How did you handle "Technical Migration" items?
We, at the University of California Santa Barbara, decided to deal the "Technical Migration" items right away while we still remembered what the Aleph item process status meant. First, we identified all the item process statuses present in item records and what they were used for.
Some were straight forward and could be dealt with in bulk, such as,
- MI - "Missing" - created a set and run "Change Physical Items" job to change process type to "Missing" and remove Internal Note 3
- CA - "Canceled" - deleted all the items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
- NP - "Not published" - deleted all the items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
- WD - "Withdrawn" - deleted all the items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
Others took a lot more work, especially NA and OR. Note that for Aleph items linked to an Aleph were migrated with an item process type of Acquisition. Aleph items not linked to an Aleph order were migrated with an item process type of Technical Migration.
- NA (Not arrived)–
- For items with a process type Acquisition; removed internal note 3
- Items without an expected arrival date were deleted.
- Items linked to titles with closed/cancelled orders were also deleted since those items would never arrive.
- The remainder had to be dealt with manually, i.e., if the item was in the library they would remove the "Process Status: NA" from internal note 3. Periodically we checked for items with process type "Technical Migration" and empty internal note 3 and we ran the job "Change physical item" and select "Missing status" leaving it blank. This removed the process type "Technical Migration".
- OR (On order)–
- For items with a process type Acquisition, removed internal note 3
- For items with a real barcode, check shelves
- Found - removed internal note 3 and changed process type to blank
- Not found - deleted all the items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
- For items with barcode starting with CVB (created in Notis) - deleted all the items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
- Remaining items were analyzed. It was decided to keep the items created 18 months prior to Alma migration and delete the older items.
Many of the locally created item process statuses were moved to work orders and the internal note 3 and process type were removed. In some cases we decided not to create a work order but to finish to process the item. In those cases we kept the internal note 3 since it was the only way to identify the items still to be processed.
Here is a list of all the Aleph item process status we used and how we dealt with them:
- AC (Added volumes/added copies)–moved to Technical services work order
- AM (Art mending)–moved to Art & Architecture Physical Processing work order; manually added Art & Architecture Mending status
- AR (Art cataloging)– moved to Technical services work order
- AS (Sent to Art)–created work order for Art & Architecture Physical Processing; manually added Art & Architecture Review status
- BD (Bindery)–moved to Physical Processing work order; manually added Mending status
- BI (Binding incomplete shelf)– student assistant found 2 items on shelf, those were fixed; no other items found on shelf; delete remaining items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
- BN (Bind Now)–moved to Physical Processing work order; manually added UC Bindery status
- CC (Copy-cataloging)–cleaned up all suppressed records; moved to Technical services work order
- CL (Claimed)–4 items with barcodes, 3 found on shelf and reconciled, 4th item researched; delete remaining items and corresponding holdings and titles with no other items attached for item process status
- CM (Catalog Maintenance)–moved to Catalog Maintenance work order
- CR (Cataloging research)– moved to Technical services work order
- EA (East Asian)–cleaned up records with both suppressed titles and holdings; moved remaining to Technical services work order; in the work order, marked those whose cataloging and processing were completed after migration as done; sent list of remaining items for review to make sure that everything listed was in fact in the East Asian backlog
- GP (GovPub)–moved to Technical services work order
- IF (Index file)– moved to Physical Processing work order; no work order status assigned
- MC (Music Cataloging)–moved to Music Library Work Order
- ME (Middle Eastern)–moved to Technical services work order
- MK (Marking)– moved to Physical Processing work order; manually added Marking status
- MM (Music Mending)–moved to Music Library Work Order
- MS (Sent to music)–moved to Music Library Work Order
- OC (Original cataloging)– moved to Technical services work order
- RE (Research)–created work order for Technical services
- SB (Sent to UC Bind)–moved to Physical Processing work order; manually added UC Bindery status
- SC (Special collections cataloging)–went away as items were processed
- SE (Serials cataloging)–moved to work order for Technical services
- SI (Search on Item)--moved to Searching work order which is managed by circulation desks. There are 3 statuses defined (1stSearch, 2ndSearch, 3rdSearch) which are manually entered by staff. When 3rdSearch is done the item is automatically marked as missing.
- SM (Serials Maintenance)--moved to Catalog Maintenance work order
- SP (Special Collections Department)–check shelves for items with real barcode; remaining items were slowly processed
- SR (Slavic and Russian cataloging)–created work order for Technical services
- YB (YBP)–went away as items were received