360 Core: Adding Apabi (database code 9I.) from Apabi
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
What do I need to do when I add the Apabi database (database code 9I.) into my profile?
When your library adds the Apabi database (database code 9I.), you need to use the following procedure to ensure your patrons can access the database content:
- In the Client Center, using the Data Management system, navigate to the Database Details page for that database.
- Click Edit on the right side.
- In the Custom URL field, enter a URL in this format: http://www.apabi.com/xxxx
where "xxxx" is your Apabi client ID (typically a number of letters that symbolize your institution). Note that the Custom URL should not have a trailing slash:
- Correct: http://www.apabi.com/xxxx
- Incorrect: http://www.apabi.com/xxxx/
- Use the Contact Us menu near the top of this page to notify ProQuest, so that we can create your title-level links for successful access via tools such as your E-Journal Portal. In your request include:
- The database name; and
- Your Apabi client ID.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 19-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7052