Analytics Evidence BRSA2 - Location and Physical Item Details Missing from Borrowing Requests SA
Both the Location and the Physical Item Details Dimensions are missing from the Borrowing Requests Subject Area (they are present in the Lending Requests Subject Area).
Use Case:
It is not possible to write reports at the item level to determine what items our users are borrowing from other locations.
In particular, without the Call Number there is no way to assess what the gaps are in our LC Call Number ranges.
This is also a huge problem for consortia who have no way of knowing what items are being borrowed between campuses.
To get the information they literally have to ask another campus to run a lending report and send it to them.
This is not an effective way to get necessary analytics.
status: in process
priority: high
subject area: borrowing requests; fulfillment; resource sharing
Ex Libris Response:
Location and the Physical Item Details cannot be brought from another institution to an unrelated institution.
It is possible that this information can be provided for institutions in a Network Zone.
Ex Libris will look into adding the call number which appears in the borrowing request form for books to the borrowing request details folder in the Borrowing Requests SA.
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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