360 KB: Titles will be removed from the Sdu Uitgevers databases per provider's decision
360 KB: Titles will be removed from the Sdu Uitgevers databases per provider's decision later in Q3 2022
All titles will be removed from the following SDU Uitgevers databases:
- Aanbestedingsproces.nl (dbid 87P)
- Belastingzaken (dbid 966)
- ESB Economisch Statistische Berichten (dbid -X.)
- European Employment Law Cases (dbid 9VM)
- Nederlandse Documentatie Fiscaal Recht (dbid 3RH)
- Omgeving in de praktijk (dbid E16)
- Sdu HSE (dbdid 87Q)
- Sdu Jurisprudentie (dbid 949)
This change is happening due to the decision made by the provider. We discussed a possibility of getting the up-to-date title lists for their collections in our knowledgebase in a meeting on June 7th, 2022 . Provider has mentioned that for them this is a very complicated and time-consuming process and that while they agree that we keep these collections on our knowledgebase as databases, they ask to direct the mutual customers for any title-specific question directly to the provider's site - informatie@sdu.nl and/or Salessupport@sdu.nl
- Article last edited: 20-Jul-2022