360 KB: Springer journals and e-books databases from provider Springer-Verlag: Title-Level Linking change to Secure Protocol (HTTPS) -- effective Feb. 2017
What is happening to the URL linking syntax of Springer journals and e-books databases?
The provider Springer-Verlag has changed the title-level linking to HTTP secure (HTTPS) for all Springer databases.
Here is the information from the provider:
"In order to improve you and your users SpringerLink experience, we are currently taking steps to transition the SpringerLink platform from the HTTP protocol to the HTTPS protocol.
By transitioning to an HTTPS protocol we can provide SpringerLink users with a more secure web browsing experience. Currently, SpringerLink is available through the HTTPS protocol if a user manually enters https://link.springer.com into their browser address bar. Otherwise, it will run on the HTTP protocol. Once the transition is complete, any request for SpringerLink will direct users to the HTTPS version of the site. This transition will start for users of Google’s Chrome browser as of Friday, February 24."
Therefore, we will be gradually changing the the title-level linking HTTP to HTTPS in the Knowledgebase from February through March, 2017. The content of all Springer databases will remain the same.
This change will take effect starting February 2017 through March 10, 2017::
- Before February 2017-March 10, 2017: http://link.springer.com
- After February 2017-March 10, 2017: https://link.springer.com
Actions you may need to take:
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds direct URLs to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your next MARC records.
- Make sure that https is included in your proxy configuration.
- Article last edited: 10-Feb-2017