How can UNIMARC control fields be edited?
Alma as a multi-format library solution supports UNIMARC form editing for 1XX fields for ease of use by cataloging staff.
Similar to the MARC 21 form in the MD Editor for editing the LDR, 008 etc. control fields, form editing capability is available for the following UNIMARC control fields. See below for some form examples:
Similar to the MARC 21 form in the MD Editor for editing the LDR, 008 etc. control fields, form editing capability is available for the following UNIMARC control fields. See below for some form examples:

Does Alma support UNIMARC authority records?
As a multi-format library solution, Alma supports the use of UNIMARC authority records for the purpose of authority control.
Alma alos provides the capability for managing UNIMARC local authority records. From the Metadata Configuration List page, you can create your own UNIMARC authority profile for managing local authorities.
In addition, you can create authority record import profiles designed to import UNIMARC records.
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