Community Zone Monograph Records Enrichment
Brief monograph records in the Alma Community Zone Central KnowledgeBase (CKB) are regularly enriched by Ex Libris using MARC records from several different providers. The schedule of monograph enrichment varies, depending on the availability of new eBook provider records.
Community Zone records enriched by provider MARC data are Provider neutral, and potentially comprised of information from a variety of provider sources - that is, they can be merged together (for more information, see Alma Community Catalog: Cataloging Standards, Policies, Rights, and Responsibilities).
For detailed information about serials enrichment using CONSER records, please see Community Zone Serial Records Enrichment.
Review & Agreements for Enrichment
Ex Libris’ legal team reviews each potential provider MARC record set separately for enrichment and inclusion in the Community Zone. Because MARC records are an integral part of vendors’ business models, and Community Zone records are open to use and editing by members of the Alma community, this review is necessary before the addition of any new provider MARC records to the Community Zone.
In many cases, Ex Libris will also need to sign agreements with providers regarding records to be loaded into the Community Catalog.
Please note that this legal review, including intellectual property issues, must be done even if a provider’s MARC records are freely available for personal or library institutional use on a provider’s website. If you are a provider who contracts a third party to create MARC records, it is important to review the details of those contracts, to confirm that you have the rights to redistribute those records to another party.
Identifying provider records in the Community Zone
When reviewing Community Zone records, you can see the latest source of provider MARC record enrichment in the Originating system. (Please note that this is the latest source; as noted earlier, some records will also potentially have information from multiple provider sources.)
For example, this record was last enriched using a ProQuest Ebook Central MARC21 record:
The following is a list of provider MARC record sources in the Community Zone, with their associated Originating system, if available. We will continue updating this table to add additional Originating systems, and new provider record sources in the future.
Most recent updates:
Update October 2024: Added Kohlhammer and Cyberlibris record sets
Update September 2024: Added Editions ENI records
Provider record source
Originating system
i.e., latest record source
Expected Update Frequency Provider dependent
360 KB | 360KB | Original records from the 360 KB Catalogers | When available |
A-R Editions | A-R_EDITIONS | Quarterly | |
ACLS Humanities E-Book | ACLS | When available | |
Adam Matthew Digital | AM | When available | |
AIP Publishing | AIP | No new updates are available | |
Alexander Street Press | ASP | Monthly | |
Allvit | ALLVIT | No new updates are available for electronic records | |
American Mathematical Society | RPAM | When available | |
American Chemical Society | ACS | When available | |
American Society Of Civil Engineers ASCE | ASCE | When available | |
Bloomsbury | BLOOMSBURY | Monthly | |
Brill | BRILL | Monthly | |
When available |
Cambridge University Press
Monthly |
Canada Commons | CANADA | When available | |
Casalini Libri
To find Casalini records, search for:
Originating System->CKB AND Other System Number->IfFiC
One-time load |
Credo Reference | CREDO | When available | |
CRKN (Canadian Research Knowledge Network) | CRKN | When available | |
Cyberlibris / Scholarvox | CYBERLIBRIS | Monthly | |
Dalloz Bibliothèque | DALLOZ | Every two months | |
Duke University Press
When available |
Digitalia | DIGITALIA | Quarterly | |
Digital Theatre Plus | DIGITHEATRE | Monthly | |
De Gruyter | DE_GRUYTER | Monthly | |
Docuseek | DOCUSEEK | When available | |
Early English Books Online | EEBO | When available | |
Early European Books | EEB | When available | |
Ebook Central
When available (daily or weekly) |
Editions ENI | ENI | Monthly | |
Editorial Médica Panamericana | ES-EdMePa | When available | |
Edward Elgar Publishing
Monthly |
eLibro | ELIBRO | ||
Emerald | EMERALD | Bimonthly | |
EMS (European Mathematical Society) | EMS | When available | |
Exact Editions | EXACT_ED | When available | |
Gale | GALE |
Ebooks: monthly Primary sources: as available |
Harvard University Press
Twice yearly per provider |
Henry Stewart Talks | HST | ||
When available |
iG Publishing | iG | Monthly | |
Intelex | INTELEX | ||
IOP Publishing
Monthly |
Karger | KARGER | ||
Kluwer Health | LWW | Quarterly | |
Kohlhammer eLibrary | Kohlhammer | Monthly | |
Kotar | KOTAR | Weekly | |
Knowledge Unlatched | KU | Monthly | |
Library of Congress | LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS | ||
Liverpool University Press | LIVERPOOL | Monthly | |
Maruzen | MARUZEN | When available | |
McGraw Hill | MCGHED | When available | |
Microform Academic Publishers | BOA | One-time load | |
MIT Press | MIT | Approx. Biannually | |
Morgan & Claypool | MORGAN | When available | |
Movie Discovery | MOVDIS | Weekly | |
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) | NBER | ||
To find OECD records, search for:
Originating System->CKB AND Other System Number-> FR-PaOEC
When available |
OpenEdition | FrMaCLE | Weekly | |
Open Textbook Library | OTL | Monthly | |
O'Reilly | OREILLY | Enrichments loaded prior to 2023 are under Originating System: SAFARI | Monthly |
Oxford University Press
Monthly |
Preselect | PRESELECT | ||
Project MUSE
Weekly |
ProQuest History (History Vault, Acta Sanctorum, Patrologia Latina, etc.) | PROQUEST | When available | |
ProQuest Literature | PQLIT | Twice yearly per provider | |
Psik | PSIK | Weekly | | | PSYCH | When available | |
SAE Mobilus | SAE | When available | |
SAGE Publishing
When available |
When available |
SPIE | SPIE | When available | |
Springer Nature
Monthly |
Taylor & Francis | TAYLORFRANCIS | When available | |
Thieme | THIEME | When available | |
University of Michigan Press | UMP | Monthly | |
UTB | UTB | When available | |
World Scientific | WSPC | Monthly or Quarterly | |
Yale University Press | YALE | Monthly |
Article last edited: 16-January-2025