360 KB: Nexis Uni from LexisNexis: Title-Level URL Problem -- April, 2018
What is happening to the URL linking syntax of database Nexis Uni?
Update April 27, 2018: According to LexisNexis, the "Search Data Missing" error have been resolved
The provider has informed us that Nexis Uni (database code NXXTH) is experiencing linking issues with URL API. Therefore, title level or article level links may result in "Search Data Missing" error.
LexisNexis indicated that this issue is expected to be resolved by the week of April 30, 2018.
In the meantime, you can still access the contents in Nexis Uni by clicking on the "Go to My Start Page" button located on the error page. It will link you to the search page.
- Article last edited: 25-APR-2018