360 KB: Gale Digital Collections MARC records
- Product: 360 KB
What MARC records are available for Gale Digital Collections?
1) Gale offers a premium record service for Gale Digital Collections. These records are available for purchase from Gale. Please contact your Gale Digital Archive Sales Representative or call 1-800-877-4253. Gale provides high quality MARC records that include title level URLs, LC subject headings, publication descriptions, alternate titles when applicable, dates of publication for serials, controlled vocabulary, and information about the source of the record. Serials Solution 360 MARC clients will receive only brief records for the Gale Digital Collections. These brief records will not contain title level URLs. At this time the only way to receive full records for the Gale Digital Collections is through the Gale Digital Collections MARC record service.
2) For collections other than Gale Digital Collections, full records sourced from Library of Congress and other sources are provided through Serials Solutions 360 MARC Update service when available. Serials Solutions partners with Gale to provide Gale's free periodical MARC records which are available as part of 360 MARC Update service or through the Gale Admin site if the client is not a 360 MARC Update service client.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8401