360 KB: Ebrary Government Complete Subscription Collection: Database will be retired -- March 2014
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to the Ebrary Government Complete Subscription Collection database?
The ProQuest Provider Content Team has discovered that the Ebrary Government Complete Subscription Collection database (database code HF4) contains the same content as the Ebrary Academic Complete Subscription Collection (database code IVK.) Therefore, in order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on the 360 KB Summary of Provider and Database Changes), the Ebrary Government Complete Subscription Collection database will be 360 KB: Hidden Databases in the 360 KB knowledgebase on March 12, 2014 and will no longer be updated after this date.
We will likely remove all titles from database HF4 at a later date. Therefore, we encourage all current subscribers to database HF4 to instead subscribe to database IVK, since the content is the same for these databases and database IVK continues to be supported by ebrary.
This change will take effect on March 12:
Before March 12: Ebrary Government Complete Subscription Collection (database code HF4)
After March 12: Ebrary Academic Complete Subscription Collection (database code IVK)
Actions you may need to take:
- If you are a 360 Resource Manager or 360 Counter client, you may need to 360 Services: 360 KB Database Migration Procedures before March 12th.
- Date Created: 24-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 24-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 10480