Resolved an issue that delayed the loading of sent notifications when selecting date filters. Response times have been enhanced. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00885509
Notifications: Resolved an issue where markup text used in Notifications text was not being actioned in the Web App. the following tags have been enabled: bold - "strong"; italic - "em"; underline - "u"; numbered list - "ol" and "li"; bullet list - "ul" and "li". - February 2021 Platform SF: 00895424
App Manager User Permissions: Resolved an issue with the user permissions that allowed users to access the asset manager event though they did not have permission to create/edit content. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00897387
Portal View Breadcrumbing: Resolved an issue with navigational breadcrumbs in Portal View when nesting pages greater than 2 levels. - February 2021 iOS App SF: 00751836 00872095
Location Categories: Resolved an issue with how Location Categories are sorted in iOS. These now reflect the order defined in App Manager. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00717775
Report a Problem: Resolved an issue where a user could report a problem without selecting a category. - February 2021 Android App SF: 00894778
App Feedback: Resolved an issue that resulted in the ‘send' button was higher than the 'cancel' button in the Android App when providing feedback in app. - February 2021 Platform SF: 00718152
App Feedback: Resolved an issue that allowed students to provide an empty feedback comment only containing space characters. - February 2021 iOS App SF: 00586062
Language Packs: Resolved an issue in the Location Favorites screen where the Edit button in the navigation bar was not localized according to the selected language pack. - February 2021 Android App SF: 00663790
Splash Screen: Resolved the missing splash screens on entry into the Android App. - March 2021 Platform
Holds Product Integration: Resolved an issue displaying the hold ‘Reason’. We have added the ‘reason’ attribute returned by the Elucian Banner Holds API to the standard list of expected fields (HOTFIXED TO FEBRUARY 2021). - March 2021 iOS App
Insight Analytics: Resolved an issue where the iOS app was not consistently recording the start of a new session in the Insight logs. - March 2021 iOS App Android App SF: 00906331 00915964
Force Logout: Resolved an issue where the Force Logout function was not working for LDAP authenticated profiles. - March 2021 Platform
App Builder: Resolved an issue when deleting one or more of a tile’s properties and clicking Save and ‘Publish’ resulted in the save button still being active, despite the change being successfully saved. - March 2021 Platform SF: 008995064
Portal View – Pocket Guide Pages: Resolved an issue where the nesting navigation sidebar disappeared when linking to other content within the same content node. - March 2021 Platform
Attendance – Live Tile: Resolved an issue that may result in some event descriptions flowing outside of the tile boundary when the live tile is enabled. - March 2021 Android App SF: 00901080
Problems & Feedback: Resolved the behavior when completing a reported problem description was not mandatory for the Android app. - April 2021 Android App SF: 00925305
General: Resolved an issue when opening PDFs from AEK screens in the Android App. - April 2021 Platform SF: 00915588
O365 Email Product Integration: Removed the opacity from the unread email badge to ensure color consistency. - April 2021 Android App SF: 00895609
O365 Email Product Integration: Resolved an issue that resulted in a user’s authentication token used for access to O365 Email not effectively being removed from local storage when the user logged out. The local cache is now completely cleared. - April 2021 Platform SF: 009330423
Leganto Product Integration: Resolved an issue where an "Illegal Institution" error message was shown if using a custom domain name for access to Leganto. - May 2021 Platform
App Builder: Resolved an issue when editing menu option properties where the app review scrolled to the top of the screen and scrolled to the bottom of the screen on each click within the Menu Option Config panel. - May 2021 Platform SF: 00936811
General: Resolved an issue when selecting the ‘Raise a Ticket’ link in App Manager that directed the user to the wrong webpage for logging into Salesforce which resulted in a ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error being thrown on the browser page. - May 2021 Platform
List Product Integration: Resolved a spelling mistake in the configuration for the word ‘Categorys’ resolved to ‘Categories’. - May 2021 Platform
Primo Product Integration: Resolved a spelling mistake in the configuration for the wording ‘The Life Tile refresh rate in minutes; must be between 60 and 360.’ to ‘The live Tile refresh rate in minutes; must be between 60 and 360.’ - May 2021 Platform
Primo Product Integration: Resolved a spelling mistake in the configuration for the wording ‘The Life Tile refresh rate in minutes; must be between 60 and 360.’ to ‘The live Tile refresh rate in minutes; must be between 60 and 360.’ - May 2021 Platform
Celcat Timetable Product Integration: Resolved an issue with the data fetch for iPad that resulted in issues displaying timetables for the first week of the year. - May 2021 Platform
campusM Attendance: Resolved an issue where only the Course_Timetable endpoint was used to drive the Attendance Live Tile. The Live Tile now uses the configured timetable endpoint for the student check-in tile. - June 2021 Platform SF: 00939247
Events Product Integration: Resolved an issue when using an RSS feed to populate the events listing where NO nonmandatory fields were configured. You can now add an RSS without the need for any non-mandatory fields. - June 2021 Platform SF: 00936622
Attendance Transaction Viewer: Resolved an issue when attempting to deploy the Attendance Transaction Viewer being unable to save the configuration and deploy the menu option to the app. - June 2021 Platform
Resource Booking Product Integration: Resolved an issue with the Test API function in the configuration that failed to concatenate the defined parameters as part of the test request. - June 2021 Web App
Timetable: Resolved an issue with duplicate timetable events displaying incorrectly and rendering poorly in the timetable view. To resolve this, we have implemented data cleansing that removed any duplicate data from the incoming event information. - June 2021 Platform SF: 00935061
Personalization Enablement: Resolved an issue when enabling Personalization on a new or existing Profile that resulted in the arrange button/option not appearing reliably in the user interface. - June 2021 iOS App SF: 00936873
App Builder: Resolved an issue where the Header Color property for iOS was not being used when linking out to an external resource using the in-app browser. - June 2021 Android App SF: 00934681
Switching Profiles: Resolved an issue for a small range of scenarios where the option to switch from one profile to another in the Android App Settings was not visible. - June 2021 iOS App Android App SF: 00913327
Email Product Integration – Gmail: Resolved an issue with the Oath authentication workflow not correctly initiating on the iOS and Android app, resulting in blank pages when selecting the Gmail Live Tile. - June 2021 Platform
Account Product Integration – Banner: Resolved an issue when the account balance for the user is zero, resulting in no account information displaying. - June 2021 Platform SF: 00789216
Creative Studio: Resolved an issue that prevented the Asset Manager from displaying when selecting an image with the Creative Studio editor in Full Screen mode. - June 2021 Platform SF: 00789216
Creative Studio: Resolved an issue when attempting to move or delete content created in the legacy content manager within campusM. - July 2021 Platform SF: 00956034
Asset Manager Permissions: Resolved an issue with the Add Resource permission that overly restricted the administrator’s ability to add and remove assets to the Asset Manager without being given All Permissions. Now this permission allows asset management within asset manager - July 2021 Platform SF: 00947717
Attendance — Check-in Report API: Resolved an issue where erroneous check-in data was returned for certain queries with check-in dates years in the future. Enhanced validation has now been added. - July 2021 Platform SF: 00935307
Notifications: Resolved an issue where notifications sent via the Notification API were not appearing accurately in the notification Center dashboard. - July 2021 iOS App SF: 00931497
Notifications: Resolved an issue where unread notifications were taking an extended period to load. The UX has now been adjusted to allow the screen to be responsive while the notification information is being loaded. - July 2021 Platform iOS App Android App SF: 00930033
Insight Analytics: Resolved an issue where page hits for AEK2 screens were not being recorded and reported accurately. AEK2 screen page hits are now being captured consistently across platforms. - July 2021 Platform SF: 00947241
Events Product Integration: Resolved an issue that prevented the filters from being displayed immediately on selecting the filter button. Only by selecting Home would the filters appear. HOTFIX FOR JUNE 2021. - August 2021 Android App SF: 00959798
Notifications: Resolved an issue that resulted in the push notification appearing on the user’s device but, on click, the notification was not shown immediately in the users Alerts inbox. We have since implemented Notification Updates in-app on receipt of a notification and on entry into the Alert inbox. - August 2021 Platform SF: 00956592
App Manager – App Center QR Code for App Download: Resolved an issue that prevented the QR code from quickly linking to the App Center download page and appearing to all admin users. - August 2021 Platform SF: 00954763 00967026
Role Sync Product Integration: Resolved an issue that restricted the number of Groups returned for a user to 100, which prevented the full roster of Customer Roles being processes accurately for end users. HOTFIX FOR JULY 2021 - August 2021 Platform SF: 00966144
Quick Polls: Resolved an issue retrieving free text responses through the Get Poll results API. HOTFIX FOR JULY 2021 - August 2021 Platform SF: 00935424
LMS/VLE Product Integration – Blackboard: Resolved an issue where the screens were not being populated with courses and content information as a result of not having the Terms filtering functionality enabled. HOTFIX FOR JULY 2021 - August 2021 Platform SF: 00965817 00966318
Print Credit Product Integration – Papercut: Resolved an issue where only the test user credentials were being returned for the print credit balance. HOTFIX FOR JULY 2021 - August 2021 Platform
Event Product Integration: Resolved an issue that resulted in the wrong time being displayed in the Event Live Tile when an event was added to the user's Favorites. HOTFIX FOR JULY 2021 - September 2021 Platform SF: 00967259
App Builder: Resolved an issue with saving and publishing changes to a profile in App Builder if the profile name contained a non-ASCII character. - September 2021 Platform SF: 00958475
Group Notifications: Resolved an issue where multiple group notifications sent to the same group with the same title and content were grouped into one reporting row within the Notification Center History rather than as a row per repeat message. - September 2021 Platform SF: 00955625
Modal Background Colors: Resolved an issue where the app background color was impacting the background color of Modal screens in the web app such as the Terms and Conditions screen or Timetable. This could render the text unreadable with dark background colors. Modals are now fixed with a white background. - September 2021 iOS App
Greetings product integration: Resolved an issue where the user's name in the Welcome PI was cached on logout and subsequently shown in the Guest profile or other open profiles in the iOS app. - September 2021 Platform SF: 00966579
ID Card product integration: Resolved an issue with the user image not being cached, resulting in the loss of the picture when not connected to a network/receiving data. - September 2021 Platform SF: 00963088
Library Primo VE Product Integration: Resolved an issue that removed ALL default icons when enabling the Use Custom Icon configuration and replacing one or more of the icons with a new asset. - September 2021 Platform SF: 00950179 00954341
Attendance Transaction Viewer: Resolved an issue when attempting to add the Attendance Transaction Viewer Product Feature tile resulting in an incorrect message that Attendance was not enabled. - September 2021 Platform SF: 00970305
Attendance Check-in Report API: Resolved an intermittent issue resulting in a 502 error when trying to retrieve data from a check-in report API. - October 2021 Platform SF: 00978228
Timetable: Resolved an issue where a comma was appended to each location address attribute, even if the address attribute just had whitespace. This resulted in oddly formatted location information with multiple commas showing without any data following. - October 2021 Platform SF: 00972861
Asset Manager: Resolved an issue where the Asset Manager option was missing from the quick launch menu in the top right corner of App Manager. - October 2021 Platform
Change App Roles API: Resolved an issue where the removal of a role through the API was not updated and reflected in the user’s app unless they logged out and logged back in. Changes are now visible at the start of a new app session. - October 2021 Platform SF: 00982850
Events Directory product integration: Resolved an issue with the Back button behavior not returning the user to the home screen as expected. - October 2021 Platform
Maps and Locations: Resolved an issue with an enforced 100-character limitation for the Image icon field under Location Categories. - November 2021 Platform SF: 00992632
Library product integration – PrimoVE: resolved an issue with non-functioning links in the quick link menus at the bottom of the screen because of white space (space characters) being passed from the Primo configuration. - November 2021 Platform SF: 00968841
AEK – GPOS client tool: Resolved an issue with the GPS library on Android that caused the app to crash when requesting permission to retrieve location coordinates if called as part of an AEK project. - November 2021 Platform
Maps – web app: Resolved an issue with boundary management on the 'map' view within the web app that would result in a slow or unresponsive view when panning outside of the initial boundaries. - December 2021 iOS App SF: 00990162 01004338
Attendance – Resolved an issue where the Geolocation and IP Address were captured and recorded in the check-in transaction, even though the capture or validation of these mechanisms was not configured. - December 2021 iOS App SF: 00999080
Attendance – Resolved an issue with the check-in screen not displaying where the student has many events. The processing was streamlined to ensure the screen is displayed in a timely fashion. HOTFIX FOR NOVEMBER 2021 - December 2021 Platform
Leganto Product Integration – Resolved an issue where the Leganto Live Tile was blank (no live elements) when all counters were zero or empty. HOTFIX FOR NOVEMBER 2021 - December 2021 Platform SF: 00999336
Leganto Product Integration – Resolved an issue where the Leganto Live tile failed to load due to 3rd party cookies not being accepted by the browser/in-app browser. HOTFIX FOR NOVEMBER 2021 - December 2021 Platform SF: 00994681
Leganto Product Integration – Resolved an issue where the "Physical" section of book data was noting being found. This was due to an inconsistency in the resource path for Primo VE and non-Primo VE customers. HOTFIX FOR NOVEMBER 2021 - December 2021 Platform SF: 01005554
Notifications – Resolved an issue that prevented manually or bulk subscribing users to Notification groups. HOTFIX FOR NOVEMBER 2021 - December 2021 Android App SF: 00993955 01001392 01008199
Maps – Resolved an issue on the Android App where the Map images and overlays were not being rendered. Position images were incorrectly replaced with placeholder images. HOTFIX FOR NOVEMBER 2021 - December 2021 Android App SF: 01000837
General – Resolved an issue when linking to files using a URL in the app with Android 11 Operating System that prevented the file from being displayed and resulted in an error message. Resolved by modifying the scope of local storage for the Android App to enable external file loading. - December 2021 Android App SF: 00987608
Login – Resolved an issue on the Android App that, if the Timetable Service returned no data (null), then a blank screen was shown following login rather than the Homescreen. - December 2021 Platform SF: 00998315
Banner Tiles – Resolved an issue preventing the Corner Radius property from being applied to Homescreen Banner tiles. - December 2021 Platform SF: 01003755
campusM URL Schema – Resolved an issue with the Switch Profile URL (campusm://switchprofile) that created an error message and failed to enable profile switching in the app. - December 2021 iOS App Android App SF: 00992814 00994056
Timetable – Resolved an issue with handling Null Returns from the timetable services that resulted in the apps crashing. This is now handled with an error message for the end-user rather than a crash. - December 2021 Platform SF: 00998022
Primo VE Product Integration – Resolved an issue when setting the Library Card as the landing page for the live tile AND enabling deep linking, the landing page configuration was ignored and went to the Search page instead when selecting the Live Tile header. - December 2021 Platform SF: 00995417
Primo Product Integration – Resolved an issue where the menu click for the new Primo Live tile was not captured in Insight Analytics. - December 2021 Platform
Primo VE Product Integration – Resolved an issue where the customer’s Primo CSS was not applied in the product integration screen, resorting back to the default styling and colors. - December 2021 Platform
List Product Integration – Resolved an issue that prevented mailto URLs from working in the External URL configuration. - December 2021 Platform
Product Integration Configuration: Test Wizard – Resolved an issue when an invalid endpoint URL was added to a product integration and then using the Test Wizard resulted in a 404 error. - December 2021 Platform SF: 00964752
Moodle Product Integration – Resolved an issue with links to assignments were resulting in an error message being shown. The link now operates correctly.