Updates for JSTOR book subject collections are no longer available in 360 KB
As of September 2021, JSTOR no longer sells its book subjects collection. As a result, we will no longer be able to update them. Instead, you can find all JSTOR book content in the JSTOR EBooks collection, DBID:~I6
In addition, we have decided to keep the JSTOR book subject collections for perpetual access, and the links will continue to work.
This change affects the following JSTOR collections in 360 KB:
Collection Name DBID
JSTOR ebooks Archaeology O-6
JSTOR ebooks Business & Economics E80
JSTOR eBooks Education O.1
JSTOR eBooks Film Studies E9-
JSTOR eBooks History E9.
JSTOR eBooks Language & Literature E8.
JSTOR eBooks Music ACKWK
JSTOR eBooks Philosophy E90
JSTOR eBooks Political Science E9~
JSTOR eBooks Religion EA-
JSTOR eBooks Sociology EA~
JSTOR eBooks Spanish-Language Collection ESUIS
JSTOR eBooks Sustainability O-1