360 KB: Grand Robert de la langue francaise Provider Change -- July 2011
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to the Grand Robert de la langue francaise database?
The "Grand Robert de la langue francaise" database is no longer provided by the Center for Research Libraries. On July 11, 2011, in order to update our metadata for this database, we will change the name of the provider from the Center for Research Libraries to the correct provider: Dictionnaires Le Robert. The content of the database will remain the same.
If your library uses a third-party ERM service (such as SFX, EBSCO A-Z, etc.), custom scripts to manage data, or other non-Serials Solutions tools that require the database name to function, you should note the change in Serials Solutions' database name before July 11 in order to retain the proper relationship/mapping between those tools.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8420