How Does the Delivery Process Work in Primo?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 4
How does the delivery process work in Primo?
After performing a search, the FE presents a result list
For each result, Primo
* calculates the 'availability status' (multiple calculation methods)
* retrieves the 'item type' (PNX > Delivery/delcategory)
Constructs the 'getit1' tab
* checks the "GetIT! Link 1 Configuration" mapping table
* based on the "Delivery Category Code" (item type) and the "Availability Status Code" (availability status), a process is selected and a template name picked under the "Link field in PNX"
* using the result's PNX > Links/<template name>, Primo identifies the appropriate template, which could be
* * a direct link to the full text using subfield $$U
* * an OpenURL template using subfield $$T resulting in either a direct link to full text or an SFX Fulltext-only Menu
* * * using Mapping Table > Templates > code = template name from this field, Primo populates the template place holders with PNX data
The OpenURL template is also used for the 'getit2' tab.
Getit2 displays all relevant Target Services, not only Fulltext
Category: Front End
Subject: Delivery
- Article last edited: 8/6/2014