360 KB: eLibrary databases from ProQuest: Database Migration and URL changes -- December 2017
What is happening to the eLibrary databases?
ProQuest is currently in the process of upgrading eLibrary databases. For more information on this upgrade from the ProQuest Support Center, please see this resource.
What this means for the Knowledgebase:
Title-level URL changes
We will be changing the title-level linking syntax in the Knowledgebase for the eLibrary database (DBID: BEC) to the ProQuest platform. A number of titles in the eLibrary Curriculum (DBID: BCU) database will also be changing to the ProQuest platform. These databases will also be updated to reflect the content on the new platform.
This URL change and update is also estimated to take effect on December 14:
- Before Dec. 14: http://elibrary.bigchalk.com
- After Dec. 14: https://search.proquest.com
Note: the above is in regards to the title-level URL syntax change in our KB only. The eLibrary product-level URL after December 2017 is: https://explore.proquest.com
Action you need to take:
- Make sure that either https://search.proquest.com or *search.proquest.com is included in your proxy configuration before December 14.
Database Migrations
Several regional eLibrary products will be transitioned to a new eLibrary on December 14. In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on the Knowledgebase collection policy), the old eLibrary databases will be hidden in the Knowledgebase on December 14.
The following is a mapping table for this migration. Please keep in mind that, while this table maps the most common database replacements for eLibrary customers, it is possible that your library might have a different subscription set from ProQuest. If you have questions about which database you should subscribe to, please contact ProQuest Technical Support at http://support.proquest.com/proquest/apex/contactussubmitcase?l=en_&p=ProQuest%20Academic.
Old DBID |
Old DBID |
New DB Name |
New DBID |
eLibrary |
eLibrary |
eLibrary Australasia |
eLibrary |
eLibrary Canada |
eLibrary |
eLibrary Canada Curriculum Edition |
eLibrary Curriculum |
eLibrary Canada Elementary |
SIRS Discoverer |
eLibrary Curriculum |
eLibrary Curriculum |
eLibrary Elementary |
SIRS Discoverer |
eLibrary Science |
STEM Database |
8AF |
eLibrary Select |
eLibrary |
Action you need to take:
- Update the holdings in your Intota or Client Center profile by subscribing to the new database instead of the old database. For information on how to update your profile, and considerations prior to removing the old database from your profile:
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds direct URLs or database specific information to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your MARC records after December 14.
- Article last edited: 05-Dec-2017