360 KB: Al Manhal ebook collection databases from Al Manhal: Title Count -- June 2016
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to Al Manhal ebook collection databases from the provider Al Manhal?
The title count in Al Manhal ebook databases from the provider Al Manhal may not match what the provider has listed on its website. Currently there are some titles without collection categories that cannot be placed within any of the Al Manhal databases. We will update these databases as soon as we receive updated title lists from the provider.
Meanwhile, all Al Manhal ebook titles can be found in database Al Manhal eBook Collection, database code 4L~.
This will affect the following databases:
Al Manhal Business and Economics Collection, database code ~7-
Al Manhal Educational Science Collection, database code ~7.
Al Manhal History, Geography & Biography Collection, database code ~7~
Al Manhal Islam and Other Disciplines Collection, database code ~70
Al Manhal Islamic Jurisprudence Collection, database code ~72
Al Manhal Islamic Studies Collection, database code ~71
Al Manhal Language & Literature Collection, database code ~7D
Al Manhal Law Collection, database code ~7E
Al Manhal Political Science & International Relations Collection, database code ~7F
Al Manhal Social Sciences Collection, database code ~7G
Al Manhal Specialized Islamic Sciences Collection, database code ~7H
- Date Created: 16-Jun-2016
- Last Edited Date: 20-Jun-2016
- Old Article Number: 13947