360 Services: Adding ebrary, Al Manhal, and Canadian Electronic Library Databases
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
What does my library need to do when we add an ebrary, Al Manhal, or Canadian Electronic Library database?
When your library adds an ebrary database, or an Al Manhal or Canadian Electronic Library database with an ebrary URL, you need to use the following procedure to ensure your patrons can access content from your ProQuest services (such as the A-to-Z list, Summon, 360 Link, etc.):
- In the Client Center, using the Data Management system, navigate to the Database Details page for that database.
- Click Edit on the right side.
- In the Custom URL field, enter the custom URL that you use to access the database. Use all lower-case letters. For example, your library's URL for ebrary will be http://site.ebrary.com/lib/xxxxxx , where "xxxxxx" will be substituted by your library's ebrary identifier.
- Do not include a trailing slash in this URL (for example, http://site.ebrary.com/lib/xxxxxx/ is incorrect).
- Do not include "www".
- If the link is incorrect, then that will break the direct linking in Summon.
- Check the Display In checkboxes for all the services in which you want this database to appear.
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Use the Ex Libris Support Portal (accessible from the More Sites drop-down menu above) to notify us, so that we can create your title-level links. In your request, include the following:
- The database name; and
- Your ebrary Custom URL (for example, http://site.ebrary.com/lib/xxxxxx).
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 7-Jul-2016
- Old Article Number: 7483