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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Discrepancy in availability between Primo & SFX

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: 2

    The new RSI API from SFX solved most of the cases of discrepancy between the availability status in Primo and in SFX. However, there are still some particular cases in which such discrepancy may occur. These cases may occur when the items in question lack any identifier except title (i.e. items without ISSN, ISBN, LCCN, CODEN etc.), which happens in under 20% of e-books in the SFX KB and in under 8% of journals in the SFX KB.

    The core of the problem is that maximizing matching accuracy and minimizing matching duration are contradicting to some extent. There is a certain compromise in accuracy in order to reach adequate matching performance (and vice versa).

    We intend to deal with the particular unsolved cases in future releases.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013