360 KB: EBSCO LYRASIS (NetLIbrary) Shared Collection of eBooks: Migration Information
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening with the LYRASIS NetLibrary Shared Collection of eBooks?
The LYRASIS [NetLibrary] Shared Collection of eBooks moved platforms from NetLibrary to EBSCOhost.
Because we have received questions about what is happening with metadata and URLs, we asked EBSCO about this move and wanted to share the results with you:
Serials Solutions: Will the new collection have a homepage on EBSCO, or will there be a direct URL for each collection?
EBSCO: No. Going forward, however, there will continue be direct URLs for each title in the collection.
Serials Solutions: Are there plans to update the URLs or metadata in the old collections?
EBSCO: No. Collections 1-9 should continue to redirect to EBSCO automatically.
If you have further questions about this, please visit the LYRASIS NetLibrary Shared Collection of eBooks homepage or contact us using the Contact Us menu near the top of this page.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 20-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8373