360 KB: Policy Regarding Title Splits
- Product: 360 KB
When does a title change become a title split in our authority data?
In the Knowledgebase we follow the title split rules as determined by the records in the CONSER database when those records are available. We follow CONSER practice for title splits, and we express ISSN data as accurately as possible according to CONSER rules.
CONSER is the serials cataloging cooperative of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging at the Library of Congress. CONSER practice currently follows the rules governing major and minor title splits as stated in RDA and
Rules governing title splits have evolved and older CONSER records may have been created under a different set of rules than the rules currently in RDA (Resource Description and Access). Once a decision on a title change has been made by CONSER, it is very unlikely that it can be reversed.
- Date Created: 7-Nov-2014
- Last Edited Date: 7-Nov-2014
- Old Article Number: 11562