360 Services and Intota Streaming Video Support FAQ
- Product: 360
- Product Version: insert product version
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
The February 2019 release of 360 Services and Intota introduced a feature set to support the management of the new Video resource content type. This first phase of support for Video was launched with packages from two trusted providers: Alexander Street Press and SAGE Publications.
Q: What features will be available in the February 2019 release?
360 Core Client Center and Intota:
Video databases from Alexander Street Press and SAGE Publications, such as Academic Video Store or SAGE Knowledge Video, will no longer be handled as zero-title databases. Each database will contain the full list of individual video titles as received from the providers, just like databases of journals and books.
Individual video titles will be discoverable from the new e-catalog search type “Videos,” as well as the existing All Titles search type.
Individual video titles will be assigned the new content type “Video,” and that label will display within the application, just as “Books” and “Journals” display now.
Staff users can apply any status to individual video titles and customize some of the title details, such as Custom URL.
E-Journal Portal 2.0 and 360 Link 2.0:
If the Display In: 360 Core checkbox is ticked, videos will be discoverable in the E-Journal Portal. For customers that still use E-Journal Portal 1.0, you may contact Support to request that the “Other” tab be removed from the user interface.
360 Resource Manager and Intota:
All electronic resource management features that are applicable to Books and Journals are available for Videos, including licenses, contacts, notes, renewal checklists, payments, etc.
Videos are included in the Tracked Resources reports by default.
Q: What features will be developed after the February 2019 release?
360 MARC Updates:
Once we have video titles in production, work will begin to make it possible to create and distribute MARC records via 360 MARC Updates. In order for 360 MARC Updates to deliver records, we need to be able to 1) normalize video titles to matching MARC records, and 2) enable 360 MARC Updates to recognize and handle the new content type. Development work has already begun on normalizing video titles and is currently in the testing stage. MARC record delievery via 360 MARC Updates is on the development roadmap and slated for future development.
Video brief records will consist of: title, URL, provider name and, if available, ISSN or ISBN and other data points based on the information we have available from each provider. Each brief record will be assigned a stable identifier that allows us to track brief records in the same way we track the other MARC records we provide.
Fuller, more robust MARC records for videos will be available when video title normalization is in place. Normalization of videos titles will attempt to match titles in our 360 KB title authority database and associate the video titles to the correct MARC authority records. Identification and loading of MARC authority records for video titles is ongoing.
The availability of normalized video titles will be announced in a future release. Libraries that do not wish to receive brief records may choose to wait for the availability of normalized video records.
There are a few development pieces that need to occur to streamline videos support management with Summon discovery. First, streaming videos must be added to the rights feed that is sent from 360 Core Client Center and Intota to Summon.
If we do not yet have content for CDI, it will need to be loaded. There will be changes required for match/merge rules. Lastly, some UI work is required to support streaming videos. These pieces are all included in the 2019 Summon roadmap.
360 Core Client Center and Intota:
Video titles will be integrated into the Overlap Analysis feature in order to compare offerings across packages and providers.
A new report, Tracked Videos, will be included in the Management Reports suite. A new column, Video Titles, will be added to the Database Details report
Q: Why are only streaming videos from Alexander Street Press and SAGE supported right now?
A: We work with many providers that host video content and provide titles lists, but we wanted to be deliberate and targeted in rolling out support for this new content type. As one of the most expansive video content providers, Alexander Street Press is a great first partner. SAGE continues to set the standard for video providers in terms of metadata responsibility, with excellent identifiers to support matching and normalization.
Q: What are the next providers with you will bring onboard?
First phase will include providers for which we already have title lists such as:
- Gale
- ProQuest/Safari
- JoVE
- Skillsoft
- IGI Global
The second phase will include providers whose content we have in Summon, but not yet in the Knowledgebase
- Ambrose
- Kanopy
- Films Media Group,
- Naxos
- Psychtherapy.net
The third phase is new content: Please use the Ideas Exchange to voice your opinions. We’d love to hear from you!
Q: What is the recommendation for ticking or unticking 360 MARC Updates checkbox once streaming videos support is released?
A: While we work towards first generating brief records, and then full records for distribution, we suggest unticking the 360 MARC Updates checkbox so as to avoid confusion among library staff.
Q: How can I prevent videos from appearing in E-Journal Portal results?
A: If the videos are in an all-videos database, you can turn off the Display In: 360 Core checkbox in Database Details. Alternatively, if you’re still using E-Journal Portal 1.0, you can contact support and ask that they disable the “Other” tab in the interface (if it is currently enabled). The “Other” tab is where video results will appear.
Q: Will video titles be returned in a 360 Link Citation Linker search?
A: Videos will not be returned from a Citation Linker search in the February release. The OpenURL that is constructed by Citation Linker is currently limited by genre, and we will need to investigate the work required to change that restriction.
- Article last edited: 04-06-2019