360 Link Resolver Activation Report
Ex Libris migrates 360LR tracked resources and databases automatically, based on the Tracked Resources and Database Details reports exported from 360/Intota. Post migration, a report is provided which contain databases and/or resources which require your attention post-load.
The purpose of this section is to explain what the customer sees in the 360Link Resolver Activation Report, and to provide information on how the information can be used.
Migration Scope and Feedback
This report is generated based on the Database Details Report and the Tracked Resources Report from 360/Intota. Databases from 360 are matched to Alma e-collections using a match routine jointly developed by the 360 and Alma KB teams.
Local and Hidden 360 databases are not matched to any Alma e-collection and must be added to Alma manually.
Titles in Selective e-collections where there is no identifier for the title are not loaded. It is not possible to load titles without an identifer – title match is not specific enough. The Selective e-collection itself is activated, but titles without identifiers for the Selective e-collection will not be present in Alma and must be added manually. See the “Selective Titles without ID” section below.
Customers are welcome to provide feedback on the matching process as part of the normal test load feedback process.
Statistics Tab
The following statistics are provided on the first tab of the spreadsheet.
Statistic | Description |
1. Total databases from 360 | The total number of databases from 360, from the Database Details report. |
1.1. Total matched databases | The number of databases from 360 which matched an e-Collection in Alma. To see these matches, see the ‘360 DB to Alma E-Collection’ tab. |
1.2. Total non-matched databases | The number of databases from 360 which did not find a matched e-Collection in Alma. To see this list, go to the 360 DB to Alma E-collection tab, and filter for Alma E-colleciton = 'NA' |
1.3. Total CZ matched databases | Databases from 360 which found a match in the Alma KB (CZ). |
1.4. Total CZ non-matched databases | Databases from 360 which were not mapped to an e-collection in the Alma KB (CZ). A breakdown of the types of non-matches follows in 1.4.x |
1.4.1. Missed Matches | The migration attempted to activate a matched database, but some technical error occurred in the activation. These are reported to the KB mapping team automatically. |
1.4.2. Gap Databases | The KB mapping team has not yet identified a matched Alma e-collection for this 360 DB. |
1.4.3. Hidden Databases | These databases are deprecated by the 360 KB team, and are not migrated to Alma. See https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/360_KB/Knowledge_Articles/360KB_Hidden_Databases. |
1.4.4. Local Databases | These databases were created locally in 360 and cannot be transferred to Alma. These must be re-created in Alma. Either find a suitable database in the Alma KB and activate it, or re-create locally again. |
2. Total individual titles from 360 | The total number of individual titles that were exported in the Tracked Resources report from 360Link. These include titles from all databases, both Activate All and Selective. |
2.1. Titles belonging to a non-matched DB | All titles associated with a 360 database where a match was not found. This number likely contains both ActivateAll and Selective databases. |
2.1.1. Titles from non-matched selective DB without identifier | To read a description of this group of titles, see the “Titles from non-matched selective DB without identifier” section below. |
2.2. Titles belonging to a matched DB/e-collection | All titles associated with a 360 DB where a matched Alma e-collection was found. All of these titles were activated in Alma except those in a Selective database where the title had no identifier (see below). |
2.2.1. Titles belonging to a matched ActivateAll DB/e-collection | All titles associated with an Activate All 360DB where a matched Alma e-collection was found. Some of these titles may not have identifiers, but it does not matter because the e-collection was activated in entirety and individual title identifiers are not necessary. |
2.2.2. Titles belonging to a matched Selective DB/e-collection | All titles associated with a Selective 360DB where a matched Alma e-collection was found. Identifiers (ISSN/ISBN) are necessary for the migration programs to be able to activate the individual titles in a Selective e-collection. | Titles from matched selective db, with identifier | The migration programs are able to load this group of titles for matched selective databases, since the migration programs have an identifier to use for matching individual titles. | from matched selective db, without Identifier | The migration programs are not able to load these titles to Alma due to the lack of identifier. See the “Matched Selective Titles without Identifier” section below. |
Titles for Non-Matched Selective DB Without an Identifier
Titles in this category are from selective 360 databases for which an Alma e-collection match was not found. Eventually the matching algorithm will be updated so that this database does find an Alma e-collection match. When the Alma e-collection is found, the migration programs will be able load the individual titles – except that they will still not be able to load the individual titles where there is no identifier.
You may want to evaluate these titles in a similar way that you are evaluating the “Selective Titles without ID” group below, so that when a match is found you will have a better idea about how you will handle them in Alma.
In order to find these titles, see the description in the “Titles for unmatched collection” tab, below, and filter for titles that do not have any identifier such as ISBN or ISSN.
360 DB to Alma E-Collection
This tab contains the original 360 databases and their matched Alma e-collection, if a match was found.
If a matched Alma e-collection was not found, then the Alma e-collection column contains NA. Databases in this category should be activated manually in Alma. Customers may provide feedback to Ex Libris on which e-collection in Alma is the match for these NA databases.
The Activate? column contains the selective or activate all status based on information coming from the 360 or Intota Database Details report. The options are:
- Y = Activate all
- BY_TITLE = Selective activation
The two columns at the end, “Number of titles in the database” and “Number of titles without an identifier” are present for informational purposes.
Titles from unmatched databases are listed in the tab Titles for unmatched collection. Titles from matched databases are not listed on this report.
Titles in the Number of unmatchable titles without identifier column are listed only for matched databases, and can be found on the Selective titles without ID tab.
Matched Selective Titles Without an Identifier
When the migration programs activate an Activate All e-collection, no title information is needed. However, when a Selective e-collection is activated, information on the individual selected titles is needed. In order to do this individual title activation, an exact identifier (ISSN or ISBN) is needed. The migration programs do not attempt to match on individual title strings. Some titles do not have identifiers by design. The most common reason is that they were published before identifiers were used. Since it is not possible for Ex Libris to activate these individual titles, they must be handled in a different way. The options are:
- Activate the entire e-collection in Alma, and then go through and clear the titles you do not own
- Activate the titles in the e-collection manually
Titles for Unmatched Collection
All of the titles listed in this tab are titles from 360 databases that did not find a matched Alma e-collection. The titles are from all unmatched databases/e-collections - both Selective and Activate All.
Unmatched collections consist of:
- Hidden databases - Ex Libris does not find matches for these since they are no longer supported by the 360 KB. https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/360_KB/Knowledge_Articles/360KB_Hidden_Databases
- Local databases - Ex Libris does not find matches for these since they are not linked to a 360 KB entry and therefore cannot be transferred to an Alma KB entry.
- Missed Matches - These should be reported to Ex Libris. Mapping was attempted, but failed for some reason.
- Gap - These should be reported to Ex Libris. The mapping team has not yet found a suitable match for these databases.
This tab is provided for two reasons:
- To evaluate the non-matched databases and provide feedback for the matching algorithm if desired.
- To evaluate the titles from selective databases where there is no identifier. See Titles from Non-Matched Selective DB Without an Identifier.